Source code for astrobase.cpserver.checkplotserver

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Nov 2016

'''`checkplotserver` is a Tornado web-server for visualizing the information
stored in checkplot pickles, editing them, and exporting information to a
variable star classification pipeline.

This is the main module used to launch the server.



import os
import os.path
import signal
import logging
import json
import time
import sys
import socket
import stat

# this handles async updates of the checkplot pickles so the UI remains
# responsive
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

# setup signal trapping on SIGINT
def _recv_sigint(signum, stack):
    handler function to receive and process a SIGINT

    raise KeyboardInterrupt


# significant speedup if uvloop is available
    import asyncio
    import uvloop
except Exception:

import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.httpserver
import tornado.web
import tornado.options
from tornado.options import define, options


from . import checkplotserver_handlers as basehandlers
from . import checkplotserver_cphandlers as cphandlers
from . import checkplotserver_toolhandlers as toolhandlers
from . import checkplotserver_standalone as standalone


modpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# define our commandline options
       help='Run on the given port.',
       help='Bind to given address and serve content.',
       help=('Sets the asset (server images, css, js, DB) path for '
       help=('The path to the checkplot-filelist.json file '
             'listing checkplots to load and serve. If this is not provided, '
             'checkplotserver will look for a '
             'checkplot-pickle-flist.json in the directory '
             'that it was started in'),
       help='start up in debug mode if set to 1.',
       help=('Number of background processes to use '
             'for saving/loading checkplot files and '
             'running light curves tools'),
       help=("Run the server in readonly mode. This is useful for a "
             "public-facing instance of checkplotserver where you just "
             "want to allow collaborators to "
             "review objects but not edit them."),
       help=("Set the base URL of the checkplotserver. "
             "This is useful when you're running checkplotserver "
             "on a remote machine and are reverse-proxying more than one "
             "instances of it so you can access them "
             "using HTTP from outside on different base URLs "
             "like /cpserver1/, /cpserver2/, etc. "
             "If this is set, all URLs will take the form [baseurl]/..., "
             "instead of /..."),

# special stand-alone mode
# this is used for checkplotserver is serving checkplots to another service via
# HTTP. two options are required below:
# --standalone=1
# --sharedsecret=/path/to/shared/secret/file
# the shared secret file contains a key that is required for any access via the
# standalone method. we do this because the standalone mode can open any file
# anywhere (being used for opening a checkplot pickle, serializing it to JSON,
# and sending it back to another process)
       help=("This starts the server in standalone mode."),
       help=("a file containing a cryptographically "
             "secure string that is used to authenticate "
             "requests that come into the special standalone mode."),

### MAIN ###

[docs]def main(): ''' This launches the server. The current script args are shown below:: Usage: checkplotserver [OPTIONS] Options: --help show this help information --assetpath Sets the asset (server images, css, js, DB) path for checkplotserver. (default <astrobase install dir> /astrobase/cpserver/cps-assets) --baseurl Set the base URL of the checkplotserver. This is useful when you're running checkplotserver on a remote machine and are reverse-proxying more than one instances of it so you can access them using HTTP from outside on different base URLs like /cpserver1/, /cpserver2/, etc. If this is set, all URLs will take the form [baseurl]/..., instead of /... (default /) --checkplotlist The path to the checkplot-filelist.json file listing checkplots to load and serve. If this is not provided, checkplotserver will look for a checkplot-pickle-flist.json in the directory that it was started in --debugmode start up in debug mode if set to 1. (default 0) --maxprocs Number of background processes to use for saving/loading checkplot files and running light curves tools (default 2) --port Run on the given port. (default 5225) --readonly Run the server in readonly mode. This is useful for a public-facing instance of checkplotserver where you just want to allow collaborators to review objects but not edit them. (default False) --serve Bind to given address and serve content. (default --sharedsecret a file containing a cryptographically secure string that is used to authenticate requests that come into the special standalone mode. --standalone This starts the server in standalone mode. (default 0) ''' # parse the command line tornado.options.parse_command_line() DEBUG = True if options.debugmode == 1 else False # get a logger LOGGER = logging.getLogger('checkplotserver') if DEBUG: LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO) ################### ## SET UP CONFIG ## ################### MAXPROCS = options.maxprocs ASSETPATH = options.assetpath BASEURL = options.baseurl ################################### ## PERSISTENT CHECKPLOT EXECUTOR ## ################################### EXECUTOR = ProcessPoolExecutor(MAXPROCS) ####################################### ## CHECK IF WE'RE IN STANDALONE MODE ## ####################################### if options.standalone: if ( (not options.sharedsecret) or (options.sharedsecret and not os.path.exists(options.sharedsecret)) ): LOGGER.error('Could not find a shared secret file to use in \n' 'standalone mode. Generate one using: \n\n' 'python3 -c "import secrets; ' 'print(secrets.token_urlsafe(32))" ' '> secret-key-file.txt\n\nSet user-only ro ' 'permissions on the generated file (chmod 400)') sys.exit(1) elif options.sharedsecret and os.path.exists(options.sharedsecret): # check if this file is readable/writeable by user only fileperm = oct(os.stat(options.sharedsecret)[stat.ST_MODE]) if fileperm == '0100400' or fileperm == '0o100400': with open(options.sharedsecret,'r') as infd: SHAREDSECRET ='\n') # this is the URLSpec for the standalone Handler standalonespec = ( r'/standalone', standalone.StandaloneHandler, {'executor':EXECUTOR, 'secret':SHAREDSECRET} ) else: LOGGER.error('permissions on the shared secret file ' 'should be 0100400') sys.exit(1) else: LOGGER.error('could not find the specified ' 'shared secret file: %s' % options.sharedsecret) sys.exit(1) # only one handler in standalone mode HANDLERS = [standalonespec] # if we're not in standalone mode, proceed normally else: if not BASEURL.endswith('/'): BASEURL = BASEURL + '/' READONLY = options.readonly if READONLY: LOGGER.warning('checkplotserver running in readonly mode.') # this is the directory was executed from. used to # figure out checkplot locations CURRENTDIR = os.getcwd() # if a checkplotlist is provided, then load it. NOTE: all paths in this # file are relative to the path of the checkplotlist file itself. cplistfile = options.checkplotlist # if the provided cplistfile is OK if cplistfile and os.path.exists(cplistfile): with open(cplistfile,'r') as infd: CHECKPLOTLIST = json.load(infd)'using provided checkplot list file: %s' % cplistfile) # if a cplist is provided, but doesn't exist elif cplistfile and not os.path.exists(cplistfile): helpmsg = ( "Couldn't find the file %s\n" "NOTE: To make a checkplot list file, " "try running the following command:\n" "python %s pkl " "/path/to/folder/where/the/checkplot.pkl.gz/files/are" % (cplistfile, os.path.join(modpath,'')) ) LOGGER.error(helpmsg) sys.exit(1) # finally, if no cplistfile is provided at all, search for a # checkplot-filelist.json in the current directory else: LOGGER.warning('No checkplot list file provided!\n' '(use --checkplotlist=... for this, ' 'or use --help to see all options)\n' 'looking for checkplot-filelist.json in the ' 'current directory %s ...' % CURRENTDIR) # this is for single checkplot lists if os.path.exists( os.path.join(CURRENTDIR,'checkplot-filelist.json') ): cplistfile = os.path.join(CURRENTDIR,'checkplot-filelist.json') with open(cplistfile,'r') as infd: CHECKPLOTLIST = json.load(infd)'using checkplot list file: %s' % cplistfile) # this is for chunked checkplot lists elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(CURRENTDIR, 'checkplot-filelist-00.json')): cplistfile = os.path.join(CURRENTDIR, 'checkplot-filelist-00.json') with open(cplistfile,'r') as infd: CHECKPLOTLIST = json.load(infd)'using checkplot list file: %s' % cplistfile) # if we can't find a checkplot list, bail out else: helpmsg = ( "No checkplot file list JSON found, " "can't continue without one.\n" "Did you make a checkplot list file? " "To make one, try running the following command:\n" "checkplotlist pkl " "/path/to/folder/where/the/checkplot.pkl.gz/files/are" ) LOGGER.error(helpmsg) sys.exit(1) ################################## ## URL HANDLERS FOR NORMAL MODE ## ################################## HANDLERS = [ # index page (r'{baseurl}'.format(baseurl=BASEURL), basehandlers.IndexHandler, {'currentdir':CURRENTDIR, 'assetpath':ASSETPATH, 'cplist':CHECKPLOTLIST, 'cplistfile':cplistfile, 'executor':EXECUTOR, 'readonly':READONLY, 'baseurl':BASEURL}), # loads and interacts with checkplot pickles (r'{baseurl}cp/?(.*)'.format(baseurl=BASEURL), cphandlers.CheckplotHandler, {'currentdir':CURRENTDIR, 'assetpath':ASSETPATH, 'cplist':CHECKPLOTLIST, 'cplistfile':cplistfile, 'executor':EXECUTOR, 'readonly':READONLY}), # loads and interacts with the current checkplot list JSON file (r'{baseurl}list'.format(baseurl=BASEURL), cphandlers.CheckplotListHandler, {'currentdir':CURRENTDIR, 'assetpath':ASSETPATH, 'cplist':CHECKPLOTLIST, 'cplistfile':cplistfile, 'executor':EXECUTOR, 'readonly':READONLY}), # light curve variability and period-finding tool endpoints (r'{baseurl}tools/?(.*)'.format(baseurl=BASEURL), toolhandlers.LCToolHandler, {'currentdir':CURRENTDIR, 'assetpath':ASSETPATH, 'cplist':CHECKPLOTLIST, 'cplistfile':cplistfile, 'executor':EXECUTOR, 'readonly':READONLY}), # download any file in the current base directory, mostly used for # downloading checkplot pickles and updated checkplot list JSONs (r'{baseurl}download/(.*)'.format(baseurl=BASEURL), tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': CURRENTDIR}) ] ####################### ## APPLICATION SETUP ## ####################### app = tornado.web.Application( handlers=HANDLERS, static_path=ASSETPATH, template_path=ASSETPATH, static_url_prefix='{baseurl}static/'.format(baseurl=BASEURL), compress_response=True, debug=DEBUG, ) # start up the HTTP server and our application. xheaders = True turns on # X-Forwarded-For support so we can see the remote IP in the logs http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app, xheaders=True) ###################### ## start the server ## ###################### # make sure the port we're going to listen on is ok # inspired by how Jupyter notebook does this portok = False serverport = options.port maxtrys = 5 thistry = 0 while not portok and thistry < maxtrys: try: http_server.listen(serverport, options.serve) portok = True except socket.error: LOGGER.warning('%s:%s is already in use, trying port %s' % (options.serve, serverport, serverport + 1)) serverport = serverport + 1 if not portok: LOGGER.error('could not find a free port after 5 tries, giving up') sys.exit(1)'started checkplotserver. listening on http://%s:%s%s' % (options.serve, serverport, BASEURL)) # register the signal callbacks signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,_recv_sigint) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM,_recv_sigint) # start the IOLoop and begin serving requests try: tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() except KeyboardInterrupt:'received Ctrl-C: shutting down...') tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop() # close down the processpool EXECUTOR.shutdown() time.sleep(3)
# run the server if __name__ == '__main__': main()