Source code for astrobase.lcproc.varthreshold

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Feb 2019
This contains functions to investigate where to set a threshold for
several variability indices to distinguish between variable and non-variable



import logging
from astrobase import log_sub, log_fmt, log_date_fmt

DEBUG = False
    level = logging.DEBUG
    level = logging.INFO
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



import pickle
import os
import os.path
import glob
import multiprocessing as mp

# to turn a list of keys into a dict address
# from
from functools import reduce
from operator import getitem

def _dict_get(datadict, keylist):
    return reduce(getitem, keylist, datadict)

import numpy as np

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    from tqdm import tqdm
    TQDM = True
except Exception:
    TQDM = False

## CONFIG ##

NCPUS = mp.cpu_count()


from astrobase.magnitudes import jhk_to_sdssr
from astrobase.lcproc import get_lcformat


DEFAULT_MAGBINS = np.arange(8.0,16.25,0.25)

[docs]def variability_threshold(featuresdir, outfile, magbins=DEFAULT_MAGBINS, maxobjects=None, timecols=None, magcols=None, errcols=None, lcformat='hat-sql', lcformatdir=None, min_lcmad_stdev=5.0, min_stetj_stdev=2.0, min_iqr_stdev=2.0, min_inveta_stdev=2.0, verbose=True): '''This generates a list of objects with stetson J, IQR, and 1.0/eta above some threshold value to select them as potential variable stars. Use this to pare down the objects to review and put through period-finding. This does the thresholding per magnitude bin; this should be better than one single cut through the entire magnitude range. Set the magnitude bins using the magbins kwarg. FIXME: implement a voting classifier here. this will choose variables based on the thresholds in IQR, stetson, and inveta based on weighting carried over from the variability recovery sims. Parameters ---------- featuresdir : str This is the directory containing variability feature pickles created by :py:func:`astrobase.lcproc.lcpfeatures.parallel_varfeatures` or similar. outfile : str This is the output pickle file that will contain all the threshold information. magbins : np.array of floats This sets the magnitude bins to use for calculating thresholds. maxobjects : int or None This is the number of objects to process. If None, all objects with feature pickles in `featuresdir` will be processed. timecols : list of str or None The timecol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the thresholds. magcols : list of str or None The magcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the thresholds. errcols : list of str or None The errcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the thresholds. lcformat : str This is the `formatkey` associated with your light curve format, which you previously passed in to the `lcproc.register_lcformat` function. This will be used to look up how to find and read the light curves specified in `basedir` or `use_list_of_filenames`. lcformatdir : str or None If this is provided, gives the path to a directory when you've stored your lcformat description JSONs, other than the usual directories lcproc knows to search for them in. Use this along with `lcformat` to specify an LC format JSON file that's not currently registered with lcproc. min_lcmad_stdev,min_stetj_stdev,min_iqr_stdev,min_inveta_stdev : float or np.array These are all the standard deviation multiplier for the distributions of light curve standard deviation, Stetson J variability index, the light curve interquartile range, and 1/eta variability index respectively. These multipliers set the minimum values of these measures to use for selecting variable stars. If provided as floats, the same value will be used for all magbins. If provided as np.arrays of `size = magbins.size - 1`, will be used to apply possibly different sigma cuts for each magbin. verbose : bool If True, will report progress and warn about any problems. Returns ------- dict Contains all of the variability threshold information along with indices into the array of the object IDs chosen as variables. ''' try: formatinfo = get_lcformat(lcformat, use_lcformat_dir=lcformatdir) if formatinfo: (dfileglob, readerfunc, dtimecols, dmagcols, derrcols, magsarefluxes, normfunc) = formatinfo else: LOGERROR("can't figure out the light curve format") return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION("can't figure out the light curve format") return None # override the default timecols, magcols, and errcols # using the ones provided to the function if timecols is None: timecols = dtimecols if magcols is None: magcols = dmagcols if errcols is None: errcols = derrcols # list of input pickles generated by varfeatures functions above pklist = glob.glob(os.path.join(featuresdir, 'varfeatures-*.pkl')) if maxobjects: pklist = pklist[:maxobjects] allobjects = {} for magcol in magcols: # keep local copies of these so we can fix them independently in case of # nans if (isinstance(min_stetj_stdev, list) or isinstance(min_stetj_stdev, np.ndarray)): magcol_min_stetj_stdev = min_stetj_stdev[::] else: magcol_min_stetj_stdev = min_stetj_stdev if (isinstance(min_iqr_stdev, list) or isinstance(min_iqr_stdev, np.ndarray)): magcol_min_iqr_stdev = min_iqr_stdev[::] else: magcol_min_iqr_stdev = min_iqr_stdev if (isinstance(min_inveta_stdev, list) or isinstance(min_inveta_stdev, np.ndarray)): magcol_min_inveta_stdev = min_inveta_stdev[::] else: magcol_min_inveta_stdev = min_inveta_stdev LOGINFO('getting all object sdssr, LC MAD, stet J, IQR, eta...') # we'll calculate the sigma per magnitude bin, so get the mags as well allobjects[magcol] = { 'objectid':[], 'sdssr':[], 'lcmad':[], 'stetsonj':[], 'iqr':[], 'eta':[] } # fancy progress bar with tqdm if present if TQDM and verbose: listiterator = tqdm(pklist) else: listiterator = pklist for pkl in listiterator: with open(pkl,'rb') as infd: thisfeatures = pickle.load(infd) objectid = thisfeatures['objectid'] # the object magnitude if ('info' in thisfeatures and thisfeatures['info'] and 'sdssr' in thisfeatures['info']): if (thisfeatures['info']['sdssr'] and thisfeatures['info']['sdssr'] > 3.0): sdssr = thisfeatures['info']['sdssr'] elif (magcol in thisfeatures and thisfeatures[magcol] and 'median' in thisfeatures[magcol] and thisfeatures[magcol]['median'] > 3.0): sdssr = thisfeatures[magcol]['median'] elif (thisfeatures['info']['jmag'] and thisfeatures['info']['hmag'] and thisfeatures['info']['kmag']): sdssr = jhk_to_sdssr(thisfeatures['info']['jmag'], thisfeatures['info']['hmag'], thisfeatures['info']['kmag']) else: sdssr = np.nan else: sdssr = np.nan # the MAD of the light curve if (magcol in thisfeatures and thisfeatures[magcol] and thisfeatures[magcol]['mad']): lcmad = thisfeatures[magcol]['mad'] else: lcmad = np.nan # stetson index if (magcol in thisfeatures and thisfeatures[magcol] and thisfeatures[magcol]['stetsonj']): stetsonj = thisfeatures[magcol]['stetsonj'] else: stetsonj = np.nan # IQR if (magcol in thisfeatures and thisfeatures[magcol] and thisfeatures[magcol]['mag_iqr']): iqr = thisfeatures[magcol]['mag_iqr'] else: iqr = np.nan # eta if (magcol in thisfeatures and thisfeatures[magcol] and thisfeatures[magcol]['eta_normal']): eta = thisfeatures[magcol]['eta_normal'] else: eta = np.nan allobjects[magcol]['objectid'].append(objectid) allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'].append(sdssr) allobjects[magcol]['lcmad'].append(lcmad) allobjects[magcol]['stetsonj'].append(stetsonj) allobjects[magcol]['iqr'].append(iqr) allobjects[magcol]['eta'].append(eta) # # done with collection of info # LOGINFO('finding objects above thresholds per magbin...') # turn the info into arrays allobjects[magcol]['objectid'] = np.ravel(np.array( allobjects[magcol]['objectid'] )) allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'] = np.ravel(np.array( allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'] )) allobjects[magcol]['lcmad'] = np.ravel(np.array( allobjects[magcol]['lcmad'] )) allobjects[magcol]['stetsonj'] = np.ravel(np.array( allobjects[magcol]['stetsonj'] )) allobjects[magcol]['iqr'] = np.ravel(np.array( allobjects[magcol]['iqr'] )) allobjects[magcol]['eta'] = np.ravel(np.array( allobjects[magcol]['eta'] )) # only get finite elements everywhere thisfinind = ( np.isfinite(allobjects[magcol]['sdssr']) & np.isfinite(allobjects[magcol]['lcmad']) & np.isfinite(allobjects[magcol]['stetsonj']) & np.isfinite(allobjects[magcol]['iqr']) & np.isfinite(allobjects[magcol]['eta']) ) allobjects[magcol]['objectid'] = allobjects[magcol]['objectid'][ thisfinind ] allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'] = allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'][thisfinind] allobjects[magcol]['lcmad'] = allobjects[magcol]['lcmad'][thisfinind] allobjects[magcol]['stetsonj'] = allobjects[magcol]['stetsonj'][ thisfinind ] allobjects[magcol]['iqr'] = allobjects[magcol]['iqr'][thisfinind] allobjects[magcol]['eta'] = allobjects[magcol]['eta'][thisfinind] # invert eta so we can threshold the same way as the others allobjects[magcol]['inveta'] = 1.0/allobjects[magcol]['eta'] # do the thresholding by magnitude bin magbininds = np.digitize(allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'], magbins) binned_objectids = [] binned_sdssr = [] binned_sdssr_median = [] binned_lcmad = [] binned_stetsonj = [] binned_iqr = [] binned_inveta = [] binned_count = [] binned_objectids_thresh_stetsonj = [] binned_objectids_thresh_iqr = [] binned_objectids_thresh_inveta = [] binned_objectids_thresh_all = [] binned_lcmad_median = [] binned_lcmad_stdev = [] binned_stetsonj_median = [] binned_stetsonj_stdev = [] binned_inveta_median = [] binned_inveta_stdev = [] binned_iqr_median = [] binned_iqr_stdev = [] # go through all the mag bins and get the thresholds for J, inveta, IQR for mbinind, magi in zip(np.unique(magbininds), range(len(magbins)-1)): thisbinind = np.where(magbininds == mbinind) thisbin_sdssr_median = (magbins[magi] + magbins[magi+1])/2.0 binned_sdssr_median.append(thisbin_sdssr_median) thisbin_objectids = allobjects[magcol]['objectid'][thisbinind] thisbin_sdssr = allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'][thisbinind] thisbin_lcmad = allobjects[magcol]['lcmad'][thisbinind] thisbin_stetsonj = allobjects[magcol]['stetsonj'][thisbinind] thisbin_iqr = allobjects[magcol]['iqr'][thisbinind] thisbin_inveta = allobjects[magcol]['inveta'][thisbinind] thisbin_count = thisbin_objectids.size if thisbin_count > 4: thisbin_lcmad_median = np.median(thisbin_lcmad) thisbin_lcmad_stdev = np.median( np.abs(thisbin_lcmad - thisbin_lcmad_median) ) * 1.483 binned_lcmad_median.append(thisbin_lcmad_median) binned_lcmad_stdev.append(thisbin_lcmad_stdev) thisbin_stetsonj_median = np.median(thisbin_stetsonj) thisbin_stetsonj_stdev = np.median( np.abs(thisbin_stetsonj - thisbin_stetsonj_median) ) * 1.483 binned_stetsonj_median.append(thisbin_stetsonj_median) binned_stetsonj_stdev.append(thisbin_stetsonj_stdev) # now get the objects above the required stdev threshold if isinstance(magcol_min_stetj_stdev, float): thisbin_objectids_thresh_stetsonj = thisbin_objectids[ thisbin_stetsonj > ( thisbin_stetsonj_median + magcol_min_stetj_stdev*thisbin_stetsonj_stdev ) ] elif (isinstance(magcol_min_stetj_stdev, np.ndarray) or isinstance(magcol_min_stetj_stdev, list)): thisbin_min_stetj_stdev = magcol_min_stetj_stdev[magi] if not np.isfinite(thisbin_min_stetj_stdev): LOGWARNING('provided threshold stetson J stdev ' 'for magbin: %.3f is nan, using 2.0' % thisbin_sdssr_median) thisbin_min_stetj_stdev = 2.0 # update the input list/array as well, since we'll be # saving it to the output dict and using it to plot the # variability thresholds magcol_min_stetj_stdev[magi] = 2.0 thisbin_objectids_thresh_stetsonj = thisbin_objectids[ thisbin_stetsonj > ( thisbin_stetsonj_median + thisbin_min_stetj_stdev*thisbin_stetsonj_stdev ) ] thisbin_iqr_median = np.median(thisbin_iqr) thisbin_iqr_stdev = np.median( np.abs(thisbin_iqr - thisbin_iqr_median) ) * 1.483 binned_iqr_median.append(thisbin_iqr_median) binned_iqr_stdev.append(thisbin_iqr_stdev) # get the objects above the required stdev threshold if isinstance(magcol_min_iqr_stdev, float): thisbin_objectids_thresh_iqr = thisbin_objectids[ thisbin_iqr > (thisbin_iqr_median + magcol_min_iqr_stdev*thisbin_iqr_stdev) ] elif (isinstance(magcol_min_iqr_stdev, np.ndarray) or isinstance(magcol_min_iqr_stdev, list)): thisbin_min_iqr_stdev = magcol_min_iqr_stdev[magi] if not np.isfinite(thisbin_min_iqr_stdev): LOGWARNING('provided threshold IQR stdev ' 'for magbin: %.3f is nan, using 2.0' % thisbin_sdssr_median) thisbin_min_iqr_stdev = 2.0 # update the input list/array as well, since we'll be # saving it to the output dict and using it to plot the # variability thresholds magcol_min_iqr_stdev[magi] = 2.0 thisbin_objectids_thresh_iqr = thisbin_objectids[ thisbin_iqr > (thisbin_iqr_median + thisbin_min_iqr_stdev*thisbin_iqr_stdev) ] thisbin_inveta_median = np.median(thisbin_inveta) thisbin_inveta_stdev = np.median( np.abs(thisbin_inveta - thisbin_inveta_median) ) * 1.483 binned_inveta_median.append(thisbin_inveta_median) binned_inveta_stdev.append(thisbin_inveta_stdev) if isinstance(magcol_min_inveta_stdev, float): thisbin_objectids_thresh_inveta = thisbin_objectids[ thisbin_inveta > ( thisbin_inveta_median + magcol_min_inveta_stdev*thisbin_inveta_stdev ) ] elif (isinstance(magcol_min_inveta_stdev, np.ndarray) or isinstance(magcol_min_inveta_stdev, list)): thisbin_min_inveta_stdev = magcol_min_inveta_stdev[magi] if not np.isfinite(thisbin_min_inveta_stdev): LOGWARNING('provided threshold inveta stdev ' 'for magbin: %.3f is nan, using 2.0' % thisbin_sdssr_median) thisbin_min_inveta_stdev = 2.0 # update the input list/array as well, since we'll be # saving it to the output dict and using it to plot the # variability thresholds magcol_min_inveta_stdev[magi] = 2.0 thisbin_objectids_thresh_inveta = thisbin_objectids[ thisbin_inveta > ( thisbin_inveta_median + thisbin_min_inveta_stdev*thisbin_inveta_stdev ) ] else: thisbin_objectids_thresh_stetsonj = ( np.array([],dtype=np.unicode_) ) thisbin_objectids_thresh_iqr = ( np.array([],dtype=np.unicode_) ) thisbin_objectids_thresh_inveta = ( np.array([],dtype=np.unicode_) ) # # done with check for enough objects in the bin # # get the intersection of all threshold objects to get objects that # lie above the threshold for all variable indices thisbin_objectids_thresh_all = reduce( np.intersect1d, (thisbin_objectids_thresh_stetsonj, thisbin_objectids_thresh_iqr, thisbin_objectids_thresh_inveta) ) binned_objectids.append(thisbin_objectids) binned_sdssr.append(thisbin_sdssr) binned_lcmad.append(thisbin_lcmad) binned_stetsonj.append(thisbin_stetsonj) binned_iqr.append(thisbin_iqr) binned_inveta.append(thisbin_inveta) binned_count.append(thisbin_objectids.size) binned_objectids_thresh_stetsonj.append( thisbin_objectids_thresh_stetsonj ) binned_objectids_thresh_iqr.append( thisbin_objectids_thresh_iqr ) binned_objectids_thresh_inveta.append( thisbin_objectids_thresh_inveta ) binned_objectids_thresh_all.append( thisbin_objectids_thresh_all ) # # done with magbins # # update the output dict for this magcol allobjects[magcol]['magbins'] = magbins allobjects[magcol]['binned_objectids'] = binned_objectids allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr_median'] = binned_sdssr_median allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr'] = binned_sdssr allobjects[magcol]['binned_count'] = binned_count allobjects[magcol]['binned_lcmad'] = binned_lcmad allobjects[magcol]['binned_lcmad_median'] = binned_lcmad_median allobjects[magcol]['binned_lcmad_stdev'] = binned_lcmad_stdev allobjects[magcol]['binned_stetsonj'] = binned_stetsonj allobjects[magcol]['binned_stetsonj_median'] = binned_stetsonj_median allobjects[magcol]['binned_stetsonj_stdev'] = binned_stetsonj_stdev allobjects[magcol]['binned_iqr'] = binned_iqr allobjects[magcol]['binned_iqr_median'] = binned_iqr_median allobjects[magcol]['binned_iqr_stdev'] = binned_iqr_stdev allobjects[magcol]['binned_inveta'] = binned_inveta allobjects[magcol]['binned_inveta_median'] = binned_inveta_median allobjects[magcol]['binned_inveta_stdev'] = binned_inveta_stdev allobjects[magcol]['binned_objectids_thresh_stetsonj'] = ( binned_objectids_thresh_stetsonj ) allobjects[magcol]['binned_objectids_thresh_iqr'] = ( binned_objectids_thresh_iqr ) allobjects[magcol]['binned_objectids_thresh_inveta'] = ( binned_objectids_thresh_inveta ) allobjects[magcol]['binned_objectids_thresh_all'] = ( binned_objectids_thresh_all ) # get the common selected objects thru all measures try: allobjects[magcol]['objectids_all_thresh_all_magbins'] = np.unique( np.concatenate( allobjects[magcol]['binned_objectids_thresh_all'] ) ) except ValueError: LOGWARNING('not enough variable objects matching all thresholds') allobjects[magcol]['objectids_all_thresh_all_magbins'] = ( np.array([]) ) allobjects[magcol]['objectids_stetsonj_thresh_all_magbins'] = np.unique( np.concatenate( allobjects[magcol]['binned_objectids_thresh_stetsonj'] ) ) allobjects[magcol]['objectids_inveta_thresh_all_magbins'] = np.unique( np.concatenate(allobjects[magcol]['binned_objectids_thresh_inveta']) ) allobjects[magcol]['objectids_iqr_thresh_all_magbins'] = np.unique( np.concatenate(allobjects[magcol]['binned_objectids_thresh_iqr']) ) # turn these into np.arrays for easier plotting if they're lists if isinstance(min_stetj_stdev, list): allobjects[magcol]['min_stetj_stdev'] = np.array( magcol_min_stetj_stdev ) else: allobjects[magcol]['min_stetj_stdev'] = magcol_min_stetj_stdev if isinstance(min_iqr_stdev, list): allobjects[magcol]['min_iqr_stdev'] = np.array( magcol_min_iqr_stdev ) else: allobjects[magcol]['min_iqr_stdev'] = magcol_min_iqr_stdev if isinstance(min_inveta_stdev, list): allobjects[magcol]['min_inveta_stdev'] = np.array( magcol_min_inveta_stdev ) else: allobjects[magcol]['min_inveta_stdev'] = magcol_min_inveta_stdev # this one doesn't get touched (for now) allobjects[magcol]['min_lcmad_stdev'] = min_lcmad_stdev # # done with all magcols # allobjects['magbins'] = magbins with open(outfile,'wb') as outfd: pickle.dump(allobjects, outfd, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return allobjects
[docs]def plot_variability_thresholds(varthreshpkl, xmin_lcmad_stdev=5.0, xmin_stetj_stdev=2.0, xmin_iqr_stdev=2.0, xmin_inveta_stdev=2.0, lcformat='hat-sql', lcformatdir=None, magcols=None): '''This makes plots for the variability threshold distributions. Parameters ---------- varthreshpkl : str The pickle produced by the function above. xmin_lcmad_stdev,xmin_stetj_stdev,xmin_iqr_stdev,xmin_inveta_stdev : float or np.array Values of the threshold values to override the ones in the `vartresholdpkl`. If provided, will plot the thresholds accordingly instead of using the ones in the input pickle directly. lcformat : str This is the `formatkey` associated with your light curve format, which you previously passed in to the `lcproc.register_lcformat` function. This will be used to look up how to find and read the light curves specified in `basedir` or `use_list_of_filenames`. lcformatdir : str or None If this is provided, gives the path to a directory when you've stored your lcformat description JSONs, other than the usual directories lcproc knows to search for them in. Use this along with `lcformat` to specify an LC format JSON file that's not currently registered with lcproc. magcols : list of str or None The magcol keys to use from the lcdict. Returns ------- str The file name of the threshold plot generated. ''' try: formatinfo = get_lcformat(lcformat, use_lcformat_dir=lcformatdir) if formatinfo: (dfileglob, readerfunc, dtimecols, dmagcols, derrcols, magsarefluxes, normfunc) = formatinfo else: LOGERROR("can't figure out the light curve format") return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION("can't figure out the light curve format") return None if magcols is None: magcols = dmagcols with open(varthreshpkl,'rb') as infd: allobjects = pickle.load(infd) magbins = allobjects['magbins'] for magcol in magcols: min_lcmad_stdev = ( xmin_lcmad_stdev or allobjects[magcol]['min_lcmad_stdev'] ) min_stetj_stdev = ( xmin_stetj_stdev or allobjects[magcol]['min_stetj_stdev'] ) min_iqr_stdev = ( xmin_iqr_stdev or allobjects[magcol]['min_iqr_stdev'] ) min_inveta_stdev = ( xmin_inveta_stdev or allobjects[magcol]['min_inveta_stdev'] ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,16)) # the mag vs lcmad plt.subplot(221) plt.plot(allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'], allobjects[magcol]['lcmad']*1.483, marker='.',ms=1.0, linestyle='none', rasterized=True) plt.plot(allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr_median'], np.array(allobjects[magcol]['binned_lcmad_median'])*1.483, linewidth=3.0) plt.plot( allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr_median'], np.array(allobjects[magcol]['binned_lcmad_median'])*1.483 + min_lcmad_stdev*np.array( allobjects[magcol]['binned_lcmad_stdev'] ), linewidth=3.0, linestyle='dashed' ) plt.xlim((magbins.min()-0.25, magbins.max())) plt.xlabel('SDSS r') plt.ylabel(r'lightcurve RMS (MAD $\times$ 1.483)') plt.title('%s - SDSS r vs. light curve RMS' % magcol) plt.yscale('log') plt.tight_layout() # the mag vs stetsonj plt.subplot(222) plt.plot(allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'], allobjects[magcol]['stetsonj'], marker='.',ms=1.0, linestyle='none', rasterized=True) plt.plot(allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr_median'], allobjects[magcol]['binned_stetsonj_median'], linewidth=3.0) plt.plot( allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr_median'], np.array(allobjects[magcol]['binned_stetsonj_median']) + min_stetj_stdev*np.array( allobjects[magcol]['binned_stetsonj_stdev'] ), linewidth=3.0, linestyle='dashed' ) plt.xlim((magbins.min()-0.25, magbins.max())) plt.xlabel('SDSS r') plt.ylabel('Stetson J index') plt.title('%s - SDSS r vs. Stetson J index' % magcol) plt.yscale('log') plt.tight_layout() # the mag vs IQR plt.subplot(223) plt.plot(allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'], allobjects[magcol]['iqr'], marker='.',ms=1.0, linestyle='none', rasterized=True) plt.plot(allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr_median'], allobjects[magcol]['binned_iqr_median'], linewidth=3.0) plt.plot( allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr_median'], np.array(allobjects[magcol]['binned_iqr_median']) + min_iqr_stdev*np.array( allobjects[magcol]['binned_iqr_stdev'] ), linewidth=3.0, linestyle='dashed' ) plt.xlabel('SDSS r') plt.ylabel('IQR') plt.title('%s - SDSS r vs. IQR' % magcol) plt.xlim((magbins.min()-0.25, magbins.max())) plt.yscale('log') plt.tight_layout() # the mag vs IQR plt.subplot(224) plt.plot(allobjects[magcol]['sdssr'], allobjects[magcol]['inveta'], marker='.',ms=1.0, linestyle='none', rasterized=True) plt.plot(allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr_median'], allobjects[magcol]['binned_inveta_median'], linewidth=3.0) plt.plot( allobjects[magcol]['binned_sdssr_median'], np.array(allobjects[magcol]['binned_inveta_median']) + min_inveta_stdev*np.array( allobjects[magcol]['binned_inveta_stdev'] ), linewidth=3.0, linestyle='dashed' ) plt.xlabel('SDSS r') plt.ylabel(r'$1/\eta$') plt.title(r'%s - SDSS r vs. $1/\eta$' % magcol) plt.xlim((magbins.min()-0.25, magbins.max())) plt.yscale('log') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('varfeatures-%s-%s-distributions.png' % (varthreshpkl, magcol), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all')