Source code for astrobase.lcproc.lcpfeatures

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Feb 2019

This contains functions to generate periodic light curve features for later
variable star classification.



import logging
from astrobase import log_sub, log_fmt, log_date_fmt

DEBUG = False
    level = logging.DEBUG
    level = logging.INFO
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



import pickle
import os
import os.path
import glob
import gzip
import multiprocessing as mp
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

from tornado.escape import squeeze

# to turn a list of keys into a dict address
# from
from functools import reduce
from operator import getitem

def _dict_get(datadict, keylist):
    return reduce(getitem, keylist, datadict)

import numpy as np

    from tqdm import tqdm
    TQDM = True
except Exception:
    TQDM = False

## CONFIG ##

NCPUS = mp.cpu_count()


from astrobase.lcmath import normalize_magseries
from astrobase.varclass import periodicfeatures

from astrobase.lcproc import get_lcformat
from astrobase.lcproc.periodsearch import PFMETHODS


[docs]def get_periodicfeatures( pfpickle, lcbasedir, outdir, fourierorder=5, # these are depth, duration, ingress duration transitparams=(-0.01,0.1,0.1), # these are depth, duration, depth ratio, secphase ebparams=(-0.2,0.3,0.7,0.5), pdiff_threshold=1.0e-4, sidereal_threshold=1.0e-4, sampling_peak_multiplier=5.0, sampling_startp=None, sampling_endp=None, starfeatures=None, timecols=None, magcols=None, errcols=None, lcformat='hat-sql', lcformatdir=None, sigclip=10.0, verbose=True, raiseonfail=False ): '''This gets all periodic features for the object. Parameters ---------- pfpickle : str The period-finding result pickle containing period-finder results to use for the calculation of LC fit, periodogram, and phased LC features. lcbasedir : str The base directory where the light curve for the current object is located. outdir : str The output directory where the results will be written. fourierorder : int The Fourier order to use to generate sinusoidal function and fit that to the phased light curve. transitparams : list of floats The transit depth, duration, and ingress duration to use to generate a trapezoid planet transit model fit to the phased light curve. The period used is the one provided in `period`, while the epoch is automatically obtained from a spline fit to the phased light curve. ebparams : list of floats The primary eclipse depth, eclipse duration, the primary-secondary depth ratio, and the phase of the secondary eclipse to use to generate an eclipsing binary model fit to the phased light curve. The period used is the one provided in `period`, while the epoch is automatically obtained from a spline fit to the phased light curve. pdiff_threshold : float This is the max difference between periods to consider them the same. sidereal_threshold : float This is the max difference between any of the 'best' periods and the sidereal day periods to consider them the same. sampling_peak_multiplier : float This is the minimum multiplicative factor of a 'best' period's normalized periodogram peak over the sampling periodogram peak at the same period required to accept the 'best' period as possibly real. sampling_startp, sampling_endp : float If the `pgramlist` doesn't have a time-sampling Lomb-Scargle periodogram, it will be obtained automatically. Use these kwargs to control the minimum and maximum period interval to be searched when generating this periodogram. starfeatures : str or None If not None, this should be the filename of the `starfeatures-<objectid>.pkl` created by :py:func:`astrobase.lcproc.lcsfeatures.get_starfeatures` for this object. This is used to get the neighbor's light curve and phase it with this object's period to see if this object is blended. timecols : list of str or None The timecol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. magcols : list of str or None The magcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. errcols : list of str or None The errcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. lcformat : str This is the `formatkey` associated with your light curve format, which you previously passed in to the `lcproc.register_lcformat` function. This will be used to look up how to find and read the light curves specified in `basedir` or `use_list_of_filenames`. lcformatdir : str or None If this is provided, gives the path to a directory when you've stored your lcformat description JSONs, other than the usual directories lcproc knows to search for them in. Use this along with `lcformat` to specify an LC format JSON file that's not currently registered with lcproc. sigclip : float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series. If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an 'asymmetric' sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, `sigclip=[10., 3.]`, will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of "dimming" and "brightening" is set by *physics* (not the magnitude system), which is why the `magsarefluxes` kwarg must be correctly set. If `sigclip` is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output. verbose : bool If True, will indicate progress while working. raiseonfail : bool If True, will raise an Exception if something goes wrong. Returns ------- str Returns a filename for the output pickle containing all of the periodic features for the input object's LC. ''' try: formatinfo = get_lcformat(lcformat, use_lcformat_dir=lcformatdir) if formatinfo: (fileglob, readerfunc, dtimecols, dmagcols, derrcols, magsarefluxes, normfunc) = formatinfo else: LOGERROR("can't figure out the light curve format") return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION("can't figure out the light curve format") return None # open the pfpickle if pfpickle.endswith('.gz'): infd = else: infd = open(pfpickle) pf = pickle.load(infd) infd.close() lcfile = os.path.join(lcbasedir, pf['lcfbasename']) objectid = pf['objectid'] if 'kwargs' in pf: kwargs = pf['kwargs'] else: kwargs = None # override the default timecols, magcols, and errcols # using the ones provided to the periodfinder # if those don't exist, use the defaults from the lcformat def if kwargs and 'timecols' in kwargs and timecols is None: timecols = kwargs['timecols'] elif not kwargs and not timecols: timecols = dtimecols if kwargs and 'magcols' in kwargs and magcols is None: magcols = kwargs['magcols'] elif not kwargs and not magcols: magcols = dmagcols if kwargs and 'errcols' in kwargs and errcols is None: errcols = kwargs['errcols'] elif not kwargs and not errcols: errcols = derrcols # check if the light curve file exists if not os.path.exists(lcfile): LOGERROR("can't find LC %s for object %s" % (lcfile, objectid)) return None # check if we have neighbors we can get the LCs for if starfeatures is not None and os.path.exists(starfeatures): with open(starfeatures,'rb') as infd: starfeat = pickle.load(infd) if starfeat['closestnbrlcfname'].size > 0: nbr_full_lcf = starfeat['closestnbrlcfname'][0] # check for this LC in the lcbasedir if os.path.exists(os.path.join(lcbasedir, os.path.basename(nbr_full_lcf))): nbrlcf = os.path.join(lcbasedir, os.path.basename(nbr_full_lcf)) # if it's not there, check for this file at the full LC location elif os.path.exists(nbr_full_lcf): nbrlcf = nbr_full_lcf # otherwise, we can't find it, so complain else: LOGWARNING("can't find neighbor light curve file: %s in " "its original directory: %s, or in this object's " "lcbasedir: %s, skipping neighbor processing..." % (os.path.basename(nbr_full_lcf), os.path.dirname(nbr_full_lcf), lcbasedir)) nbrlcf = None else: nbrlcf = None else: nbrlcf = None # now, start processing for periodic feature extraction try: # get the object LC into a dict lcdict = readerfunc(lcfile) # this should handle lists/tuples being returned by readerfunc # we assume that the first element is the actual lcdict # FIXME: figure out how to not need this assumption if ( (isinstance(lcdict, (list, tuple))) and (isinstance(lcdict[0], dict)) ): lcdict = lcdict[0] # get the nbr object LC into a dict if there is one if nbrlcf is not None: nbrlcdict = readerfunc(nbrlcf) # this should handle lists/tuples being returned by readerfunc # we assume that the first element is the actual lcdict # FIXME: figure out how to not need this assumption if ( (isinstance(nbrlcdict, (list, tuple))) and (isinstance(nbrlcdict[0], dict)) ): nbrlcdict = nbrlcdict[0] # this will be the output file outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'periodicfeatures-%s.pkl' % squeeze(objectid).replace(' ','-')) # normalize using the special function if specified if normfunc is not None: lcdict = normfunc(lcdict) if nbrlcf: nbrlcdict = normfunc(nbrlcdict) resultdict = {} for tcol, mcol, ecol in zip(timecols, magcols, errcols): # dereference the columns and get them from the lcdict if '.' in tcol: tcolget = tcol.split('.') else: tcolget = [tcol] times = _dict_get(lcdict, tcolget) if nbrlcf: nbrtimes = _dict_get(nbrlcdict, tcolget) else: nbrtimes = None if '.' in mcol: mcolget = mcol.split('.') else: mcolget = [mcol] mags = _dict_get(lcdict, mcolget) if nbrlcf: nbrmags = _dict_get(nbrlcdict, mcolget) else: nbrmags = None if '.' in ecol: ecolget = ecol.split('.') else: ecolget = [ecol] errs = _dict_get(lcdict, ecolget) if nbrlcf: nbrerrs = _dict_get(nbrlcdict, ecolget) else: nbrerrs = None # # filter out nans, etc. from the object and any neighbor LC # # get the finite values finind = np.isfinite(times) & np.isfinite(mags) & np.isfinite(errs) ftimes, fmags, ferrs = times[finind], mags[finind], errs[finind] if nbrlcf: nfinind = (np.isfinite(nbrtimes) & np.isfinite(nbrmags) & np.isfinite(nbrerrs)) nbrftimes, nbrfmags, nbrferrs = (nbrtimes[nfinind], nbrmags[nfinind], nbrerrs[nfinind]) # get nonzero errors nzind = np.nonzero(ferrs) ftimes, fmags, ferrs = ftimes[nzind], fmags[nzind], ferrs[nzind] if nbrlcf: nnzind = np.nonzero(nbrferrs) nbrftimes, nbrfmags, nbrferrs = (nbrftimes[nnzind], nbrfmags[nnzind], nbrferrs[nnzind]) # normalize here if not using special normalization if normfunc is None: ntimes, nmags = normalize_magseries( ftimes, fmags, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes ) times, mags, errs = ntimes, nmags, ferrs if nbrlcf: nbrntimes, nbrnmags = normalize_magseries( nbrftimes, nbrfmags, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes ) nbrtimes, nbrmags, nbrerrs = nbrntimes, nbrnmags, nbrferrs else: nbrtimes, nbrmags, nbrerrs = None, None, None else: times, mags, errs = ftimes, fmags, ferrs if times.size > 999: # # now we have times, mags, errs (and nbrtimes, nbrmags, nbrerrs) # available_pfmethods = [] available_pgrams = [] available_bestperiods = [] for k in pf[mcol].keys(): if k in PFMETHODS: available_pgrams.append(pf[mcol][k]) if k != 'win': available_pfmethods.append( pf[mcol][k]['method'] ) available_bestperiods.append( pf[mcol][k]['bestperiod'] ) # # process periodic features for this magcol # featkey = 'periodicfeatures-%s' % mcol resultdict[featkey] = {} # first, handle the periodogram features pgramfeat = periodicfeatures.periodogram_features( available_pgrams, times, mags, errs, sigclip=sigclip, pdiff_threshold=pdiff_threshold, sidereal_threshold=sidereal_threshold, sampling_peak_multiplier=sampling_peak_multiplier, sampling_startp=sampling_startp, sampling_endp=sampling_endp, verbose=verbose ) resultdict[featkey].update(pgramfeat) resultdict[featkey]['pfmethods'] = available_pfmethods # then for each bestperiod, get phasedlc and lcfit features for _ind, pfm, bp in zip(range(len(available_bestperiods)), available_pfmethods, available_bestperiods): resultdict[featkey][pfm] = periodicfeatures.lcfit_features( times, mags, errs, bp, fourierorder=fourierorder, transitparams=transitparams, ebparams=ebparams, sigclip=sigclip, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, verbose=verbose ) phasedlcfeat = periodicfeatures.phasedlc_features( times, mags, errs, bp, nbrtimes=nbrtimes, nbrmags=nbrmags, nbrerrs=nbrerrs ) resultdict[featkey][pfm].update(phasedlcfeat) else: LOGERROR('not enough finite measurements in magcol: %s, for ' 'pfpickle: %s, skipping this magcol' % (mcol, pfpickle)) featkey = 'periodicfeatures-%s' % mcol resultdict[featkey] = None # # end of per magcol processing # # write resultdict to pickle outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'periodicfeatures-%s.pkl' % squeeze(objectid).replace(' ','-')) with open(outfile,'wb') as outfd: pickle.dump(resultdict, outfd, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return outfile except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION('failed to run for pf: %s, lcfile: %s' % (pfpickle, lcfile)) if raiseonfail: raise else: return None
def _periodicfeatures_worker(task): ''' This is a parallel worker for the drivers below. ''' pfpickle, lcbasedir, outdir, starfeatures, kwargs = task try: return get_periodicfeatures(pfpickle, lcbasedir, outdir, starfeatures=starfeatures, **kwargs) except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION('failed to get periodicfeatures for %s' % pfpickle)
[docs]def serial_periodicfeatures(pfpkl_list, lcbasedir, outdir, starfeaturesdir=None, fourierorder=5, # these are depth, duration, ingress duration transitparams=(-0.01,0.1,0.1), # these are depth, duration, depth ratio, secphase ebparams=(-0.2,0.3,0.7,0.5), pdiff_threshold=1.0e-4, sidereal_threshold=1.0e-4, sampling_peak_multiplier=5.0, sampling_startp=None, sampling_endp=None, starfeatures=None, timecols=None, magcols=None, errcols=None, lcformat='hat-sql', lcformatdir=None, sigclip=10.0, verbose=False, maxobjects=None): '''This drives the periodicfeatures collection for a list of periodfinding pickles. Parameters ---------- pfpkl_list : list of str The list of period-finding pickles to use. lcbasedir : str The base directory where the associated light curves are located. outdir : str The directory where the results will be written. starfeaturesdir : str or None The directory containing the `starfeatures-<objectid>.pkl` files for each object to use calculate neighbor proximity light curve features. fourierorder : int The Fourier order to use to generate sinusoidal function and fit that to the phased light curve. transitparams : list of floats The transit depth, duration, and ingress duration to use to generate a trapezoid planet transit model fit to the phased light curve. The period used is the one provided in `period`, while the epoch is automatically obtained from a spline fit to the phased light curve. ebparams : list of floats The primary eclipse depth, eclipse duration, the primary-secondary depth ratio, and the phase of the secondary eclipse to use to generate an eclipsing binary model fit to the phased light curve. The period used is the one provided in `period`, while the epoch is automatically obtained from a spline fit to the phased light curve. pdiff_threshold : float This is the max difference between periods to consider them the same. sidereal_threshold : float This is the max difference between any of the 'best' periods and the sidereal day periods to consider them the same. sampling_peak_multiplier : float This is the minimum multiplicative factor of a 'best' period's normalized periodogram peak over the sampling periodogram peak at the same period required to accept the 'best' period as possibly real. sampling_startp, sampling_endp : float If the `pgramlist` doesn't have a time-sampling Lomb-Scargle periodogram, it will be obtained automatically. Use these kwargs to control the minimum and maximum period interval to be searched when generating this periodogram. timecols : list of str or None The timecol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. magcols : list of str or None The magcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. errcols : list of str or None The errcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. lcformat : str This is the `formatkey` associated with your light curve format, which you previously passed in to the `lcproc.register_lcformat` function. This will be used to look up how to find and read the light curves specified in `basedir` or `use_list_of_filenames`. lcformatdir : str or None If this is provided, gives the path to a directory when you've stored your lcformat description JSONs, other than the usual directories lcproc knows to search for them in. Use this along with `lcformat` to specify an LC format JSON file that's not currently registered with lcproc. sigclip : float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series. If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an 'asymmetric' sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, `sigclip=[10., 3.]`, will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of "dimming" and "brightening" is set by *physics* (not the magnitude system), which is why the `magsarefluxes` kwarg must be correctly set. If `sigclip` is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output. verbose : bool If True, will indicate progress while working. maxobjects : int The total number of objects to process from `pfpkl_list`. Returns ------- Nothing. ''' try: formatinfo = get_lcformat(lcformat, use_lcformat_dir=lcformatdir) if formatinfo: (fileglob, readerfunc, dtimecols, dmagcols, derrcols, magsarefluxes, normfunc) = formatinfo else: LOGERROR("can't figure out the light curve format") return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION("can't figure out the light curve format") return None # make sure to make the output directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) if maxobjects: pfpkl_list = pfpkl_list[:maxobjects] LOGINFO('%s periodfinding pickles to process' % len(pfpkl_list)) # if the starfeaturedir is provided, try to find a starfeatures pickle for # each periodfinding pickle in pfpkl_list if starfeaturesdir and os.path.exists(starfeaturesdir): starfeatures_list = [] LOGINFO('collecting starfeatures pickles...') for pfpkl in pfpkl_list: sfpkl1 = os.path.basename(pfpkl).replace('periodfinding', 'starfeatures') sfpkl2 = sfpkl1.replace('.gz','') sfpath1 = os.path.join(starfeaturesdir, sfpkl1) sfpath2 = os.path.join(starfeaturesdir, sfpkl2) if os.path.exists(sfpath1): starfeatures_list.append(sfpkl1) elif os.path.exists(sfpath2): starfeatures_list.append(sfpkl2) else: starfeatures_list.append(None) else: starfeatures_list = [None for x in pfpkl_list] # generate the task list kwargs = {'fourierorder':fourierorder, 'transitparams':transitparams, 'ebparams':ebparams, 'pdiff_threshold':pdiff_threshold, 'sidereal_threshold':sidereal_threshold, 'sampling_peak_multiplier':sampling_peak_multiplier, 'sampling_startp':sampling_startp, 'sampling_endp':sampling_endp, 'timecols':timecols, 'magcols':magcols, 'errcols':errcols, 'lcformat':lcformat, 'lcformatdir':lcformatdir, 'sigclip':sigclip, 'verbose':verbose} tasks = [(x, lcbasedir, outdir, y, kwargs) for (x,y) in zip(pfpkl_list, starfeatures_list)] LOGINFO('processing periodfinding pickles...') for task in tqdm(tasks): _periodicfeatures_worker(task)
[docs]def parallel_periodicfeatures(pfpkl_list, lcbasedir, outdir, starfeaturesdir=None, fourierorder=5, # these are depth, duration, ingress duration transitparams=(-0.01,0.1,0.1), # these are depth, duration, depth ratio, secphase ebparams=(-0.2,0.3,0.7,0.5), pdiff_threshold=1.0e-4, sidereal_threshold=1.0e-4, sampling_peak_multiplier=5.0, sampling_startp=None, sampling_endp=None, timecols=None, magcols=None, errcols=None, lcformat='hat-sql', lcformatdir=None, sigclip=10.0, verbose=False, maxobjects=None, nworkers=NCPUS): '''This runs periodic feature generation in parallel for all periodfinding pickles in the input list. Parameters ---------- pfpkl_list : list of str The list of period-finding pickles to use. lcbasedir : str The base directory where the associated light curves are located. outdir : str The directory where the results will be written. starfeaturesdir : str or None The directory containing the `starfeatures-<objectid>.pkl` files for each object to use calculate neighbor proximity light curve features. fourierorder : int The Fourier order to use to generate sinusoidal function and fit that to the phased light curve. transitparams : list of floats The transit depth, duration, and ingress duration to use to generate a trapezoid planet transit model fit to the phased light curve. The period used is the one provided in `period`, while the epoch is automatically obtained from a spline fit to the phased light curve. ebparams : list of floats The primary eclipse depth, eclipse duration, the primary-secondary depth ratio, and the phase of the secondary eclipse to use to generate an eclipsing binary model fit to the phased light curve. The period used is the one provided in `period`, while the epoch is automatically obtained from a spline fit to the phased light curve. pdiff_threshold : float This is the max difference between periods to consider them the same. sidereal_threshold : float This is the max difference between any of the 'best' periods and the sidereal day periods to consider them the same. sampling_peak_multiplier : float This is the minimum multiplicative factor of a 'best' period's normalized periodogram peak over the sampling periodogram peak at the same period required to accept the 'best' period as possibly real. sampling_startp, sampling_endp : float If the `pgramlist` doesn't have a time-sampling Lomb-Scargle periodogram, it will be obtained automatically. Use these kwargs to control the minimum and maximum period interval to be searched when generating this periodogram. timecols : list of str or None The timecol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. magcols : list of str or None The magcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. errcols : list of str or None The errcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. lcformat : str This is the `formatkey` associated with your light curve format, which you previously passed in to the `lcproc.register_lcformat` function. This will be used to look up how to find and read the light curves specified in `basedir` or `use_list_of_filenames`. lcformatdir : str or None If this is provided, gives the path to a directory when you've stored your lcformat description JSONs, other than the usual directories lcproc knows to search for them in. Use this along with `lcformat` to specify an LC format JSON file that's not currently registered with lcproc. sigclip : float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series. If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an 'asymmetric' sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, `sigclip=[10., 3.]`, will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of "dimming" and "brightening" is set by *physics* (not the magnitude system), which is why the `magsarefluxes` kwarg must be correctly set. If `sigclip` is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output. verbose : bool If True, will indicate progress while working. maxobjects : int The total number of objects to process from `pfpkl_list`. nworkers : int The number of parallel workers to launch to process the input. Returns ------- dict A dict containing key: val pairs of the input period-finder result and the output periodic feature result pickles for each input pickle is returned. ''' # make sure to make the output directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) if maxobjects: pfpkl_list = pfpkl_list[:maxobjects] LOGINFO('%s periodfinding pickles to process' % len(pfpkl_list)) # if the starfeaturedir is provided, try to find a starfeatures pickle for # each periodfinding pickle in pfpkl_list if starfeaturesdir and os.path.exists(starfeaturesdir): starfeatures_list = [] LOGINFO('collecting starfeatures pickles...') for pfpkl in pfpkl_list: sfpkl1 = os.path.basename(pfpkl).replace('periodfinding', 'starfeatures') sfpkl2 = sfpkl1.replace('.gz','') sfpath1 = os.path.join(starfeaturesdir, sfpkl1) sfpath2 = os.path.join(starfeaturesdir, sfpkl2) if os.path.exists(sfpath1): starfeatures_list.append(sfpkl1) elif os.path.exists(sfpath2): starfeatures_list.append(sfpkl2) else: starfeatures_list.append(None) else: starfeatures_list = [None for x in pfpkl_list] # generate the task list kwargs = {'fourierorder':fourierorder, 'transitparams':transitparams, 'ebparams':ebparams, 'pdiff_threshold':pdiff_threshold, 'sidereal_threshold':sidereal_threshold, 'sampling_peak_multiplier':sampling_peak_multiplier, 'sampling_startp':sampling_startp, 'sampling_endp':sampling_endp, 'timecols':timecols, 'magcols':magcols, 'errcols':errcols, 'lcformat':lcformat, 'lcformatdir':lcformat, 'sigclip':sigclip, 'verbose':verbose} tasks = [(x, lcbasedir, outdir, y, kwargs) for (x,y) in zip(pfpkl_list, starfeatures_list)] LOGINFO('processing periodfinding pickles...') with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nworkers) as executor: resultfutures =, tasks) results = list(resultfutures) resdict = {os.path.basename(x):y for (x,y) in zip(pfpkl_list, results)} return resdict
[docs]def parallel_periodicfeatures_lcdir( pfpkl_dir, lcbasedir, outdir, pfpkl_glob='periodfinding-*.pkl*', starfeaturesdir=None, fourierorder=5, # these are depth, duration, ingress duration transitparams=(-0.01,0.1,0.1), # these are depth, duration, depth ratio, secphase ebparams=(-0.2,0.3,0.7,0.5), pdiff_threshold=1.0e-4, sidereal_threshold=1.0e-4, sampling_peak_multiplier=5.0, sampling_startp=None, sampling_endp=None, timecols=None, magcols=None, errcols=None, lcformat='hat-sql', lcformatdir=None, sigclip=10.0, verbose=False, maxobjects=None, nworkers=NCPUS, recursive=True, ): '''This runs parallel periodicfeature extraction for a directory of periodfinding result pickles. Parameters ---------- pfpkl_dir : str The directory containing the pickles to process. lcbasedir : str The directory where all of the associated light curve files are located. outdir : str The directory where all the output will be written. pfpkl_glob : str The UNIX file glob to use to search for period-finder result pickles in `pfpkl_dir`. starfeaturesdir : str or None The directory containing the `starfeatures-<objectid>.pkl` files for each object to use calculate neighbor proximity light curve features. fourierorder : int The Fourier order to use to generate sinusoidal function and fit that to the phased light curve. transitparams : list of floats The transit depth, duration, and ingress duration to use to generate a trapezoid planet transit model fit to the phased light curve. The period used is the one provided in `period`, while the epoch is automatically obtained from a spline fit to the phased light curve. ebparams : list of floats The primary eclipse depth, eclipse duration, the primary-secondary depth ratio, and the phase of the secondary eclipse to use to generate an eclipsing binary model fit to the phased light curve. The period used is the one provided in `period`, while the epoch is automatically obtained from a spline fit to the phased light curve. pdiff_threshold : float This is the max difference between periods to consider them the same. sidereal_threshold : float This is the max difference between any of the 'best' periods and the sidereal day periods to consider them the same. sampling_peak_multiplier : float This is the minimum multiplicative factor of a 'best' period's normalized periodogram peak over the sampling periodogram peak at the same period required to accept the 'best' period as possibly real. sampling_startp, sampling_endp : float If the `pgramlist` doesn't have a time-sampling Lomb-Scargle periodogram, it will be obtained automatically. Use these kwargs to control the minimum and maximum period interval to be searched when generating this periodogram. timecols : list of str or None The timecol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. magcols : list of str or None The magcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. errcols : list of str or None The errcol keys to use from the lcdict in calculating the features. lcformat : str This is the `formatkey` associated with your light curve format, which you previously passed in to the `lcproc.register_lcformat` function. This will be used to look up how to find and read the light curves specified in `basedir` or `use_list_of_filenames`. lcformatdir : str or None If this is provided, gives the path to a directory when you've stored your lcformat description JSONs, other than the usual directories lcproc knows to search for them in. Use this along with `lcformat` to specify an LC format JSON file that's not currently registered with lcproc. sigclip : float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series. If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an 'asymmetric' sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, `sigclip=[10., 3.]`, will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of "dimming" and "brightening" is set by *physics* (not the magnitude system), which is why the `magsarefluxes` kwarg must be correctly set. If `sigclip` is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output. verbose : bool If True, will indicate progress while working. maxobjects : int The total number of objects to process from `pfpkl_list`. nworkers : int The number of parallel workers to launch to process the input. Returns ------- dict A dict containing key: val pairs of the input period-finder result and the output periodic feature result pickles for each input pickle is returned. ''' try: formatinfo = get_lcformat(lcformat, use_lcformat_dir=lcformatdir) if formatinfo: (dfileglob, readerfunc, dtimecols, dmagcols, derrcols, magsarefluxes, normfunc) = formatinfo else: LOGERROR("can't figure out the light curve format") return None except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION("can't figure out the light curve format") return None fileglob = pfpkl_glob # now find the files LOGINFO('searching for periodfinding pickles in %s ...' % pfpkl_dir) if recursive is False: matching = glob.glob(os.path.join(pfpkl_dir, fileglob)) else: matching = glob.glob(os.path.join(pfpkl_dir, '**', fileglob), recursive=True) # now that we have all the files, process them if matching and len(matching) > 0: LOGINFO('found %s periodfinding pickles, getting periodicfeatures...' % len(matching)) return parallel_periodicfeatures( matching, lcbasedir, outdir, starfeaturesdir=starfeaturesdir, fourierorder=fourierorder, transitparams=transitparams, ebparams=ebparams, pdiff_threshold=pdiff_threshold, sidereal_threshold=sidereal_threshold, sampling_peak_multiplier=sampling_peak_multiplier, sampling_startp=sampling_startp, sampling_endp=sampling_endp, timecols=timecols, magcols=magcols, errcols=errcols, lcformat=lcformat, lcformatdir=lcformatdir, sigclip=sigclip, verbose=verbose, maxobjects=maxobjects, nworkers=nworkers, ) else: LOGERROR('no periodfinding pickles found in %s' % (pfpkl_dir)) return None