astrobase.checkplot.pkl_xmatch module

This contains utility functions that support the checkplot.pkl xmatch functionality.

astrobase.checkplot.pkl_xmatch.load_xmatch_external_catalogs(xmatchto, xmatchkeys, outfile=None)[source]

This loads the external xmatch catalogs into a dict for use in an xmatch.

  • xmatchto (list of str) –

    This is a list of paths to all the catalog text files that will be loaded.

    The text files must be ‘CSVs’ that use the ‘|’ character as the separator betwen columns. These files should all begin with a header in JSON format on lines starting with the ‘#’ character. this header will define the catalog and contains the name of the catalog and the column definitions. Column definitions must have the column name and the numpy dtype of the columns (in the same format as that expected for the numpy.genfromtxt function). Any line that does not begin with ‘#’ is assumed to be part of the columns in the catalog. An example is shown below:

    # {"name":"NSVS catalog of variable stars",
    #  "columns":[
    #   {"key":"objectid", "dtype":"U20", "name":"Object ID", "unit": null},
    #   {"key":"ra", "dtype":"f8", "name":"RA", "unit":"deg"},
    #   {"key":"decl","dtype":"f8", "name": "Declination", "unit":"deg"},
    #   {"key":"sdssr","dtype":"f8","name":"SDSS r", "unit":"mag"},
    #   {"key":"vartype","dtype":"U20","name":"Variable type", "unit":null}
    #  ],
    #  "colra":"ra",
    #  "coldec":"decl",
    #  "description":"Contains variable stars from the NSVS catalog"}
    objectid1 | 45.0  | -20.0 | 12.0 | detached EB
    objectid2 | 145.0 | 23.0  | 10.0 | RRab
    objectid3 | 12.0  | 11.0  | 14.0 | Cepheid
  • xmatchkeys (list of lists) – This is the list of lists of column names (as str) to get out of each xmatchto catalog. This should be the same length as xmatchto and each element here will apply to the respective file in xmatchto.
  • outfile (str or None) –

    If this is not None, set this to the name of the pickle to write the collected xmatch catalogs to. this pickle can then be loaded transparently by the astrobase.checkplot.pkl.checkplot_dict(), astrobase.checkplot.pkl.checkplot_pickle() functions to provide xmatch info to the astrobase.checkplot.pkl_xmatch.xmatch_external_catalogs() function below.

    If this is None, will return the loaded xmatch catalogs directly. This will be a huge dict, so make sure you have enough RAM.


Based on the outfile kwarg, will either return the path to a collected xmatch pickle file or the collected xmatch dict.

Return type:

str or dict

astrobase.checkplot.pkl_xmatch.xmatch_external_catalogs(checkplotdict, xmatchinfo, xmatchradiusarcsec=2.0, returndirect=False, updatexmatch=True, savepickle=None)[source]

This matches the current object in the checkplotdict to all of the external match catalogs specified.

  • checkplotdict (dict) –

    This is a checkplotdict, generated by either the checkplot_dict function, or read in from a _read_checkplot_picklefile function. This must have a structure somewhat like the following, where the indicated keys below are required:

    {'objectid': the ID assigned to this object
     'objectinfo': {'objectid': ID assigned to this object,
                    'ra': right ascension of the object in decimal deg,
                    'decl': declination of the object in decimal deg}}
  • xmatchinfo (str or dict) – This is either the xmatch dict produced by the function astrobase.checkplot.pkl_xmatch.load_xmatch_external_catalogs() above, or the path to the xmatch info pickle file produced by that function.
  • xmatchradiusarcsec (float) – This is the cross-matching radius to use in arcseconds.
  • returndirect (bool) – If this is True, will only return the xmatch results as a dict. If this False, will return the checkplotdict with the xmatch results added in as a key-val pair.
  • updatexmatch (bool) – This function will look for an existing ‘xmatch’ key in the input checkplotdict indicating that an xmatch has been performed before. If updatexmatch is set to True, the xmatch results will be added onto (e.g. when xmatching to additional catalogs after the first run). If this is set to False, the xmatch key-val pair will be completely overwritten.
  • savepickle (str or None) – If this is None, it must be a path to where the updated checkplotdict will be written to as a new checkplot pickle. If this is False, only the updated checkplotdict is returned.

If savepickle is False, this returns a checkplotdict, with the xmatch results added in. An ‘xmatch’ key will be added to this dict, with something like the following dict as the value:

 'catalog1':{'name':'Catalog of interesting things',
 'catalog2':{'name':'Catalog of more interesting things',

This will contain the matches of the object in the input checkplotdict to all of the catalogs provided in xmatchinfo.

If savepickle is True, will return the path to the saved checkplot pickle file.

Return type:

dict or str