Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# simbad - Waqas Bhatti ( - Dec 2017
# License: MIT. See the LICENSE file for more details.

This queries the SIMBAD database using their TAP interface. The main use for
this is to serve as a reverse name resolver (i.e. get all object names using a
narrow cone-search).

For a more general and useful interface to SIMBAD, see the astroquery
package by A. Ginsburg, B. Sipocz, et al.:



import logging
from astrobase import log_sub, log_fmt, log_date_fmt

DEBUG = False
    level = logging.DEBUG
    level = logging.INFO
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



import os
import os.path
import gzip
import hashlib
import time
import pickle

from astropy.table import Table

import random

# to do the queries
import requests
import requests.exceptions

# to read the XML returned by the TAP service
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString



# default TAP query params, will be copied and overridden

# valid return formats


[docs]def tap_query(querystr, simbad_mirror='simbad', returnformat='csv', forcefetch=False, cachedir='~/.astrobase/simbad-cache', verbose=True, timeout=10.0, refresh=2.0, maxtimeout=90.0, maxtries=3, complete_query_later=False, jitter=5.0): '''This queries the SIMBAD TAP service using the ADQL query string provided. Parameters ---------- querystr : str This is the ADQL query string. See: for the specification. simbad_mirror : str This is the key used to select a SIMBAD mirror from the `SIMBAD_URLS` dict above. If set, the specified mirror will be used. If None, a random mirror chosen from that dict will be used. returnformat : {'csv','votable','json'} The returned file format to request from the GAIA catalog service. forcefetch : bool If this is True, the query will be retried even if cached results for it exist. cachedir : str This points to the directory where results will be downloaded. verbose : bool If True, will indicate progress and warn of any issues. timeout : float This sets the amount of time in seconds to wait for the service to respond to our initial request. refresh : float This sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before checking if the result file is available. If the results file isn't available after `refresh` seconds have elapsed, the function will wait for `refresh` seconds continuously, until `maxtimeout` is reached or the results file becomes available. maxtimeout : float The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait for a result to become available after submitting our query request. maxtries : int The maximum number of tries (across all mirrors tried) to make to either submit the request or download the results, before giving up. complete_query_later : bool If set to True, a submitted query that does not return a result before `maxtimeout` has passed will be cancelled but its input request parameters and the result URL provided by the service will be saved. If this function is then called later with these same input request parameters, it will check if the query finally finished and a result is available. If so, will download the results instead of submitting a new query. If it's not done yet, will start waiting for results again. To force launch a new query with the same request parameters, set the `forcefetch` kwarg to True. jitter : float This is used to control the scale of the random wait in seconds before starting the query. Useful in parallelized situations. Returns ------- dict This returns a dict of the following form:: {'params':dict of the input params used for the query, 'provenance':'cache' or 'new download', 'result':path to the file on disk with the downloaded data table} ''' # get the default params inputparams = TAP_PARAMS.copy() # update them with our input params inputparams['QUERY'] = querystr[::] if returnformat in RETURN_FORMATS: inputparams['FORMAT'] = returnformat else: LOGWARNING('unknown result format: %s requested, using CSV' % returnformat) inputparams['FORMAT'] = 'csv' # see if the cachedir exists if '~' in cachedir: cachedir = os.path.expanduser(cachedir) if not os.path.exists(cachedir): os.makedirs(cachedir) # generate the cachefname and look for it xcachekey = '-'.join([repr(inputparams[x]) for x in sorted(inputparams.keys())]) cachekey = hashlib.sha256(xcachekey.encode()).hexdigest() cachefname = os.path.join( cachedir, '%s.%s' % (cachekey, RETURN_FORMATS[returnformat]) ) provenance = 'cache' incomplete_qpklf = os.path.join( cachedir, 'incomplete-query-%s' % cachekey ) ########################################## ## COMPLETE A QUERY THAT MAY BE RUNNING ## ########################################## # first, check if this query can be resurrected if (not forcefetch and complete_query_later and os.path.exists(incomplete_qpklf)): with open(incomplete_qpklf, 'rb') as infd: incomplete_qinfo = pickle.load(infd) LOGWARNING('complete_query_later = True, and ' 'this query was not completed on a ' 'previous run, will check if it is done now...') # get the status URL and go into a loop to see if the query completed waitdone = False timeelapsed = 0.0 simbad_mirror = incomplete_qinfo['simbad_mirror'] status_url = incomplete_qinfo['status_url'] phasekeyword = incomplete_qinfo['phase_keyword'] resultkeyword = incomplete_qinfo['result_keyword'] while not waitdone: if timeelapsed > maxtimeout: LOGERROR('SIMBAD TAP query still not done ' 'after waiting %s seconds for results.\n' 'status URL is: %s' % (maxtimeout, repr(inputparams), status_url)) return None try: resreq = requests.get(status_url, timeout=timeout) resreq.raise_for_status() # parse the response XML and get the job status resxml = parseString(resreq.text) jobstatuselem = ( resxml.getElementsByTagName(phasekeyword)[0] ) jobstatus = jobstatuselem.firstChild.toxml() if jobstatus == 'COMPLETED': if verbose: LOGINFO('SIMBAD query completed, ' 'retrieving results...') waitdone = True # if we're not done yet, then wait some more elif jobstatus != 'ERROR': if verbose: LOGINFO('elapsed time: %.1f, ' 'current status: %s, ' 'status URL: %s, waiting...' % (timeelapsed, jobstatus, status_url)) time.sleep(refresh) timeelapsed = timeelapsed + refresh # if the JOB failed, then bail out immediately else: LOGERROR('SIMBAD TAP query failed due to a server error.\n' 'status URL: %s\n' 'status contents: %s' % (status_url, resreq.text)) # since this job failed, remove the incomplete query pickle # so we can try this from scratch os.remove(incomplete_qpklf) return None except requests.exceptions.Timeout: LOGEXCEPTION( 'SIMBAD query timed out while waiting for status ' 'download results.\n' 'query: %s\n' 'status URL: %s' % (repr(inputparams), status_url) ) return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION( 'SIMBAD query failed while waiting for status\n' 'query: %s\n' 'status URL: %s\n' 'status contents: %s' % (repr(inputparams), status_url, resreq.text) ) # if the query fails completely, then either the status URL # doesn't exist any more or something else went wrong. we'll # remove the incomplete query pickle so we can try this from # scratch os.remove(incomplete_qpklf) return None # # at this point, we should be ready to get the query results # LOGINFO('query completed, retrieving results...') result_url_elem = resxml.getElementsByTagName(resultkeyword)[0] result_url = result_url_elem.getAttribute('xlink:href') result_nrows = result_url_elem.getAttribute('rows') try: resreq = requests.get(result_url, timeout=timeout) resreq.raise_for_status() if cachefname.endswith('.gz'): with,'wb') as outfd: for chunk in resreq.iter_content(chunk_size=65536): outfd.write(chunk) else: with open(cachefname,'wb') as outfd: for chunk in resreq.iter_content(chunk_size=65536): outfd.write(chunk) if verbose: LOGINFO('done. rows in result: %s' % result_nrows) tablefname = cachefname provenance = 'cache' # return a dict pointing to the result file # we'll parse this later resdict = {'params':inputparams, 'provenance':provenance, 'result':tablefname} # all went well, so we'll remove the incomplete query pickle os.remove(incomplete_qpklf) return resdict except requests.exceptions.Timeout: LOGEXCEPTION( 'SIMBAD query timed out while trying to ' 'download results.\n' 'query: %s\n' 'result URL: %s' % (repr(inputparams), result_url) ) return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION( 'SIMBAD query failed because of an error ' 'while trying to download results.\n' 'query: %s\n' 'result URL: %s\n' 'response status code: %s' % (repr(inputparams), result_url, resreq.status_code) ) # if the result download fails, then either the result URL doesn't # exist any more or something else went wrong. we'll remove the # incomplete query pickle so we can try this from scratch os.remove(incomplete_qpklf) return None ##################### ## RUN A NEW QUERY ## ##################### # otherwise, we check the cache if it's done already, or run it again if not if forcefetch or (not os.path.exists(cachefname)): provenance = 'new download' time.sleep(random.randint(1,jitter)) # generate a jobid here and update the input params jobid = 'ab-simbad-%i' % time.time() inputparams['JOBNAME'] = jobid inputparams['JOBDESCRIPTION'] = 'astrobase-simbad-tap-ADQL-query' try: waitdone = False timeelapsed = 0.0 # set the simbad mirror to use if simbad_mirror is not None and simbad_mirror in SIMBAD_URLS: tapurl = SIMBAD_URLS[simbad_mirror]['url'] resultkeyword = SIMBAD_URLS[simbad_mirror]['resultkeyword'] phasekeyword = SIMBAD_URLS[simbad_mirror]['phasekeyword'] randkey = simbad_mirror # sub in a table name if this is left unresolved in the input # query if '{table}' in querystr: inputparams['QUERY'] = ( querystr.format( table=SIMBAD_URLS[simbad_mirror]['table'] ) ) else: randkey = random.choice(list(SIMBAD_URLS.keys())) tapurl = SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['url'] resultkeyword = SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['resultkeyword'] phasekeyword = SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['phasekeyword'] # sub in a table name if this is left unresolved in the input # query if '{table}' in querystr: inputparams['QUERY'] = ( querystr.format( table=SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['table'] ) ) if verbose: LOGINFO('using SIMBAD mirror TAP URL: %s' % tapurl) # send the query and get status if verbose: LOGINFO( 'submitting SIMBAD TAP query request for input params: %s' % repr(inputparams) ) # here, we'll make sure the SIMBAD mirror works before doing # anything else mirrorok = False ntries = 1 while (not mirrorok): if ntries > maxtries: LOGERROR('maximum number of allowed SIMBAD query ' 'submission tries (%s) reached, bailing out...' % maxtries) return None try: req =, data=inputparams, timeout=timeout) resp_status = req.status_code req.raise_for_status() mirrorok = True # this handles immediate 503s except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: LOGWARNING( 'SIMBAD TAP server: %s not responding, ' 'trying another mirror...' % tapurl ) mirrorok = False # for now, we have only one SIMBAD mirror to hit, so we'll # wait a random time between 1 and 5 seconds to hit it again remainingmirrors = list(SIMBAD_URLS.keys()) waittime = random.choice(range(1,6)) time.sleep(waittime) randkey = remainingmirrors[0] tapurl = SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['url'] resultkeyword = SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['resultkeyword'] phasekeyword = SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['phasekeyword'] if '{table}' in querystr: inputparams['QUERY'] = ( querystr.format( table=SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['table'] ) ) # this handles initial query submission timeouts except requests.exceptions.Timeout: LOGWARNING( 'SIMBAD TAP query submission timed out, ' 'mirror is probably down. Trying another mirror...' ) mirrorok = False # for now, we have only one SIMBAD mirror to hit, so we'll # wait a random time between 1 and 5 seconds to hit it again remainingmirrors = list(SIMBAD_URLS.keys()) waittime = random.choice(range(1,6)) time.sleep(waittime) randkey = remainingmirrors[0] tapurl = SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['url'] resultkeyword = SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['resultkeyword'] phasekeyword = SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['phasekeyword'] if '{table}' in querystr: inputparams['QUERY'] = ( querystr.format( table=SIMBAD_URLS[randkey]['table'] ) ) # update the number of submission tries ntries = ntries + 1 # NOTE: python-requests follows the "303 See Other" redirect # automatically, so we get the XML status doc immediately. We don't # need to look up the location of it in the initial response's # header as in the SIMBAD example. status_url = req.url # parse the response XML and get the job status resxml = parseString(req.text) jobstatuselem = resxml.getElementsByTagName(phasekeyword) if jobstatuselem: jobstatuselem = jobstatuselem[0] else: LOGERROR('could not parse job phase using ' 'keyword %s in result XML' % phasekeyword) LOGERROR('%s' % req.txt) req.close() return None jobstatus = jobstatuselem.firstChild.toxml() # if the job completed already, jump down to retrieving results if jobstatus == 'COMPLETED': if verbose: LOGINFO('SIMBAD query completed, ' 'retrieving results...') waitdone = True elif jobstatus == 'ERROR': if verbose: LOGERROR( 'SIMBAD query failed immediately ' '(probably an ADQL error): %s, ' 'status URL: %s, status contents: %s' % (repr(inputparams), status_url, req.text) ) return None # we wait for the job to complete if it's not done already else: if verbose: LOGINFO( 'request submitted successfully, ' 'current status is: %s. ' 'waiting for results...' % jobstatus ) while not waitdone: if timeelapsed > maxtimeout: LOGERROR('SIMBAD TAP query timed out ' 'after waiting %s seconds for results.\n' 'request was: %s\n' 'status URL is: %s\n' 'last status was: %s' % (maxtimeout, repr(inputparams), status_url, jobstatus)) # here, we'll check if we're allowed to sleep on a query # for a bit and return to it later if the last status # was QUEUED or EXECUTING if complete_query_later and jobstatus in ('EXECUTING', 'QUEUED'): # write a pickle with the query params that we can # pick up later to finish this query incomplete_qpklf = os.path.join( cachedir, 'incomplete-query-%s' % cachekey ) with open(incomplete_qpklf, 'wb') as outfd: savedict = inputparams.copy() savedict['status_url'] = status_url savedict['last_status'] = jobstatus savedict['simbad_mirror'] = simbad_mirror savedict['phase_keyword'] = phasekeyword savedict['result_keyword'] = resultkeyword pickle.dump(savedict, outfd, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) LOGINFO('complete_query_later = True, ' 'last state of query was: %s, ' 'will resume later if this function ' 'is called again with the same query' % jobstatus) return None time.sleep(refresh) timeelapsed = timeelapsed + refresh try: resreq = requests.get(status_url, timeout=timeout) resreq.raise_for_status() # parse the response XML and get the job status resxml = parseString(resreq.text) jobstatuselem = ( resxml.getElementsByTagName(phasekeyword)[0] ) jobstatus = jobstatuselem.firstChild.toxml() if jobstatus == 'COMPLETED': if verbose: LOGINFO('SIMBAD query completed, ' 'retrieving results...') waitdone = True else: if verbose: LOGINFO('elapsed time: %.1f, ' 'current status: %s, ' 'status URL: %s, waiting...' % (timeelapsed, jobstatus, status_url)) continue except requests.exceptions.Timeout: LOGEXCEPTION( 'SIMBAD query timed out while waiting for results ' 'download results.\n' 'query: %s\n' 'status URL: %s' % (repr(inputparams), status_url) ) return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION( 'SIMBAD query failed while waiting for results\n' 'query: %s\n' 'status URL: %s\n' 'status contents: %s' % (repr(inputparams), status_url, resreq.text) ) return None # # at this point, we should be ready to get the query results # result_url_elem = resxml.getElementsByTagName(resultkeyword)[0] result_url = result_url_elem.getAttribute('xlink:href') result_nrows = result_url_elem.getAttribute('rows') try: resreq = requests.get(result_url, timeout=timeout) resreq.raise_for_status() if cachefname.endswith('.gz'): with,'wb') as outfd: for chunk in resreq.iter_content(chunk_size=65536): outfd.write(chunk) else: with open(cachefname,'wb') as outfd: for chunk in resreq.iter_content(chunk_size=65536): outfd.write(chunk) if verbose: LOGINFO('done. rows in result: %s' % result_nrows) tablefname = cachefname except requests.exceptions.Timeout: LOGEXCEPTION( 'SIMBAD query timed out while trying to ' 'download results.\n' 'query: %s\n' 'result URL: %s' % (repr(inputparams), result_url) ) return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION( 'SIMBAD query failed because of an error ' 'while trying to download results.\n' 'query: %s\n' 'result URL: %s\n' 'response status code: %s' % (repr(inputparams), result_url, resreq.status_code) ) return None except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: LOGEXCEPTION('SIMBAD TAP query failed.\nrequest status was: ' '%s.\nquery was: %s' % (resp_status, repr(inputparams))) return None except requests.exceptions.Timeout: LOGERROR('SIMBAD TAP query submission timed out, ' 'site is probably down. Request was: ' '%s' % repr(inputparams)) return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION('SIMBAD TAP query request failed for ' '%s' % repr(inputparams)) if 'resxml' in locals(): LOGERROR('HTTP response from service:\n%s' % req.text) return None ############################ ## GET RESULTS FROM CACHE ## ############################ else: if verbose: LOGINFO('getting cached SIMBAD query result for ' 'request: %s' % (repr(inputparams))) tablefname = cachefname # try to open the cached file to make sure it's OK try: df =, format='csv') except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION('could not read cached SIMBAD result file: %s, ' 'fetching from server again' % cachefname) return tap_query(querystr, simbad_mirror=simbad_mirror, returnformat=returnformat, forcefetch=True, cachedir=cachedir, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout, refresh=refresh, maxtimeout=maxtimeout) # # all done with retrieval, now return the result dict # # return a dict pointing to the result file # we'll parse this later resdict = {'params':inputparams, 'provenance':provenance, 'result':tablefname} return resdict
[docs]def objectnames_conesearch(racenter, declcenter, searchradiusarcsec, simbad_mirror='simbad', returnformat='csv', forcefetch=False, cachedir='~/.astrobase/simbad-cache', verbose=True, timeout=10.0, refresh=2.0, maxtimeout=90.0, maxtries=1, complete_query_later=True): '''This queries the SIMBAD TAP service for a list of object names near the coords. This is effectively a "reverse" name resolver (i.e. this does the opposite of SESAME). Parameters ---------- racenter,declcenter : float The cone-search center coordinates in decimal degrees searchradiusarcsec : float The radius in arcseconds to search around the center coordinates. simbad_mirror : str This is the key used to select a SIMBAD mirror from the `SIMBAD_URLS` dict above. If set, the specified mirror will be used. If None, a random mirror chosen from that dict will be used. returnformat : {'csv','votable','json'} The returned file format to request from the GAIA catalog service. forcefetch : bool If this is True, the query will be retried even if cached results for it exist. cachedir : str This points to the directory where results will be downloaded. verbose : bool If True, will indicate progress and warn of any issues. timeout : float This sets the amount of time in seconds to wait for the service to respond to our initial request. refresh : float This sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before checking if the result file is available. If the results file isn't available after `refresh` seconds have elapsed, the function will wait for `refresh` seconds continuously, until `maxtimeout` is reached or the results file becomes available. maxtimeout : float The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait for a result to become available after submitting our query request. maxtries : int The maximum number of tries (across all mirrors tried) to make to either submit the request or download the results, before giving up. complete_query_later : bool If set to True, a submitted query that does not return a result before `maxtimeout` has passed will be cancelled but its input request parameters and the result URL provided by the service will be saved. If this function is then called later with these same input request parameters, it will check if the query finally finished and a result is available. If so, will download the results instead of submitting a new query. If it's not done yet, will start waiting for results again. To force launch a new query with the same request parameters, set the `forcefetch` kwarg to True. Returns ------- dict This returns a dict of the following form:: {'params':dict of the input params used for the query, 'provenance':'cache' or 'new download', 'result':path to the file on disk with the downloaded data table} ''' # this was generated using the example at: # and the table diagram at: # query = ( "select a.oid, a.ra, a.dec, a.main_id, a.otype_txt, " "a.coo_bibcode, a.nbref, b.ids as all_ids, " "(DISTANCE(POINT('ICRS', a.ra, a.dec), " "POINT('ICRS', {ra_center:.5f}, {decl_center:.5f})))*3600.0 " "AS dist_arcsec " "from basic a join ids b on a.oid = b.oidref where " "CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS',a.ra, a.dec)," "CIRCLE('ICRS',{ra_center:.5f},{decl_center:.5f}," "{search_radius:.6f}))=1 " "ORDER by dist_arcsec asc " ) formatted_query = query.format(ra_center=racenter, decl_center=declcenter, search_radius=searchradiusarcsec/3600.0) return tap_query(formatted_query, simbad_mirror=simbad_mirror, returnformat=returnformat, forcefetch=forcefetch, cachedir=cachedir, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout, refresh=refresh, maxtimeout=maxtimeout, maxtries=maxtries, complete_query_later=complete_query_later)