astrobase.cpserver.checkplotserver module

checkplotserver is a Tornado web-server for visualizing the information stored in checkplot pickles, editing them, and exporting information to a variable star classification pipeline.

This is the main module used to launch the server.


This launches the server. The current script args are shown below:

Usage: checkplotserver [OPTIONS]


  --help                           show this help information
  --assetpath                      Sets the asset (server images, css, js, DB)
                                   path for checkplotserver.
                                   (default <astrobase install dir>
  --baseurl                        Set the base URL of the checkplotserver.
                                   This is useful when you're running
                                   checkplotserver on a remote machine and are
                                   reverse-proxying more than one instances of
                                   it so you can access them using HTTP from
                                   outside on different base URLs like
                                   /cpserver1/, /cpserver2/, etc. If this is
                                   set, all URLs will take the form
                                   [baseurl]/..., instead of /... (default /)
  --checkplotlist                  The path to the checkplot-filelist.json file
                                   listing checkplots to load and serve. If
                                   this is not provided, checkplotserver will
                                   look for a checkplot-pickle-flist.json in
                                   the directory that it was started in
  --debugmode                      start up in debug mode if set to 1. (default
  --maxprocs                       Number of background processes to use for
                                   saving/loading checkplot files and running
                                   light curves tools (default 2)
  --port                           Run on the given port. (default 5225)
  --readonly                       Run the server in readonly mode. This is
                                   useful for a public-facing instance of
                                   checkplotserver where you just want to allow
                                   collaborators to review objects but not edit
                                   them. (default False)
  --serve                          Bind to given address and serve content.
  --sharedsecret                   a file containing a cryptographically secure
                                   string that is used to authenticate requests
                                   that come into the special standalone mode.
  --standalone                     This starts the server in standalone mode.
                                   (default 0)