Source code for astrobase.lcmodels.sinusoidal

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Oct 2017

This contains models for sinusoidal light curves generated using Fourier

import numpy as np


[docs]def fourier_sinusoidal_func(fourierparams, times, mags, errs): '''This generates a sinusoidal light curve using a Fourier cosine series. Parameters ---------- fourierparams : list This MUST be a list of the following form like so:: [period, epoch, [amplitude_1, amplitude_2, amplitude_3, ..., amplitude_X], [phase_1, phase_2, phase_3, ..., phase_X]] where X is the Fourier order. times,mags,errs : np.array The input time-series of measurements and associated errors for which the model will be generated. The times will be used to generate model mags, and the input `times`, `mags`, and `errs` will be resorted by model phase and returned. Returns ------- (modelmags, phase, ptimes, pmags, perrs) : tuple Returns the model mags and phase values. Also returns the input `times`, `mags`, and `errs` sorted by the model's phase. ''' period, epoch, famps, fphases = fourierparams # figure out the order from the length of the Fourier param list forder = len(famps) # phase the times with this period iphase = (times - epoch)/period iphase = iphase - np.floor(iphase) phasesortind = np.argsort(iphase) phase = iphase[phasesortind] ptimes = times[phasesortind] pmags = mags[phasesortind] perrs = errs[phasesortind] # calculate all the individual terms of the series fseries = [famps[x]*np.cos(2.0*np.pi*x*phase + fphases[x]) for x in range(forder)] # this is the zeroth order coefficient - a constant equal to median mag modelmags = np.median(mags) # sum the series for fo in fseries: modelmags += fo return modelmags, phase, ptimes, pmags, perrs
[docs]def fourier_curvefit_func(times, period, *fourier_coeffs, zerolevel=0.0, epoch=None, fixed_period=None): ''' This is a function to be used with scipy.optimize.curve_fit. Parameters ---------- times : np.array An array of times at which the model will be evaluated. period : float The period of the sinusoidal variability. fourier_coeffs : float These should be the amplitudes and phases of the sinusoidal series sum. 2N coefficients are required for Fourier order = N. The first N coefficients will be used as the amplitudes and the second N coefficients will be used as the phases. zerolevel : float The base level of the model. epoch : float or None The epoch to use to generate the phased light curve. If None, the minimum value of the times array will be used. fixed_period : float or None If not None, will indicate that the period is to be held fixed at the provided value. Returns ------- model : np.array Returns the sinusodial series sum model evaluated at each value of times. ''' if epoch is None: epoch = times.min() if fixed_period is not None: period = fixed_period fourier_order = int(len(fourier_coeffs)/2.0) fourier_amplitudes, fourier_phases = ( fourier_coeffs[:fourier_order], fourier_coeffs[fourier_order:] ) # phase the times with this period phase = (times - epoch)/period phase = phase - np.floor(phase) # calculate all the individual terms of the series fseries = [ fourier_amplitudes[x]*np.cos(2.0*np.pi*x*phase + fourier_phases[x]) for x in range(fourier_order) ] model = zerolevel for fo in fseries: model += fo return model
[docs]def fourier_sinusoidal_residual(fourierparams, times, mags, errs): ''' This returns the residual between the model mags and the actual mags. Parameters ---------- fourierparams : list This MUST be a list of the following form like so:: [period, epoch, [amplitude_1, amplitude_2, amplitude_3, ..., amplitude_X], [phase_1, phase_2, phase_3, ..., phase_X]] where X is the Fourier order. times,mags,errs : np.array The input time-series of measurements and associated errors for which the model will be generated. The times will be used to generate model mags, and the input `times`, `mags`, and `errs` will be resorted by model phase and returned. Returns ------- np.array The residuals between the input `mags` and generated `modelmags`, weighted by the measurement errors in `errs`. ''' modelmags, phase, ptimes, pmags, perrs = ( fourier_sinusoidal_func(fourierparams, times, mags, errs) ) # this is now a weighted residual taking into account the measurement err return (pmags - modelmags)/perrs
[docs]def sine_series_sum(fourierparams, times, mags, errs): '''This generates a sinusoidal light curve using a Fourier sine series. Parameters ---------- fourierparams : list This MUST be a list of the following form like so:: [period, epoch, [amplitude_1, amplitude_2, amplitude_3, ..., amplitude_X], [phase_1, phase_2, phase_3, ..., phase_X]] where X is the Fourier order. times,mags,errs : np.array The input time-series of measurements and associated errors for which the model will be generated. The times will be used to generate model mags, and the input `times`, `mags`, and `errs` will be resorted by model phase and returned. Returns ------- (modelmags, phase, ptimes, pmags, perrs) : tuple Returns the model mags and phase values. Also returns the input `times`, `mags`, and `errs` sorted by the model's phase. ''' period, epoch, famps, fphases = fourierparams # figure out the order from the length of the Fourier param list forder = len(famps) # phase the times with this period iphase = (times - epoch)/period iphase = iphase - np.floor(iphase) phasesortind = np.argsort(iphase) phase = iphase[phasesortind] ptimes = times[phasesortind] pmags = mags[phasesortind] perrs = errs[phasesortind] # calculate all the individual terms of the series fseries = [famps[x]*np.sin(2.0*np.pi*x*phase + fphases[x]) for x in range(forder)] # this is the zeroth order coefficient - a constant equal to median mag modelmags = np.median(mags) # sum the series for fo in fseries: modelmags += fo return modelmags, phase, ptimes, pmags, perrs