Source code for astrobase.gcputils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Oct 2018
# License: MIT - see the LICENSE file for the full text.

This contains useful functions to set up Google Cloud Platform services for use



import logging
from astrobase import log_sub, log_fmt, log_date_fmt

DEBUG = False
    level = logging.DEBUG
    level = logging.INFO
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



import os.path
import os
import json
import time
from datetime import timedelta


    from apiclient.discovery import build
    from import pubsub
    from import storage
    import paramiko

except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError(
        "This module requires the following packages from PyPI:\n\n "
        "paramiko google-api-python-client "
        "google-cloud-storage google-cloud-pubsub\n\n"
        "You'll also need the gcloud utility to set up service roles "
        "and API keys for Google Cloud Platform before using anything here.\n\n"


# variables:
# - instance_name
# - project_name
# - zone_name
# - instance_type
# - startup_script_text
# - shutdown_script_text
# - service_account_email

    'kind': 'compute#instance',
    'name': '{instance_name}',
    'zone': 'projects/{project_name}/zones/{zone_name}',
    'machineType': ('projects/{project_name}/zones/'
    'metadata': {
        'kind': 'compute#metadata',
        'items': [
    'tags': {
        'items': []
    'disks': [
        {'kind': 'compute#attachedDisk',
         'type': 'PERSISTENT',
         'boot': True,
         'mode': 'READ_WRITE',
         'autoDelete': True,
         'deviceName': 'instance-1',
         'initializeParams': {
             'sourceImage': ('projects/debian-cloud/global/'
             'diskType': ('projects/{project_name}/zones/'
             'diskSizeGb': '10'
         'diskEncryptionKey': {}}
    'canIpForward': False,
    'networkInterfaces': [
        {'kind': 'compute#networkInterface',
         'subnetwork': ('projects/{project_name}/regions'
         'accessConfigs': [{'kind': 'compute#accessConfig',
                            'name': 'External NAT',
                            'type': 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT',
                            'networkTier': 'PREMIUM'}],
         'aliasIpRanges': []}
    'description': '',
    'labels': {},
    'scheduling': {
        'preemptible': False,
        'onHostMaintenance': 'TERMINATE',
        'automaticRestart': False,
        'nodeAffinities': []
    'deletionProtection': False,
    'serviceAccounts': [
        {'email': '{service_account_email}',
         'scopes': [

[docs]def make_gce_instances(): """This makes new GCE worker nodes. Use preemptible instances and startup/shutdown scripts to emulate AWS spot fleet behavior and run stuff at cheaper prices. TODO: finish this """
[docs]def delete_gce_instances(): """ This deletes GCE worker nodes. TODO: finish this """
################ ## GCS CLIENT ## ################
[docs]def gcs_get_file(bucketname, filename, local_file, altexts=None, client=None, service_account_json=None, raiseonfail=False): """This gets a single file from a Google Cloud Storage bucket. Parameters ---------- bucketname : str The name of the GCS bucket to download the file from. filename : str The full name of the file to download, including all prefixes. local_file : str Path to where the downloaded file will be stored. altexts : None or list of str If not None, this is a list of alternate extensions to try for the file other than the one provided in `filename`. For example, to get anything that's an .sqlite where .sqlite.gz is expected, use altexts=[''] to strip the .gz. client : instance The instance of the Client to use to perform the download operation. If this is None, a new Client will be used. If this is None and `service_account_json` points to a downloaded JSON file with GCS credentials, a new Client with the provided credentials will be used. If this is not None, the existing Client instance will be used. service_account_json : str Path to a downloaded GCS credentials JSON file. raiseonfail : bool If True, will re-raise whatever Exception caused the operation to fail and break out immediately. Returns ------- str Path to the downloaded filename or None if the download was unsuccessful. """ if not client: if (service_account_json is not None and os.path.exists(service_account_json)): client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json( service_account_json ) else: client = storage.Client() try: bucket = client.get_bucket(bucketname) blob = bucket.get_blob(filename) blob.download_to_filename(local_file) return local_file except Exception: for alt_extension in altexts: split_ext = os.path.splitext(filename) check_file = split_ext[0] + alt_extension try: bucket = client.get_bucket(bucket) blob = bucket.get_blob(check_file) blob.download_to_filename( local_file.replace(split_ext[-1], alt_extension) ) return local_file.replace(split_ext[-1], alt_extension) except Exception: pass else: LOGEXCEPTION('could not download gs://%s/%s' % (bucket, filename)) if raiseonfail: raise return None
[docs]def gcs_get_url(url, altexts=None, client=None, service_account_json=None, raiseonfail=False): """This gets a single file from a Google Cloud Storage bucket. This uses the gs:// URL instead of a bucket name and key. Parameters ---------- url : str GCS URL to download. This should begin with 'gs://'. altexts : None or list of str If not None, this is a list of alternate extensions to try for the file other than the one provided in `filename`. For example, to get anything that's an .sqlite where .sqlite.gz is expected, use altexts=[''] to strip the .gz. client : instance The instance of the Client to use to perform the download operation. If this is None, a new Client will be used. If this is None and `service_account_json` points to a downloaded JSON file with GCS credentials, a new Client with the provided credentials will be used. If this is not None, the existing Client instance will be used. service_account_json : str Path to a downloaded GCS credentials JSON file. raiseonfail : bool If True, will re-raise whatever Exception caused the operation to fail and break out immediately. Returns ------- str Path to the downloaded filename or None if the download was unsuccessful. """ bucket_item = url.replace('gs://','') bucket_item = bucket_item.split('/') bucket = bucket_item[0] filekey = '/'.join(bucket_item[1:]) return gcs_get_file(bucket, filekey, bucket_item[-1], altexts=altexts, client=client, service_account_json=service_account_json, raiseonfail=raiseonfail)
[docs]def gcs_put_file(local_file, bucketname, service_account_json=None, client=None, raiseonfail=False): """This puts a single file into a Google Cloud Storage bucket. Parameters ---------- local_file : str Path to the file to upload to GCS. bucket : str The GCS bucket to upload the file to. service_account_json : str Path to a downloaded GCS credentials JSON file. client : instance The instance of the Client to use to perform the download operation. If this is None, a new Client will be used. If this is None and `service_account_json` points to a downloaded JSON file with GCS credentials, a new Client with the provided credentials will be used. If this is not None, the existing Client instance will be used. raiseonfail : bool If True, will re-raise whatever Exception caused the operation to fail and break out immediately. Returns ------- str or None If the file upload is successful, returns the gs:// URL of the uploaded file. If it failed, will return None. """ if not client: if (service_account_json is not None and os.path.exists(service_account_json)): client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json( service_account_json ) else: client = storage.Client() try: bucket = client.get_bucket(bucketname) remote_blob = bucket.blob(local_file) remote_blob.upload_from_filename(local_file) return 'gs://%s/%s' % (bucketname, local_file.lstrip('/')) except Exception: LOGEXCEPTION('could not upload %s to bucket %s' % (local_file, bucket)) if raiseonfail: raise return None
################### ## PUBSUB CLIENT ## ###################
[docs]def gps_create_topic(): """ This creates a Google Pub/Sub topic. TODO: finish this """
[docs]def gps_delete_topic(): """ This deletes a Google Pub/Sub topic. TODO: finish this """
[docs]def gps_topic_pull(): """ This synchronously pulls a single message from a pubsub topic. TODO: finish this """
[docs]def gps_topic_publish(): """ This publishes a JSON message to a topic. TODO: finish this """