Source code for astrobase.periodbase.smav

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Jan 2017

Contains the Schwarzenberg-Czerny Analysis of Variance period-search algorithm
implementation for periodbase. This uses the multi-harmonic version presented in
Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1996).



import logging
from astrobase import log_sub, log_fmt, log_date_fmt

DEBUG = False
    level = logging.DEBUG
    level = logging.INFO
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

from numpy import (
    nan as npnan, arange as nparange, array as nparray, isfinite as npisfinite,
    argmax as npargmax, median as npmedian, std as npstd, argsort as npargsort,
    sum as npsum, cos as npcos, sin as npsin, vdot as npvdot, pi as pi_value,
    max as npmax, abs as npabs


from ..lcmath import phase_magseries_with_errs, sigclip_magseries
from .utils import get_frequency_grid, independent_freq_count, resort_by_time

## CONFIG ##

NCPUS = cpu_count()

## MULTIHARMONIC ANALYSIS of VARIANCE (Schwarzenberg-Czerny 1996) ##

[docs]def aovhm_theta(times, mags, errs, frequency, nharmonics, magvariance): '''This calculates the harmonic AoV theta statistic for a frequency. This is a mostly faithful translation of the inner loop in `aovper.f90`. See the following for details: - - Schwarzenberg-Czerny (`1996 <>`_) Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1996) equation 11:: theta_prefactor = (K - 2N - 1)/(2N) theta_top = sum(c_n*c_n) (from n=0 to n=2N) theta_bot = variance(timeseries) - sum(c_n*c_n) (from n=0 to n=2N) theta = theta_prefactor * (theta_top/theta_bot) N = number of harmonics (nharmonics) K = length of time series (times.size) Parameters ---------- times,mags,errs : np.array The input time-series to calculate the test statistic for. These should all be of nans/infs and be normalized to zero. frequency : float The test frequency to calculate the statistic for. nharmonics : int The number of harmonics to calculate up to.The recommended range is 4 to 8. magvariance : float This is the (weighted by errors) variance of the magnitude time series. We provide it as a pre-calculated value here so we don't have to re-calculate it for every worker. Returns ------- aov_harmonic_theta : float THe value of the harmonic AoV theta for the specified test `frequency`. ''' period = 1.0/frequency ndet = times.size two_nharmonics = nharmonics + nharmonics # phase with test period phasedseries = phase_magseries_with_errs( times, mags, errs, period, times[0], sort=True, wrap=False ) # get the phased quantities phase = phasedseries['phase'] pmags = phasedseries['mags'] perrs = phasedseries['errs'] # this is sqrt(1.0/errs^2) -> the weights pweights = 1.0/perrs # multiply by 2.0*PI (for omega*time) phase = phase * 2.0 * pi_value # this is the z complex vector z = npcos(phase) + 1.0j*npsin(phase) # multiply phase with N phase = nharmonics * phase # this is the psi complex vector psi = pmags * pweights * (npcos(phase) + 1j*npsin(phase)) # this is the initial value of z^n zn = 1.0 + 0.0j # this is the initial value of phi phi = pweights + 0.0j # initialize theta to zero theta_aov = 0.0 # go through all the harmonics now up to 2N for _ in range(two_nharmonics): # this is <phi, phi> phi_dot_phi = npsum(phi * phi.conjugate()) # this is the alpha_n numerator alpha = npsum(pweights * z * phi) # this is <phi, psi>. make sure to use npvdot and NOT npdot to get # complex conjugate of first vector as expected for complex vectors phi_dot_psi = npvdot(phi, psi) # make sure phi_dot_phi is not zero phi_dot_phi = npmax([phi_dot_phi, 10.0e-9]) # this is the expression for alpha_n alpha = alpha / phi_dot_phi # update theta_aov for this harmonic theta_aov = (theta_aov + npabs(phi_dot_psi) * npabs(phi_dot_psi) / phi_dot_phi) # use the recurrence relation to find the next phi phi = phi * z - alpha * zn * phi.conjugate() # update z^n zn = zn * z # done with all harmonics, calculate the theta_aov for this freq # the max below makes sure that magvariance - theta_aov > zero theta_aov = ( (ndet - two_nharmonics - 1.0) * theta_aov / (two_nharmonics * npmax([magvariance - theta_aov, 1.0e-9])) ) return theta_aov
def _aovhm_theta_worker(task): ''' This is a parallel worker for the function below. Parameters ---------- tasks : tuple This is of the form below:: task[0] = times task[1] = mags task[2] = errs task[3] = frequency task[4] = nharmonics task[5] = magvariance Returns ------- harmonic_aov_theta : float The value of the harmonic AoV statistic for the test frequency used. If something goes wrong with the calculation, nan is returned. ''' times, mags, errs, frequency, nharmonics, magvariance = task try: theta = aovhm_theta(times, mags, errs, frequency, nharmonics, magvariance) return theta except Exception: return npnan
[docs]def aovhm_periodfind(times, mags, errs, magsarefluxes=False, startp=None, endp=None, stepsize=1.0e-4, autofreq=True, normalize=True, nharmonics=6, nbestpeaks=5, periodepsilon=0.1, sigclip=10.0, nworkers=None, verbose=True): '''This runs a parallelized harmonic Analysis-of-Variance (AoV) period search. NOTE: normalize = True here as recommended by Schwarzenberg-Czerny 1996, i.e. mags will be normalized to zero and rescaled so their variance = 1.0. Parameters ---------- times,mags,errs : np.array The mag/flux time-series with associated measurement errors to run the period-finding on. magsarefluxes : bool If the input measurement values in `mags` and `errs` are in fluxes, set this to True. startp,endp : float or None The minimum and maximum periods to consider for the transit search. stepsize : float The step-size in frequency to use when constructing a frequency grid for the period search. autofreq : bool If this is True, the value of `stepsize` will be ignored and the :py:func:`astrobase.periodbase.get_frequency_grid` function will be used to generate a frequency grid based on `startp`, and `endp`. If these are None as well, `startp` will be set to 0.1 and `endp` will be set to `times.max() - times.min()`. normalize : bool This sets if the input time-series is normalized to 0.0 and rescaled such that its variance = 1.0. This is the recommended procedure by Schwarzenberg-Czerny 1996. nharmonics : int The number of harmonics to use when calculating the AoV theta value at a test frequency. This should be between 4 and 8 in most cases. nbestpeaks : int The number of 'best' peaks to return from the periodogram results, starting from the global maximum of the periodogram peak values. periodepsilon : float The fractional difference between successive values of 'best' periods when sorting by periodogram power to consider them as separate periods (as opposed to part of the same periodogram peak). This is used to avoid broad peaks in the periodogram and make sure the 'best' periods returned are all actually independent. sigclip : float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series. If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an 'asymmetric' sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, `sigclip=[10., 3.]`, will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of "dimming" and "brightening" is set by *physics* (not the magnitude system), which is why the `magsarefluxes` kwarg must be correctly set. If `sigclip` is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output. nworkers : int The number of parallel workers to use when calculating the periodogram. verbose : bool If this is True, will indicate progress and details about the frequency grid used for the period search. Returns ------- dict This function returns a dict, referred to as an `lspinfo` dict in other astrobase functions that operate on periodogram results. This is a standardized format across all astrobase period-finders, and is of the form below:: {'bestperiod': the best period value in the periodogram, 'bestlspval': the periodogram peak associated with the best period, 'nbestpeaks': the input value of nbestpeaks, 'nbestlspvals': nbestpeaks-size list of best period peak values, 'nbestperiods': nbestpeaks-size list of best periods, 'lspvals': the full array of periodogram powers, 'periods': the full array of periods considered, 'method':'mav' -> the name of the period-finder method, 'kwargs':{ dict of all of the input kwargs for record-keeping}} ''' # get rid of nans first and sigclip stimes, smags, serrs = sigclip_magseries(times, mags, errs, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, sigclip=sigclip) stimes, smags, serrs = resort_by_time(stimes, smags, serrs) # make sure there are enough points to calculate a spectrum if len(stimes) > 9 and len(smags) > 9 and len(serrs) > 9: # get the frequencies to use if startp: endf = 1.0/startp else: # default start period is 0.1 day endf = 1.0/0.1 if endp: startf = 1.0/endp else: # default end period is length of time series startf = 1.0/(stimes.max() - stimes.min()) # if we're not using autofreq, then use the provided frequencies if not autofreq: frequencies = nparange(startf, endf, stepsize) if verbose: LOGINFO( 'using %s frequency points, start P = %.3f, end P = %.3f' % (frequencies.size, 1.0/endf, 1.0/startf) ) else: # this gets an automatic grid of frequencies to use frequencies = get_frequency_grid(stimes, minfreq=startf, maxfreq=endf) if verbose: LOGINFO( 'using autofreq with %s frequency points, ' 'start P = %.3f, end P = %.3f' % (frequencies.size, 1.0/frequencies.max(), 1.0/frequencies.min()) ) # map to parallel workers if (not nworkers) or (nworkers > NCPUS): nworkers = NCPUS if verbose: LOGINFO('using %s workers...' % nworkers) pool = Pool(nworkers) # renormalize the working mags to zero and scale them so that the # variance = 1 for use with our LSP functions if normalize: nmags = (smags - npmedian(smags))/npstd(smags) else: nmags = smags # figure out the weighted variance # magvariance_top = npsum(nmags/(serrs*serrs)) magvariance_bot = (nmags.size - 1)*npsum(1.0/(serrs*serrs)) / nmags.size magvariance = magvariance_top/magvariance_bot tasks = [(stimes, nmags, serrs, x, nharmonics, magvariance) for x in frequencies] lsp =, tasks) pool.close() pool.join() del pool lsp = nparray(lsp) periods = 1.0/frequencies # find the nbestpeaks for the periodogram: 1. sort the lsp array by # highest value first 2. go down the values until we find five # values that are separated by at least periodepsilon in period # make sure to filter out non-finite values finitepeakind = npisfinite(lsp) finlsp = lsp[finitepeakind] finperiods = periods[finitepeakind] # make sure that finlsp has finite values before we work on it try: bestperiodind = npargmax(finlsp) except ValueError: LOGERROR('no finite periodogram values ' 'for this mag series, skipping...') return {'bestperiod':npnan, 'bestlspval':npnan, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'nbestlspvals':None, 'nbestperiods':None, 'lspvals':None, 'periods':None, 'method':'mav', 'kwargs':{'startp':startp, 'endp':endp, 'stepsize':stepsize, 'normalize':normalize, 'nharmonics':nharmonics, 'autofreq':autofreq, 'periodepsilon':periodepsilon, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'sigclip':sigclip}} sortedlspind = npargsort(finlsp)[::-1] sortedlspperiods = finperiods[sortedlspind] sortedlspvals = finlsp[sortedlspind] # now get the nbestpeaks nbestperiods, nbestlspvals, peakcount = ( [finperiods[bestperiodind]], [finlsp[bestperiodind]], 1 ) prevperiod = sortedlspperiods[0] # find the best nbestpeaks in the lsp and their periods for period, lspval in zip(sortedlspperiods, sortedlspvals): if peakcount == nbestpeaks: break perioddiff = abs(period - prevperiod) bestperiodsdiff = [abs(period - x) for x in nbestperiods] # print('prevperiod = %s, thisperiod = %s, ' # 'perioddiff = %s, peakcount = %s' % # (prevperiod, period, perioddiff, peakcount)) # this ensures that this period is different from the last # period and from all the other existing best periods by # periodepsilon to make sure we jump to an entire different peak # in the periodogram if (perioddiff > (periodepsilon*prevperiod) and all(x > (periodepsilon*period) for x in bestperiodsdiff)): nbestperiods.append(period) nbestlspvals.append(lspval) peakcount = peakcount + 1 prevperiod = period return {'bestperiod':finperiods[bestperiodind], 'bestlspval':finlsp[bestperiodind], 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'nbestlspvals':nbestlspvals, 'nbestperiods':nbestperiods, 'lspvals':lsp, 'periods':periods, 'method':'mav', 'kwargs':{'startp':startp, 'endp':endp, 'stepsize':stepsize, 'normalize':normalize, 'nharmonics':nharmonics, 'autofreq':autofreq, 'periodepsilon':periodepsilon, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'sigclip':sigclip}} else: LOGERROR('no good detections for these times and mags, skipping...') return {'bestperiod':npnan, 'bestlspval':npnan, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'nbestlspvals':None, 'nbestperiods':None, 'lspvals':None, 'periods':None, 'method':'mav', 'kwargs':{'startp':startp, 'endp':endp, 'stepsize':stepsize, 'normalize':normalize, 'nharmonics':nharmonics, 'autofreq':autofreq, 'periodepsilon':periodepsilon, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'sigclip':sigclip}}
[docs]def analytic_false_alarm_probability(lspinfo, times, conservative_nfreq_eff=True, peakvals=None, inplace=True): '''This returns the analytic false alarm probabilities for periodogram peak values. FIXME: this doesn't actually work. Fix later. The calculation follows that on page 3 of Zechmeister & Kurster (2009):: FAP = 1 − [1 − Prob(z > z0)]**M where:: M is the number of independent frequencies Prob(z > z0) is the probability of peak with value > z0 z0 is the peak value we're evaluating For AoV and AoV-harmonic, the Prob(z > z0) is described by the F distribution, according to: - Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997; - Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1996; This is given by:: F( 2N, K - 2N - 1; theta_aov ) Where:: N = number of harmonics used for AOV_harmonic K = number of observations This translates to a scipy.stats call to the F distribution CDF:: x = theta_aov_best prob_exceeds_val = scipy.stats.f.cdf(x, 2N, K - 2N - 1) Which we can then plug into the false alarm prob eqn above with the calculation of M. Parameters ---------- lspinfo : dict The dict returned by the :py:func:`~astrobase.periodbase.spdm.aovhm_periodfind` function. times : np.array The times for which the periodogram result in ``lspinfo`` was calculated. conservative_nfreq_eff : bool If True, will follow the prescription given in Schwarzenberg-Czerny (2003): and estimate the effective number of independent frequences M_eff as:: min(N_obs, N_freq, DELTA_f/delta_f) peakvals : sequence or None The peak values for which to evaluate the false-alarm probability. If None, will calculate this for each of the peak values in the ``nbestpeaks`` key of the ``lspinfo`` dict. inplace : bool If True, puts the results of the FAP calculation into the ``lspinfo`` dict as a list available as ``lspinfo['falsealarmprob']``. Returns ------- list The calculated false alarm probabilities for each of the peak values in ``peakvals``. ''' from scipy.stats import f frequencies = 1.0/lspinfo['periods'] M = independent_freq_count(frequencies, times, conservative=conservative_nfreq_eff) if peakvals is None: peakvals = lspinfo['nbestlspvals'] nharmonics = lspinfo['kwargs']['nharmonics'] ndet = times.size false_alarm_probs = [] for peakval in peakvals: prob_xval = peakval prob_exceeds_val = f.cdf(prob_xval, 2*nharmonics, ndet - 2*nharmonics - 1) false_alarm_probs.append(1.0 - (1.0 - prob_exceeds_val)**M) if inplace: lspinfo['falsealarmprob'] = false_alarm_probs return false_alarm_probs