Source code for astrobase.periodbase.htls

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Luke Bouma ( - Apr 2019

Contains the Hippke & Heller (2019) transit-least-squared period-search
algorithm implementation for periodbase. This depends on the external package
written by Hippke & Heller,


import logging
from astrobase import log_sub, log_fmt, log_date_fmt

DEBUG = False
    level = logging.DEBUG
    level = logging.INFO
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



import numpy as np

from multiprocessing import cpu_count

from numpy import (
    nan as npnan, array as nparray,
    isfinite as npisfinite, argmax as npargmax,
    argsort as npargsort


    from transitleastsquares import transitleastsquares

except Exception:

    errmsg = (
        'The `transitleastsquares` package is required, '
        'but could not be imported. '

    # this is required for readthedocs because some external packages won't
    # install cleanly with pip install -r doc-requirements.txt
    import os

    if not IGNORE_HTLS_FAIL:
        raise ImportError(errmsg)


from ..lcmath import sigclip_magseries
from .utils import resort_by_time

## CONFIG ##

NCPUS = cpu_count()


[docs]def tls_parallel_pfind(times, mags, errs, magsarefluxes=None, startp=0.1, # search from 0.1 d to... endp=None, # determine automatically from times tls_oversample=5, tls_mintransits=3, tls_transit_template='default', tls_rstar_min=0.13, tls_rstar_max=3.5, tls_mstar_min=0.1, tls_mstar_max=2.0, periodepsilon=0.1, nbestpeaks=5, sigclip=10.0, verbose=True, nworkers=None): """Wrapper to Hippke & Heller (2019)'s "transit least squares", which is BLS, but with a slightly better template (and niceties in the implementation). A few comments: * The time series must be in units of days. * The frequency sampling Hippke & Heller (2019) advocate for is cubic in frequencies, instead of linear. Ofir (2014) found that the linear-in-frequency sampling (which is correct for sinusoidal signal detection) isn't optimal for a Keplerian box signal. He gave an equation for "optimal" sampling. `tlsoversample` is the factor by which to oversample over that. The grid can be imported independently via:: from transitleastsquares import period_grid The spacing equations are given here: * The boundaries of the period search are by default 0.1 day to 99% the baseline of times. Parameters ---------- times,mags,errs : np.array The magnitude/flux time-series to search for transits. magsarefluxes : bool `transitleastsquares` requires fluxes. Therefore if magsarefluxes is set to false, the passed mags are converted to fluxes. All output dictionary vectors include fluxes, not mags. startp,endp : float The minimum and maximum periods to consider for the transit search. tls_oversample : int Factor by which to oversample the frequency grid. tls_mintransits : int Sets the `min_n_transits` kwarg for the `BoxLeastSquares.autoperiod()` function. tls_transit_template: str `default`, `grazing`, or `box`. tls_rstar_min,tls_rstar_max : float The range of stellar radii to consider when generating a frequency grid. In uniits of Rsun. tls_mstar_min,tls_mstar_max : float The range of stellar masses to consider when generating a frequency grid. In units of Msun. periodepsilon : float The fractional difference between successive values of 'best' periods when sorting by periodogram power to consider them as separate periods (as opposed to part of the same periodogram peak). This is used to avoid broad peaks in the periodogram and make sure the 'best' periods returned are all actually independent. nbestpeaks : int The number of 'best' peaks to return from the periodogram results, starting from the global maximum of the periodogram peak values. sigclip : float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series. If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an 'asymmetric' sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, `sigclip=[10., 3.]`, will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of "dimming" and "brightening" is set by *physics* (not the magnitude system), which is why the `magsarefluxes` kwarg must be correctly set. If `sigclip` is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output. verbose : bool Kept for consistency with `periodbase` functions. nworkers : int or None The number of parallel workers to launch for period-search. If None, nworkers = NCPUS. Returns ------- dict This function returns a dict, referred to as an `lspinfo` dict in other astrobase functions that operate on periodogram results. The format is similar to the other astrobase period-finders -- it contains the nbestpeaks, which is the most important thing. (But isn't entirely standardized.) Crucially, it also contains "tlsresult", which is a dictionary with transitleastsquares spectra (used to get the SDE as defined in the TLS paper), statistics, transit period, mid-time, duration, depth, SNR, and the "odd_even_mismatch" statistic. The full key list is:: dict_keys(['SDE', 'SDE_raw', 'chi2_min', 'chi2red_min', 'period', 'period_uncertainty', 'T0', 'duration', 'depth', 'depth_mean', 'depth_mean_even', 'depth_mean_odd', 'transit_depths', 'transit_depths_uncertainties', 'rp_rs', 'snr', 'snr_per_transit', 'snr_pink_per_transit', 'odd_even_mismatch', 'transit_times', 'per_transit_count', 'transit_count', 'distinct_transit_count', 'empty_transit_count', 'FAP', 'in_transit_count', 'after_transit_count', 'before_transit_count', 'periods', 'power', 'power_raw', 'SR', 'chi2', 'chi2red', 'model_lightcurve_time', 'model_lightcurve_model', 'model_folded_phase', 'folded_y', 'folded_dy', 'folded_phase', 'model_folded_model']) The descriptions are here: The remaining resultdict is:: resultdict = { 'tlsresult':tlsresult, 'bestperiod': the best period value in the periodogram, 'bestlspval': the peak associated with the best period, 'nbestpeaks': the input value of nbestpeaks, 'nbestlspvals': nbestpeaks-size list of best period peak values, 'nbestperiods': nbestpeaks-size list of best periods, 'lspvals': the full array of periodogram powers, 'periods': the full array of periods considered, 'tlsresult': Astropy tls result object (BoxLeastSquaresResult), 'tlsmodel': Astropy tls BoxLeastSquares object used for work, 'method':'tls' -> the name of the period-finder method, 'kwargs':{ dict of all of the input kwargs for record-keeping} } """ # set NCPUS for HTLS if nworkers is None: nworkers = NCPUS # convert mags to fluxes because this method requires them if not magsarefluxes: LOGWARNING('transitleastsquares requires relative flux...') LOGWARNING('converting input mags to relative flux...') LOGWARNING('and forcing magsarefluxes=True...') mag_0, f_0 = 12.0, 1.0e4 flux = f_0 * 10.0**( -0.4 * (mags - mag_0) ) flux /= np.nanmedian(flux) # if the errors are provided as mag errors, convert them to flux if errs is not None: flux_errs = flux * (errs/mags) else: flux_errs = None mags = flux errs = flux_errs magsarefluxes = True # uniform weights for errors if none given if errs is None: errs = np.ones_like(mags)*1.0e-4 # get rid of nans first and sigclip stimes, smags, serrs = sigclip_magseries(times, mags, errs, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, sigclip=sigclip) stimes, smags, serrs = resort_by_time(stimes, smags, serrs) # make sure there are enough points to calculate a spectrum if not (len(stimes) > 9 and len(smags) > 9 and len(serrs) > 9): LOGERROR('no good detections for these times and mags, skipping...') resultdict = { 'tlsresult':npnan, 'bestperiod':npnan, 'bestlspval':npnan, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'nbestinds':None, 'nbestlspvals':None, 'nbestperiods':None, 'lspvals':None, 'periods':None, 'method':'tls', 'kwargs':{'startp':startp, 'endp':endp, 'tls_oversample':tls_oversample, 'tls_ntransits':tls_mintransits, 'tls_transit_template':tls_transit_template, 'tls_rstar_min':tls_rstar_min, 'tls_rstar_max':tls_rstar_max, 'tls_mstar_min':tls_mstar_min, 'tls_mstar_max':tls_mstar_max, 'periodepsilon':periodepsilon, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'sigclip':sigclip, 'magsarefluxes':magsarefluxes} } return resultdict # if the end period is not provided, set it to # 99% of the time baseline. (for two transits). if endp is None: endp = 0.99*(np.nanmax(stimes) - np.nanmin(stimes)) # run periodogram model = transitleastsquares(stimes, smags, serrs) tlsresult = model.power( use_threads=nworkers, show_progress_bar=False, R_star_min=tls_rstar_min, R_star_max=tls_rstar_max, M_star_min=tls_mstar_min, M_star_max=tls_mstar_max, period_min=startp, period_max=endp, n_transits_min=tls_mintransits, transit_template=tls_transit_template, oversampling_factor=tls_oversample ) # get the peak values lsp = nparray(tlsresult.power) periods = nparray(tlsresult.periods) # find the nbestpeaks for the periodogram: 1. sort the lsp array by highest # value first 2. go down the values until we find five values that are # separated by at least periodepsilon in period make sure to get only the # finite peaks in the periodogram this is needed because tls may produce # infs for some peaks finitepeakind = npisfinite(lsp) finlsp = lsp[finitepeakind] finperiods = periods[finitepeakind] # make sure that finlsp has finite values before we work on it try: bestperiodind = npargmax(finlsp) except ValueError: LOGERROR('no finite periodogram values ' 'for this mag series, skipping...') resultdict = { 'tlsresult':npnan, 'bestperiod':npnan, 'bestlspval':npnan, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'nbestinds':None, 'nbestlspvals':None, 'nbestperiods':None, 'lspvals':None, 'periods':None, 'method':'tls', 'kwargs':{'startp':startp, 'endp':endp, 'tls_oversample':tls_oversample, 'tls_ntransits':tls_mintransits, 'tls_transit_template':tls_transit_template, 'tls_rstar_min':tls_rstar_min, 'tls_rstar_max':tls_rstar_max, 'tls_mstar_min':tls_mstar_min, 'tls_mstar_max':tls_mstar_max, 'periodepsilon':periodepsilon, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'sigclip':sigclip, 'magsarefluxes':magsarefluxes} } return resultdict sortedlspind = npargsort(finlsp)[::-1] sortedlspperiods = finperiods[sortedlspind] sortedlspvals = finlsp[sortedlspind] # now get the nbestpeaks nbestperiods, nbestlspvals, nbestinds, peakcount = ( [finperiods[bestperiodind]], [finlsp[bestperiodind]], [bestperiodind], 1 ) prevperiod = sortedlspperiods[0] # find the best nbestpeaks in the lsp and their periods for period, lspval, ind in zip(sortedlspperiods, sortedlspvals, sortedlspind): if peakcount == nbestpeaks: break perioddiff = abs(period - prevperiod) bestperiodsdiff = [abs(period - x) for x in nbestperiods] # this ensures that this period is different from the last # period and from all the other existing best periods by # periodepsilon to make sure we jump to an entire different # peak in the periodogram if (perioddiff > (periodepsilon*prevperiod) and all(x > (periodepsilon*period) for x in bestperiodsdiff)): nbestperiods.append(period) nbestlspvals.append(lspval) nbestinds.append(ind) peakcount = peakcount + 1 prevperiod = period # generate the return dict resultdict = { 'tlsresult':tlsresult, 'bestperiod':finperiods[bestperiodind], 'bestlspval':finlsp[bestperiodind], 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'nbestinds':nbestinds, 'nbestlspvals':nbestlspvals, 'nbestperiods':nbestperiods, 'lspvals':lsp, 'periods':periods, 'method':'tls', 'kwargs':{'startp':startp, 'endp':endp, 'tls_oversample':tls_oversample, 'tls_ntransits':tls_mintransits, 'tls_transit_template':tls_transit_template, 'tls_rstar_min':tls_rstar_min, 'tls_rstar_max':tls_rstar_max, 'tls_mstar_min':tls_mstar_min, 'tls_mstar_max':tls_mstar_max, 'periodepsilon':periodepsilon, 'nbestpeaks':nbestpeaks, 'sigclip':sigclip, 'magsarefluxes':magsarefluxes} } return resultdict