astrobase.periodbase.macf module

This contains the ACF period-finding algorithm from McQuillan+ 2013a and McQuillan+ 2014.

astrobase.periodbase.macf.plot_acf_results(acfp, outfile, maxlags=5000, yrange=(-0.4, 0.4))[source]

This plots the unsmoothed/smoothed ACF vs lag.

  • acfp (dict) – This is the dict returned from macf_period_find below.
  • outfile (str) – The output file the plot will be written to.
  • maxlags (int) – The maximum number of lags to include in the plot.
  • yrange (sequence of two floats) – The y-range of the ACF vs. lag plot to use.
astrobase.periodbase.macf.macf_period_find(times, mags, errs, fillgaps=0.0, filterwindow=11, forcetimebin=None, maxlags=None, maxacfpeaks=10, smoothacf=21, smoothfunc=<function _smooth_acf_savgol>, smoothfunckwargs=None, magsarefluxes=False, sigclip=3.0, verbose=True, periodepsilon=0.1, nworkers=None, startp=None, endp=None, autofreq=None, stepsize=None)[source]

This finds periods using the McQuillan+ (2013a, 2014) ACF method.

The kwargs from periodepsilon to stepsize don’t do anything but are used to present a consistent API for all periodbase period-finders to an outside driver (e.g. the one in the checkplotserver).

  • times,mags,errs (np.array) – The input magnitude/flux time-series to run the period-finding for.
  • fillgaps ('noiselevel' or float) – This sets what to use to fill in gaps in the time series. If this is ‘noiselevel’, will smooth the light curve using a point window size of filterwindow (this should be an odd integer), subtract the smoothed LC from the actual LC and estimate the RMS. This RMS will be used to fill in the gaps. Other useful values here are 0.0, and npnan.
  • filterwindow (int) – The light curve’s smoothing filter window size to use if fillgaps=’noiselevel’.
  • forcetimebin (None or float) – This is used to force a particular cadence in the light curve other than the automatically determined cadence. This effectively rebins the light curve to this cadence. This should be in the same time units as times.
  • maxlags (None or int) – This is the maximum number of lags to calculate. If None, will calculate all lags.
  • maxacfpeaks (int) – This is the maximum number of ACF peaks to use when finding the highest peak and obtaining a fit period.
  • smoothacf (int) –

    This is the number of points to use as the window size when smoothing the ACF with the smoothfunc. This should be an odd integer value. If this is None, will not smooth the ACF, but this will probably lead to finding spurious peaks in a generally noisy ACF.

    For Kepler, a value between 21 and 51 seems to work fine. For ground based data, much larger values may be necessary: between 1001 and 2001 seem to work best for the HAT surveys. This is dependent on cadence, RMS of the light curve, the periods of the objects you’re looking for, and finally, any correlated noise in the light curve. Make a plot of the smoothed/unsmoothed ACF vs. lag using the result dict of this function and the plot_acf_results function above to see the identified ACF peaks and what kind of smoothing might be needed.

    The value of smoothacf will also be used to figure out the interval to use when searching for local peaks in the ACF: this interval is 1/2 of the smoothacf value.

  • smoothfunc (Python function) – This is the function that will be used to smooth the ACF. This should take at least one kwarg: ‘windowsize’. Other kwargs can be passed in using a dict provided in smoothfunckwargs. By default, this uses a Savitsky-Golay filter, a Gaussian filter is also provided but not used. Another good option would be an actual low-pass filter (generated using scipy.signal?) to remove all high frequency noise from the ACF.
  • smoothfunckwargs (dict or None) – The dict of optional kwargs to pass in to the smoothfunc.
  • magsarefluxes (bool) – If your input measurements in mags are actually fluxes instead of mags, set this is True.
  • sigclip (float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None) –

    If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series.

    If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an ‘asymmetric’ sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, sigclip=[10., 3.], will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of “dimming” and “brightening” is set by physics (not the magnitude system), which is why the magsarefluxes kwarg must be correctly set.

    If sigclip is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output.

  • verbose (bool) – If True, will indicate progress and report errors.

Returns a dict with results. dict[‘bestperiod’] is the estimated best period and dict[‘fitperiodrms’] is its estimated error. Other interesting things in the output include:

  • dict[‘acfresults’]: all results from calculating the ACF. in particular, the unsmoothed ACF might be of interest: dict[‘acfresults’][‘acf’] and dict[‘acfresults’][‘lags’].
  • dict[‘lags’] and dict[‘acf’] contain the ACF after smoothing was applied.
  • dict[‘periods’] and dict[‘lspvals’] can be used to construct a pseudo-periodogram.
  • dict[‘naivebestperiod’] is obtained by multiplying the lag at the highest ACF peak with the cadence. This is usually close to the fit period (dict[‘fitbestperiod’]), which is calculated by doing a fit to the lags vs. peak index relation as in McQuillan+ 2014.

Return type:
