Source code for astrobase.lcfit.eclipses

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Waqas Bhatti and Luke Bouma - Feb 2017
# ( and

'''Light curve fitting routines for eclipsing binaries:

- :py:func:`astrobase.lcfit.eclipses.gaussianeb_fit_magseries`: fit a double
  inverted gaussian eclipsing binary model to the magnitude/flux time series



import logging
from astrobase import log_sub, log_fmt, log_date_fmt

DEBUG = False
    level = logging.DEBUG
    level = logging.INFO
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



from functools import partial

from numpy import (
    nan as npnan, sum as npsum, sqrt as npsqrt,
    nonzero as npnonzero, diag as npdiag, median as npmedian,
    inf as npinf, array as nparray

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from ..lcmath import sigclip_magseries
from ..lcmodels import eclipses

from .utils import make_fit_plot
from .nonphysical import spline_fit_magseries, savgol_fit_magseries


[docs]def gaussianeb_fit_magseries( times, mags, errs, ebparams, param_bounds=None, scale_errs_redchisq_unity=True, sigclip=10.0, plotfit=False, magsarefluxes=False, verbose=True, curve_fit_kwargs=None, ): '''This fits a double inverted gaussian EB model to a magnitude time series. Parameters ---------- times,mags,errs : np.array The input mag/flux time-series to fit the EB model to. period : float The period to use for EB fit. ebparams : list of float This is a list containing the eclipsing binary parameters:: ebparams = [period (time), epoch (time), pdepth (mags), pduration (phase), psdepthratio, secondaryphase] `period` is the period in days. `epoch` is the time of primary minimum in JD. `pdepth` is the depth of the primary eclipse: - for magnitudes -> `pdepth` should be < 0 - for fluxes -> `pdepth` should be > 0 `pduration` is the length of the primary eclipse in phase. `psdepthratio` is the ratio of the secondary eclipse depth to that of the primary eclipse. `secondaryphase` is the phase at which the minimum of the secondary eclipse is located. This effectively parameterizes eccentricity. If `epoch` is None, this function will do an initial spline fit to find an approximate minimum of the phased light curve using the given period. The `pdepth` provided is checked against the value of `magsarefluxes`. if `magsarefluxes = True`, the `ebdepth` is forced to be > 0; if `magsarefluxes = False`, the `ebdepth` is forced to be < 0. param_bounds : dict or None This is a dict of the upper and lower bounds on each fit parameter. Should be of the form:: {'period': (lower_bound_period, upper_bound_period), 'epoch': (lower_bound_epoch, upper_bound_epoch), 'pdepth': (lower_bound_pdepth, upper_bound_pdepth), 'pduration': (lower_bound_pduration, upper_bound_pduration), 'psdepthratio': (lower_bound_psdepthratio, upper_bound_psdepthratio), 'secondaryphase': (lower_bound_secondaryphase, upper_bound_secondaryphase)} - To indicate that a parameter is fixed, use 'fixed' instead of a tuple providing its lower and upper bounds as tuple. - To indicate that a parameter has no bounds, don't include it in the param_bounds dict. If this is None, the default value of this kwarg will be:: {'period':(0.0,np.inf), # period is between 0 and inf 'epoch':(0.0, np.inf), # epoch is between 0 and inf 'pdepth':(-np.inf,np.inf), # pdepth is between -np.inf and np.inf 'pduration':(0.0,1.0), # pduration is between 0.0 and 1.0 'psdepthratio':(0.0,1.0), # psdepthratio is between 0.0 and 1.0 'secondaryphase':(0.0,1.0), # secondaryphase is between 0.0 and 1.0 scale_errs_redchisq_unity : bool If True, the standard errors on the fit parameters will be scaled to make the reduced chi-sq = 1.0. This sets the ``absolute_sigma`` kwarg for the ``scipy.optimize.curve_fit`` function to False. sigclip : float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series. If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an 'asymmetric' sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, `sigclip=[10., 3.]`, will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of "dimming" and "brightening" is set by *physics* (not the magnitude system), which is why the `magsarefluxes` kwarg must be correctly set. If `sigclip` is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output. magsarefluxes : bool If True, will treat the input values of `mags` as fluxes for purposes of plotting the fit and sig-clipping. plotfit : str or False If this is a string, this function will make a plot for the fit to the mag/flux time-series and writes the plot to the path specified here. ignoreinitfail : bool If this is True, ignores the initial failure to find a set of optimized Fourier parameters using the global optimization function and proceeds to do a least-squares fit anyway. verbose : bool If True, will indicate progress and warn of any problems. curve_fit_kwargs : dict or None If not None, this should be a dict containing extra kwargs to pass to the scipy.optimize.curve_fit function. Returns ------- dict This function returns a dict containing the model fit parameters, the minimized chi-sq value and the reduced chi-sq value. The form of this dict is mostly standardized across all functions in this module:: { 'fittype':'gaussianeb', 'fitinfo':{ 'initialparams':the initial EB params provided, 'finalparams':the final model fit EB params, 'finalparamerrs':formal errors in the params, 'fitmags': the model fit mags, 'fitepoch': the epoch of minimum light for the fit, }, 'fitchisq': the minimized value of the fit's chi-sq, 'fitredchisq':the reduced chi-sq value, 'fitplotfile': the output fit plot if fitplot is not None, 'magseries':{ 'times':input times in phase order of the model, 'phase':the phases of the model mags, 'mags':input mags/fluxes in the phase order of the model, 'errs':errs in the phase order of the model, 'magsarefluxes':input value of magsarefluxes kwarg } } ''' stimes, smags, serrs = sigclip_magseries(times, mags, errs, sigclip=sigclip, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes) # get rid of zero errs nzind = npnonzero(serrs) stimes, smags, serrs = stimes[nzind], smags[nzind], serrs[nzind] # check the ebparams ebperiod, ebepoch, ebdepth = ebparams[0:3] # check if we have a ebepoch to use if ebepoch is None: if verbose: LOGWARNING('no ebepoch given in ebparams, ' 'trying to figure it out automatically...') # do a spline fit to figure out the approximate min of the LC try: spfit = spline_fit_magseries(times, mags, errs, ebperiod, sigclip=sigclip, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, verbose=verbose) ebepoch = spfit['fitinfo']['fitepoch'] # if the spline-fit fails, try a savgol fit instead except Exception: sgfit = savgol_fit_magseries(times, mags, errs, ebperiod, sigclip=sigclip, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, verbose=verbose) ebepoch = sgfit['fitinfo']['fitepoch'] # if everything failed, then bail out and ask for the ebepoch finally: if ebepoch is None: LOGERROR("couldn't automatically figure out the eb epoch, " "can't continue. please provide it in ebparams.") # assemble the returndict returndict = { 'fittype':'gaussianeb', 'fitinfo':{ 'initialparams':ebparams, 'finalparams':None, 'finalparamerrs':None, 'fitmags':None, 'fitepoch':None, }, 'fitchisq':npnan, 'fitredchisq':npnan, 'fitplotfile':None, 'magseries':{ 'phase':None, 'times':None, 'mags':None, 'errs':None, 'magsarefluxes':magsarefluxes, }, } return returndict else: if ebepoch.size > 1: if verbose: LOGWARNING('could not auto-find a single minimum ' 'for ebepoch, using the first one returned') ebparams[1] = ebepoch[0] else: if verbose: LOGWARNING( 'using automatically determined ebepoch = %.5f' % ebepoch ) ebparams[1] = ebepoch.item() # next, check the ebdepth and fix it to the form required if magsarefluxes: if ebdepth < 0.0: ebparams[2] = -ebdepth[2] else: if ebdepth > 0.0: ebparams[2] = -ebdepth[2] # finally, do the fit try: # set up the fit parameter bounds if param_bounds is None: curvefit_bounds = ( nparray([0.0, 0.0, -npinf, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), nparray([npinf, npinf, npinf, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) ) fitfunc_fixed = {} else: # figure out the bounds lower_bounds = [] upper_bounds = [] fitfunc_fixed = {} for ind, key in enumerate(('period', 'epoch', 'pdepth', 'pduration', 'psdepthratio', 'secondaryphase')): # handle fixed parameters if (key in param_bounds and isinstance(param_bounds[key], str) and param_bounds[key] == 'fixed'): lower_bounds.append(ebparams[ind]-1.0e-7) upper_bounds.append(ebparams[ind]+1.0e-7) fitfunc_fixed[key] = ebparams[ind] # handle parameters with lower and upper bounds elif key in param_bounds and isinstance(param_bounds[key], (tuple,list)): lower_bounds.append(param_bounds[key][0]) upper_bounds.append(param_bounds[key][1]) # handle no parameter bounds else: lower_bounds.append(-npinf) upper_bounds.append(npinf) # generate the bounds sequence in the required format curvefit_bounds = ( nparray(lower_bounds), nparray(upper_bounds) ) # # set up the curve fit function # curvefit_func = partial(eclipses.invgauss_eclipses_curvefit_func, zerolevel=npmedian(smags), fixed_params=fitfunc_fixed) # # run the fit # if curve_fit_kwargs is not None: finalparams, covmatrix = curve_fit( curvefit_func, stimes, smags, p0=ebparams, sigma=serrs, bounds=curvefit_bounds, absolute_sigma=(not scale_errs_redchisq_unity), **curve_fit_kwargs ) else: finalparams, covmatrix = curve_fit( curvefit_func, stimes, smags, p0=ebparams, sigma=serrs, bounds=curvefit_bounds, absolute_sigma=(not scale_errs_redchisq_unity), ) except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION("curve_fit returned an exception") finalparams, covmatrix = None, None # if the fit succeeded, then we can return the final parameters if finalparams is not None and covmatrix is not None: # calculate the chisq and reduced chisq fitmags, phase, ptimes, pmags, perrs = eclipses.invgauss_eclipses_func( finalparams, stimes, smags, serrs ) fitchisq = npsum( ((fitmags - pmags)*(fitmags - pmags)) / (perrs*perrs) ) fitredchisq = fitchisq/(len(pmags) - len(finalparams) - len(fitfunc_fixed)) stderrs = npsqrt(npdiag(covmatrix)) if verbose: LOGINFO( 'final fit done. chisq = %.5f, reduced chisq = %.5f' % (fitchisq, fitredchisq) ) # get the fit epoch fperiod, fepoch = finalparams[:2] # assemble the returndict returndict = { 'fittype':'gaussianeb', 'fitinfo':{ 'initialparams':ebparams, 'finalparams':finalparams, 'finalparamerrs':stderrs, 'fitmags':fitmags, 'fitepoch':fepoch, }, 'fitchisq':fitchisq, 'fitredchisq':fitredchisq, 'fitplotfile':None, 'magseries':{ 'phase':phase, 'times':ptimes, 'mags':pmags, 'errs':perrs, 'magsarefluxes':magsarefluxes, }, } # make the fit plot if required if plotfit and isinstance(plotfit, str): make_fit_plot(phase, pmags, perrs, fitmags, fperiod, ptimes.min(), fepoch, plotfit, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes) returndict['fitplotfile'] = plotfit return returndict # if the leastsq fit failed, return nothing else: LOGERROR('eb-fit: least-squared fit to the light curve failed!') # assemble the returndict returndict = { 'fittype':'gaussianeb', 'fitinfo':{ 'initialparams':ebparams, 'finalparams':None, 'finalparamerrs':None, 'fitmags':None, 'fitepoch':None, }, 'fitchisq':npnan, 'fitredchisq':npnan, 'fitplotfile':None, 'magseries':{ 'phase':None, 'times':None, 'mags':None, 'errs':None, 'magsarefluxes':magsarefluxes, }, } return returndict