astrobase.varbase.transits module

Contains tools for analyzing transits.

astrobase.varbase.transits.transit_duration_range(period, min_radius_hint, max_radius_hint)[source]

This figures out the minimum and max transit duration (q) given a period and min/max stellar radius hints.

One can get stellar radii from various places:

  • GAIA distances and luminosities
  • the TESS input catalog
  • isochrone fits

The equation used is:

q ~ 0.076 x R**(2/3) x P**(-2/3)

P = period in days
R = stellar radius in solar radii
  • period (float) – The orbital period of the transiting planet.
  • min_radius_hint,max_radius_hint (float) – The minimum and maximum radii of the star the planet is orbiting around.

(min_transit_duration, max_transit_duration) – The returned tuple contains the minimum and maximum transit durations allowed for the orbital geometry of this planetary system. These can be used with the BLS period-search functions in astrobase.periodbase.kbls or astrobase.periodbase.abls to refine the period-search to only physically possible transit durations.

Return type:


astrobase.varbase.transits.get_snr_of_dip(times, mags, modeltimes, modelmags, atol_normalization=1e-08, indsforrms=None, magsarefluxes=False, verbose=True, transitdepth=None, npoints_in_transit=None)[source]

Calculate the total SNR of a transit assuming gaussian uncertainties.

modelmags gets interpolated onto the cadence of mags. The noise is calculated as the 1-sigma std deviation of the residual (see below).

Following Carter et al. 2009:

Q = sqrt( Γ T ) * δ / σ

for Q the total SNR of the transit in the r->0 limit, where:

r = Rp/Rstar,
T = transit duration,
δ = transit depth,
σ = RMS of the lightcurve in transit.
Γ = sampling rate

Thus Γ * T is roughly the number of points obtained during transit. (This doesn’t correctly account for the SNR during ingress/egress, but this is a second-order correction).

Note this is the same total SNR as described by e.g., Kovacs et al. 2002, their Equation 11.

NOTE: this only works with fluxes at the moment.

  • times,mags (np.array) – The input flux time-series to process.
  • modeltimes,modelmags (np.array) – A transiting planet model, either from BLS, a trapezoid model, or a Mandel-Agol model.
  • atol_normalization (float) – The absolute tolerance to which the median of the passed model fluxes must be equal to 1.
  • indsforrms (np.array) – A array of bools of len(mags) used to select points for the RMS measurement. If not passed, the RMS of the entire passed timeseries is used as an approximation. Genearlly, it’s best to use out of transit points, so the RMS measurement is not model-dependent.
  • magsarefluxes (bool) – Currently forced to be True because this function only works with fluxes.
  • verbose (bool) – If True, indicates progress and warns about problems.
  • transitdepth (float or None) – If the transit depth is known, pass it in here. Otherwise, it is calculated assuming OOT flux is 1.
  • npoints_in_transits (int or None) – If the number of points in transit is known, pass it in here. Otherwise, the function will guess at this value.

(snr, transit_depth, noise) – The returned tuple contains the calculated SNR, transit depth, and noise of the residual lightcurve calculated using the relation described above.

Return type:


astrobase.varbase.transits.estimate_achievable_tmid_precision(snr, t_ingress_min=10, t_duration_hr=2.14)[source]

Using Carter et al. 2009’s estimate, calculate the theoretical optimal precision on mid-transit time measurement possible given a transit of a particular SNR.

The relation used is:

sigma_tc = Q^{-1} * T * sqrt(θ/2)

Q = SNR of the transit.
T = transit duration, which is 2.14 hours from discovery paper.
θ = τ/T = ratio of ingress to total duration
        ~= (few minutes [guess]) / 2.14 hours
  • snr (float) – The measured signal-to-noise of the transit, e,g. from astrobase.periodbase.kbls.bls_stats_singleperiod() or from running the .compute_stats() method on an Astropy BoxLeastSquares object.
  • t_ingress_min (float) – The ingress duration in minutes. This is t_I to t_II in Winn (2010) nomenclature.
  • t_duration_hr (float) – The transit duration in hours. This is t_I to t_IV in Winn (2010) nomenclature.

Returns the precision achievable for transit-center time as calculated from the relation above. This is in days.

Return type:


astrobase.varbase.transits.get_transit_times(blsd, time, extra_maskfrac, trapd=None, nperiodint=1000)[source]

Given a BLS period, epoch, and transit ingress/egress points (usually from astrobase.periodbase.kbls.bls_stats_singleperiod()), return the times within transit durations + extra_maskfrac of each transit.

Optionally, can use the (more accurate) trapezoidal fit period and epoch, if it’s passed. Useful for inspecting individual transits, and masking them out if desired.

  • blsd (dict) – This is the dict returned by astrobase.periodbase.kbls.bls_stats_singleperiod().
  • time (np.array) – The times from the time-series of transit observations used to calculate the initial period.
  • extra_maskfrac (float) – This is the separation from in-transit points you desire, in units of the transit duration. extra_maskfrac = 0 if you just want points inside transit (see below).
  • trapd (dict) – This is a dict returned by astrobase.lcfit.transits.traptransit_fit_magseries() containing the trapezoid transit model.
  • nperiodint (int) – This indicates how many periods backwards/forwards to try and identify transits from the epochs reported in blsd or trapd.

(tmids_obsd, t_starts, t_ends)

The returned items are:

tmids_obsd (np.ndarray): best guess of transit midtimes in
lightcurve. Has length number of transits in lightcurve.

t_starts (np.ndarray): t_Is - extra_maskfrac*tdur, for t_Is transit
first contact point.

t_ends (np.ndarray): t_Is + extra_maskfrac*tdur, for t_Is transit
first contact point.

Return type:

tuple of np.array

astrobase.varbase.transits.given_lc_get_transit_tmids_tstarts_tends(time, flux, err_flux, blsfit_savpath=None, trapfit_savpath=None, magsarefluxes=True, nworkers=1, sigclip=None, extra_maskfrac=0.03)[source]

Gets the transit start, middle, and end times for transits in a given time-series of observations.

  • time,flux,err_flux (np.array) – The input flux time-series measurements and their associated measurement errors
  • blsfit_savpath (str or None) – If provided as a str, indicates the path of the fit plot to make for a simple BLS model fit to the transit using the obtained period and epoch.
  • trapfit_savpath (str or None) – If provided as a str, indicates the path of the fit plot to make for a trapezoidal transit model fit to the transit using the obtained period and epoch.
  • sigclip (float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None) –

    If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series.

    If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an ‘asymmetric’ sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, sigclip=[10., 3.], will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of “dimming” and “brightening” is set by physics (not the magnitude system), which is why the magsarefluxes kwarg must be correctly set.

    If sigclip is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output.

  • magsarefluxes (bool) – This is by default True for this function, since it works on fluxes only at the moment.
  • nworkers (int) – The number of parallel BLS period-finder workers to use.
  • extra_maskfrac (float) –

    This is the separation (N) from in-transit points you desire, in units of the transit duration. extra_maskfrac = 0 if you just want points inside transit, otherwise:

    t_starts = t_Is - N*tdur, t_ends = t_IVs + N*tdur

    Thus setting N=0.03 masks slightly more than the guessed transit duration.


(tmids_obsd, t_starts, t_ends)

The returned items are:

tmids_obsd (np.ndarray): best guess of transit midtimes in
lightcurve. Has length number of transits in lightcurve.

t_starts (np.ndarray): t_Is - extra_maskfrac*tdur, for t_Is transit
first contact point.

t_ends (np.ndarray): t_Is + extra_maskfrac*tdur, for t_Is transit
first contact point.

Return type:


astrobase.varbase.transits.given_lc_get_out_of_transit_points(time, flux, err_flux, blsfit_savpath=None, trapfit_savpath=None, in_out_transit_savpath=None, sigclip=None, magsarefluxes=True, nworkers=1, extra_maskfrac=0.03)[source]

This gets the out-of-transit light curve points.

Relevant during iterative masking of transits for multiple planet system search.

  • time,flux,err_flux (np.array) – The input flux time-series measurements and their associated measurement errors
  • blsfit_savpath (str or None) – If provided as a str, indicates the path of the fit plot to make for a simple BLS model fit to the transit using the obtained period and epoch.
  • trapfit_savpath (str or None) – If provided as a str, indicates the path of the fit plot to make for a trapezoidal transit model fit to the transit using the obtained period and epoch.
  • in_out_transit_savpath (str or None) – If provided as a str, indicates the path of the plot file that will be made for a plot showing the in-transit points and out-of-transit points tagged separately.
  • sigclip (float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None) –

    If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series.

    If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an ‘asymmetric’ sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, sigclip=[10., 3.], will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of “dimming” and “brightening” is set by physics (not the magnitude system), which is why the magsarefluxes kwarg must be correctly set.

    If sigclip is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output.

  • magsarefluxes (bool) – This is by default True for this function, since it works on fluxes only at the moment.
  • nworkers (int) – The number of parallel BLS period-finder workers to use.
  • extra_maskfrac (float) –

    This is the separation (N) from in-transit points you desire, in units of the transit duration. extra_maskfrac = 0 if you just want points inside transit, otherwise:

    t_starts = t_Is - N*tdur, t_ends = t_IVs + N*tdur

    Thus setting N=0.03 masks slightly more than the guessed transit duration.


(times_oot, fluxes_oot, errs_oot) – The times, flux, err_flux values from the input at the time values out-of-transit are returned.

Return type:

tuple of np.array