astrobase.plotbase module

Contains various useful functions for plotting light curves and associated data.

astrobase.plotbase.plot_magseries(times, mags, magsarefluxes=False, errs=None, out=None, sigclip=30.0, normto='globalmedian', normmingap=4.0, timebin=None, yrange=None, segmentmingap=100.0, plotdpi=100)[source]

This plots a magnitude/flux time-series.

  • times,mags (np.array) – The mag/flux time-series to plot as a function of time.
  • magsarefluxes (bool) –

    Indicates if the input mags array is actually an array of flux measurements instead of magnitude measurements. If this is set to True, then the plot y-axis will be set as appropriate for mag or fluxes. In addition:

    • if normto is ‘zero’, then the median flux is divided from each observation’s flux value to yield normalized fluxes with 1.0 as the global median.
    • if normto is ‘globalmedian’, then the global median flux value across the entire time series is multiplied with each measurement.
    • if norm is set to a float, then this number is multiplied with the flux value for each measurement.
  • errs (np.array or None) – If this is provided, contains the measurement errors associated with each measurement of flux/mag in time-series. Providing this kwarg will add errbars to the output plot.
  • out (str or StringIO/BytesIO object or None) –

    Sets the output type and target:

    • If out is a string, will save the plot to the specified file name.
    • If out is a StringIO/BytesIO object, will save the plot to that file handle. This can be useful to carry out additional operations on the output binary stream, or convert it to base64 text for embedding in HTML pages.
    • If out is None, will save the plot to a file called ‘magseries-plot.png’ in the current working directory.
  • sigclip (float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None) –

    If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series.

    If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an ‘asymmetric’ sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, sigclip=[10., 3.], will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of “dimming” and “brightening” is set by physics (not the magnitude system), which is why the magsarefluxes kwarg must be correctly set.

    If sigclip is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output.

  • normto ({'globalmedian', 'zero'} or a float) –

    Sets the normalization target:

    'globalmedian' -> norms each mag to the global median of the LC column
    'zero'         -> norms each mag to zero
    a float        -> norms each mag to this specified float value.
  • normmingap (float) – This defines how much the difference between consecutive measurements is allowed to be to consider them as parts of different timegroups. By default it is set to 4.0 days.
  • timebin (float or None) – The bin size to use to group together measurements closer than this amount in time. This is in seconds. If this is None, no time-binning will be performed.
  • yrange (list of two floats or None) – This is used to provide a custom y-axis range to the plot. If None, will automatically determine y-axis range.
  • segmentmingap (float or None) – This controls the minimum length of time (in days) required to consider a timegroup in the light curve as a separate segment. This is useful when the light curve consists of measurements taken over several seasons, so there’s lots of dead space in the plot that can be cut out to zoom in on the interesting stuff. If segmentmingap is not None, the magseries plot will be cut in this way and the x-axis will show these breaks.
  • plotdpi (int) – Sets the resolution in DPI for PNG plots (default = 100).

Returns based on the input:

  • If out is a str or None, the path to the generated plot file is returned.
  • If out is a StringIO/BytesIO object, will return the StringIO/BytesIO object to which the plot was written.

Return type:

str or BytesIO/StringIO object

astrobase.plotbase.plot_phased_magseries(times, mags, period, epoch='min', fitknotfrac=0.01, errs=None, magsarefluxes=False, normto='globalmedian', normmingap=4.0, sigclip=30.0, phasewrap=True, phasesort=True, phasebin=None, plotphaselim=(-0.8, 0.8), yrange=None, xtimenotphase=False, xaxlabel='phase', yaxlabel=None, modelmags=None, modeltimes=None, modelerrs=None, outfile=None, plotdpi=100)[source]

Plots a phased magnitude/flux time-series using the period provided.

  • times,mags (np.array) – The mag/flux time-series to plot as a function of phase given period.
  • period (float) – The period to use to phase-fold the time-series. Should be the same unit as times (usually in days)
  • epoch ('min' or float or None) –

    This indicates how to get the epoch to use for phasing the light curve:

    • If None, uses the min(times) as the epoch for phasing.
    • If epoch is the string ‘min’, then fits a cubic spline to the phased light curve using min(times) as the initial epoch, finds the magnitude/flux minimum of this phased light curve fit, and finally uses the that time value as the epoch. This is useful for plotting planetary transits and eclipsing binary phased light curves so that phase 0.0 corresponds to the mid-center time of primary eclipse (or transit).
    • If epoch is a float, then uses that directly to phase the light curve and as the epoch of the phased mag series plot.
  • fitknotfrac (float) – If epoch=’min’, this function will attempt to fit a cubic spline to the phased light curve to find a time of light minimum as phase 0.0. This kwarg sets the number of knots to generate the spline as a fraction of the total number of measurements in the input time-series. By default, this is set so that 100 knots are used to generate a spline for fitting the phased light curve consisting of 10000 measurements.
  • errs (np.array or None) – If this is provided, contains the measurement errors associated with each measurement of flux/mag in time-series. Providing this kwarg will add errbars to the output plot.
  • magsarefluxes (bool) – Indicates if the input mags array is actually an array of flux measurements instead of magnitude measurements. If this is set to True, then the plot y-axis will be set as appropriate for mag or fluxes.
  • normto ({'globalmedian', 'zero'} or a float) –

    Sets the normalization target:

    'globalmedian' -> norms each mag to the global median of the LC column
    'zero'         -> norms each mag to zero
    a float        -> norms each mag to this specified float value.
  • normmingap (float) – This defines how much the difference between consecutive measurements is allowed to be to consider them as parts of different timegroups. By default it is set to 4.0 days.
  • sigclip (float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None) –

    If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series.

    If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an ‘asymmetric’ sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, sigclip=[10., 3.], will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of “dimming” and “brightening” is set by physics (not the magnitude system), which is why the magsarefluxes kwarg must be correctly set.

    If sigclip is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output.

  • phasewrap (bool) – If this is True, the phased time-series will be wrapped around phase 0.0.
  • phasesort (bool) – If this is True, the phased time-series will be sorted in phase.
  • phasebin (float or None) – If this is provided, indicates the bin size to use to group together measurements closer than this amount in phase. This is in units of phase. The binned phased light curve will be overplotted on top of the phased light curve. Useful for when one has many measurement points and needs to pick out a small trend in an otherwise noisy phased light curve.
  • plotphaselim (sequence of two floats or None) – The x-axis limits to use when making the phased light curve plot. By default, this is (-0.8, 0.8), which places phase 0.0 at the center of the plot and covers approximately two cycles in phase to make any trends clear.
  • yrange (list of two floats or None) – This is used to provide a custom y-axis range to the plot. If None, will automatically determine y-axis range.
  • xtimenotphase (bool) – If True, the x-axis gets units of time (multiplies phase by period).
  • xaxlabel (str) – Sets the label for the x-axis.
  • yaxlabel (str or None) – Sets the label for the y-axis. If this is None, the appropriate label will be used based on the value of the magsarefluxes kwarg.
  • modeltimes,modelmags,modelerrs (np.array or None) – If all of these are provided, then this function will overplot the values of modeltimes and modelmags on top of the actual phased light curve. This is useful for plotting variability models on top of the light curve (e.g. plotting a Mandel-Agol transit model over the actual phased light curve. These arrays will be phased using the already provided period and epoch.
  • outfile (str or StringIO/BytesIO or matplotlib.axes.Axes or None) –
    • a string filename for the file where the plot will be written.
    • a StringIO/BytesIO object to where the plot will be written.
    • a matplotlib.axes.Axes object to where the plot will be written.
    • if None, plots to ‘magseries-phased-plot.png’ in current dir.
  • plotdpi (int) – Sets the resolution in DPI for PNG plots (default = 100).

This returns based on the input:

  • If outfile is a str or None, the path to the generated plot file is returned.
  • If outfile is a StringIO/BytesIO object, will return the StringIO/BytesIO object to which the plot was written.
  • If outfile is a matplotlib.axes.Axes object, will return the Axes object with the plot elements added to it. One can then directly include this Axes object in some other Figure.

Return type:

str or StringIO/BytesIO or matplotlib.axes.Axes

astrobase.plotbase.skyview_stamp(ra, decl, survey='DSS2 Red', scaling='Linear', sizepix=300, flip=True, convolvewith=None, forcefetch=False, cachedir='~/.astrobase/stamp-cache', timeout=45.0, retry_failed=False, savewcsheader=True, verbose=False)[source]

This downloads a DSS FITS stamp centered on the coordinates specified.

This wraps the function, which downloads Digitized Sky Survey stamps in FITS format from the NASA SkyView service:

Also adds some useful operations on top of the FITS file returned.

  • ra,decl (float) – The center coordinates for the stamp in decimal degrees.
  • survey (str) – The survey name to get the stamp from. This is one of the values in the ‘SkyView Surveys’ option boxes on the SkyView webpage. Currently, we’ve only tested using ‘DSS2 Red’ as the value for this kwarg, but the other ones should work in principle.
  • scaling (str) – This is the pixel value scaling function to use. Can be any of the strings (“Log”, “Linear”, “Sqrt”, “HistEq”).
  • sizepix (int) – Size of the requested stamp, in pixels. (DSS scale is ~1arcsec/px).
  • flip (bool) – Will flip the downloaded image top to bottom. This should usually be True because matplotlib and FITS have different image coord origin conventions. Alternatively, set this to False and use the origin=’lower’ in any call to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow when plotting this image.
  • convolvewith (astropy.convolution Kernel object or None) –

    If convolvewith is an astropy.convolution Kernel object from:

    then, this function will return the stamp convolved with that kernel. This can be useful to see effects of wide-field telescopes (like the HATNet and HATSouth lenses) degrading the nominal 1 arcsec/px of DSS, causing blending of targets and any variability.

  • forcefetch (bool) – If True, will disregard any existing cached copies of the stamp already downloaded corresponding to the requested center coordinates and redownload the FITS from the SkyView service.
  • cachedir (str) – This is the path to the astrobase cache directory. All downloaded FITS stamps are stored here as .fits.gz files so we can immediately respond with the cached copy when a request is made for a coordinate center that’s already been downloaded.
  • timeout (float) – Sets the timeout in seconds to wait for a response from the NASA SkyView service.
  • retry_failed (bool) – If the initial request to SkyView fails, and this is True, will retry until it succeeds.
  • savewcsheader (bool) – If this is True, also returns the WCS header of the downloaded FITS stamp in addition to the FITS image itself. Useful for projecting object coordinates onto image xy coordinates for visualization.
  • verbose (bool) – If True, indicates progress.

This returns based on the value of savewcsheader:

  • If savewcsheader=True, returns a tuple: (FITS stamp image as a numpy array, FITS header)
  • If savewcsheader=False, returns only the FITS stamp image as numpy array.
  • If the stamp retrieval fails, returns None.

Return type:

tuple or array or None

astrobase.plotbase.fits_finder_chart(fitsfile, outfile, fitsext=0, wcsfrom=None, scale=<astropy.visualization.interval.ZScaleInterval object>, stretch=<astropy.visualization.stretch.LinearStretch object>, colormap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, findersize=None, finder_coordlimits=None, overlay_ra=None, overlay_decl=None, overlay_pltopts={'marker': 'o', 'markeredgecolor': 'red', 'markeredgewidth': 2.0, 'markerfacecolor': 'none', 'markersize': 10.0}, overlay_zoomcontain=False, grid=False, gridcolor='k')[source]

This makes a finder chart for a given FITS with an optional object position overlay.

  • fitsfile (str) – fitsfile is the FITS file to use to make the finder chart.
  • outfile (str) – outfile is the name of the output file. This can be a png or pdf or whatever else matplotlib can write given a filename and extension.
  • fitsext (int) – Sets the FITS extension in fitsfile to use to extract the image array from.
  • wcsfrom (str or None) – If wcsfrom is None, the WCS to transform the RA/Dec to pixel x/y will be taken from the FITS header of fitsfile. If this is not None, it must be a FITS or similar file that contains a WCS header in its first extension.
  • scale (astropy.visualization.Interval object) – scale sets the normalization for the FITS pixel values. This is an astropy.visualization Interval object. See for details on scale and stretch objects.
  • stretch (astropy.visualization.Stretch object) – stretch sets the stretch function for mapping FITS pixel values to output pixel values. This is an astropy.visualization Stretch object. See for details on scale and stretch objects.
  • colormap (matplotlib Colormap object) – colormap is a matplotlib color map object to use for the output image.
  • findersize (None or tuple of two ints) – If findersize is None, the output image size will be set by the NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 keywords in the input fitsfile FITS header. Otherwise, findersize must be a tuple with the intended x and y size of the image in inches (all output images will use a DPI = 100).
  • finder_coordlimits (list of four floats or None) – If not None, finder_coordlimits sets x and y limits for the plot, effectively zooming it in if these are smaller than the dimensions of the FITS image. This should be a list of the form: [minra, maxra, mindecl, maxdecl] all in decimal degrees.
  • overlay_decl (overlay_ra,) – overlay_ra and overlay_decl are ndarrays containing the RA and Dec values to overplot on the image as an overlay. If these are both None, then no overlay will be plotted.
  • overlay_pltopts (dict) – overlay_pltopts controls how the overlay points will be plotted. This a dict with standard matplotlib marker, etc. kwargs as key-val pairs, e.g. ‘markersize’, ‘markerfacecolor’, etc. The default options make red outline circles at the location of each object in the overlay.
  • overlay_zoomcontain (bool) – overlay_zoomcontain controls if the finder chart will be zoomed to just contain the overlayed points. Everything outside the footprint of these points will be discarded.
  • grid (bool) – grid sets if a grid will be made on the output image.
  • gridcolor (str) – gridcolor sets the color of the grid lines. This is a usual matplotib color spec string.

The filename of the generated output image if successful. None otherwise.

Return type:

str or None

astrobase.plotbase.plot_periodbase_lsp(lspinfo, outfile=None, plotdpi=100)[source]

Makes a plot of periodograms obtained from periodbase functions.

This takes the output dict produced by any astrobase.periodbase period-finder function or a pickle filename containing such a dict and makes a periodogram plot.

  • lspinfo (dict or str) –

    If lspinfo is a dict, it must be a dict produced by an astrobase.periodbase period-finder function or a dict from your own period-finder function or routine that is of the form below with at least these keys:

    {'periods': np.array of all periods searched by the period-finder,
     'lspvals': np.array of periodogram power value for each period,
     'bestperiod': a float value that is the period with the highest
                   peak in the periodogram, i.e. the most-likely actual
     'method': a three-letter code naming the period-finder used; must
               be one of the keys in the `METHODLABELS` dict above,
     'nbestperiods': a list of the periods corresponding to periodogram
                     peaks (`nbestlspvals` below) to annotate on the
                     periodogram plot so they can be called out
     'nbestlspvals': a list of the power values associated with
                     periodogram peaks to annotate on the periodogram
                     plot so they can be called out visually; should be
                     the same length as `nbestperiods` above}

    If lspinfo is a str, then it must be a path to a pickle file that contains a dict of the form described above.

  • outfile (str or None) – If this is a str, will write the periodogram plot to the file specified by this string. If this is None, will write to a file called ‘lsp-plot.png’ in the current working directory.
  • plotdpi (int) – Sets the resolution in DPI of the output periodogram plot PNG file.

Absolute path to the periodogram plot file created.

Return type:
