astrobase.gcputils module

This contains useful functions to set up Google Cloud Platform services for use with


This makes new GCE worker nodes.

Use preemptible instances and startup/shutdown scripts to emulate AWS spot fleet behavior and run stuff at cheaper prices.

TODO: finish this


This deletes GCE worker nodes.

TODO: finish this

astrobase.gcputils.gcs_get_file(bucketname, filename, local_file, altexts=None, client=None, service_account_json=None, raiseonfail=False)[source]

This gets a single file from a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

  • bucketname (str) – The name of the GCS bucket to download the file from.
  • filename (str) – The full name of the file to download, including all prefixes.
  • local_file (str) – Path to where the downloaded file will be stored.
  • altexts (None or list of str) – If not None, this is a list of alternate extensions to try for the file other than the one provided in filename. For example, to get anything that’s an .sqlite where .sqlite.gz is expected, use altexts=[‘’] to strip the .gz.
  • client ( instance) – The instance of the Client to use to perform the download operation. If this is None, a new Client will be used. If this is None and service_account_json points to a downloaded JSON file with GCS credentials, a new Client with the provided credentials will be used. If this is not None, the existing Client instance will be used.
  • service_account_json (str) – Path to a downloaded GCS credentials JSON file.
  • raiseonfail (bool) – If True, will re-raise whatever Exception caused the operation to fail and break out immediately.

Path to the downloaded filename or None if the download was unsuccessful.

Return type:


astrobase.gcputils.gcs_get_url(url, altexts=None, client=None, service_account_json=None, raiseonfail=False)[source]

This gets a single file from a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

This uses the gs:// URL instead of a bucket name and key.

  • url (str) – GCS URL to download. This should begin with ‘gs://’.
  • altexts (None or list of str) – If not None, this is a list of alternate extensions to try for the file other than the one provided in filename. For example, to get anything that’s an .sqlite where .sqlite.gz is expected, use altexts=[‘’] to strip the .gz.
  • client ( instance) – The instance of the Client to use to perform the download operation. If this is None, a new Client will be used. If this is None and service_account_json points to a downloaded JSON file with GCS credentials, a new Client with the provided credentials will be used. If this is not None, the existing Client instance will be used.
  • service_account_json (str) – Path to a downloaded GCS credentials JSON file.
  • raiseonfail (bool) – If True, will re-raise whatever Exception caused the operation to fail and break out immediately.

Path to the downloaded filename or None if the download was unsuccessful.

Return type:


astrobase.gcputils.gcs_put_file(local_file, bucketname, service_account_json=None, client=None, raiseonfail=False)[source]

This puts a single file into a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

  • local_file (str) – Path to the file to upload to GCS.
  • bucket (str) – The GCS bucket to upload the file to.
  • service_account_json (str) – Path to a downloaded GCS credentials JSON file.
  • client ( instance) – The instance of the Client to use to perform the download operation. If this is None, a new Client will be used. If this is None and service_account_json points to a downloaded JSON file with GCS credentials, a new Client with the provided credentials will be used. If this is not None, the existing Client instance will be used.
  • raiseonfail (bool) – If True, will re-raise whatever Exception caused the operation to fail and break out immediately.

If the file upload is successful, returns the gs:// URL of the uploaded file. If it failed, will return None.

Return type:

str or None


This creates a Google Pub/Sub topic.

TODO: finish this


This deletes a Google Pub/Sub topic.

TODO: finish this


This synchronously pulls a single message from a pubsub topic.

TODO: finish this


This publishes a JSON message to a topic.

TODO: finish this