Source code for astrobase.checkplot.png

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Waqas Bhatti ( - Feb 2019
# License: MIT - see the LICENSE file for the full text.

This contains the implementation of checkplots that generate PNG files only.

The `checkplot_png` function takes a single period-finding result and makes the
following 3 x 3 grid and writes to a PNG::

    [LSP plot + objectinfo] [     unphased LC     ] [ period 1 phased LC ]
    [period 1 phased LC /2] [period 1 phased LC x2] [ period 2 phased LC ]
    [ period 3 phased LC  ] [period 4 phased LC   ] [ period 5 phased LC ]

The `twolsp_checkplot_png` function makes a similar plot for two independent
period-finding routines and writes to a PNG::

    [ pgram1 + objectinfo ] [        pgram2       ] [     unphased LC     ]
    [ pgram1 P1 phased LC ] [ pgram1 P2 phased LC ] [ pgram1 P3 phased LC ]
    [ pgram2 P1 phased LC ] [ pgram2 P2 phased LC ] [ pgram2 P3 phased LC ]


- pgram1 is the plot for the periodogram in the lspinfo1 dict
- pgram1 P1, P2, and P3 are the best three periods from lspinfo1
- pgram2 is the plot for the periodogram in the lspinfo2 dict
- pgram2 P1, P2, and P3 are the best three periods from lspinfo2



import logging
from astrobase import log_sub, log_fmt, log_date_fmt

DEBUG = False
    level = logging.DEBUG
    level = logging.INFO
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



import os
import os.path
import re
import gzip

import pickle

from numpy import (
    isfinite as npisfinite,
    min as npmin, max as npmax,
    abs as npabs, ravel as npravel, nan as npnan,
    percentile as nppercentile, nanmedian as npnanmedian,
    nanpercentile as npnanpercentile

# we're going to plot using Agg only
import matplotlib

mpl_regex = re.findall('rc[0-9]', matplotlib.__version__)

if len(mpl_regex) == 1:
    # some matplotlib versions are e.g., "3.1.0rc1", which we resolve to
    # "(3,1,0)".
    MPLVERSION = tuple(
        int(x) for x in
    MPLVERSION = tuple(int(x) for x in matplotlib.__version__.split('.'))


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes


from ..lcmath import (
    phase_magseries, phase_bin_magseries,
    normalize_magseries, sigclip_magseries
from ..lcfit.nonphysical import spline_fit_magseries, savgol_fit_magseries

from ..plotbase import (
from ..coordutils import total_proper_motion, reduced_proper_motion


def _make_periodogram(axes,
    '''Makes periodogram, objectinfo, and finder tile for `checkplot_png` and


    axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes object
        The Axes object which will contain the plot being made.

    lspinfo : dict
        Dict containing results from a period-finder in `astrobase.periodbase`
        or a dict that corresponds to that format.

    objectinfo : dict
        Dict containing basic info about the object being processed.

    findercmap : matplotlib Colormap object or str
        The Colormap object to use for the finder chart image.

    finderconvolve : astropy.convolution.Kernel object or None
        If not None, the Kernel object to use for convolving the finder image.

    verbose : bool
        If True, indicates progress.

    findercachedir : str
        The directory where the FITS finder images are downloaded and cached.

    circleoverlay : False or float
        If float, give the radius in arcseconds of circle to overlay


    Does not return anything, works on the input Axes object directly.


    # get the appropriate plot ylabel
    pgramylabel = PLOTYLABELS[lspinfo['method']]

    # get the periods and lspvals from lspinfo
    periods = lspinfo['periods']
    lspvals = lspinfo['lspvals']
    bestperiod = lspinfo['bestperiod']
    nbestperiods = lspinfo['nbestperiods']
    nbestlspvals = lspinfo['nbestlspvals']

    # make the LSP plot on the first subplot

    axes.set_xlabel('Period [days]')
    plottitle = '%s - %.6f d' % (METHODLABELS[lspinfo['method']],

    # show the best five peaks on the plot
    for bestperiod, bestpeak in zip(nbestperiods,
        axes.annotate('%.6f' % bestperiod,
                      xy=(bestperiod, bestpeak), xycoords='data',
                      xytext=(0.0,25.0), textcoords='offset points',

    # make a grid

    # if objectinfo is present, get things from it
    if (objectinfo and isinstance(objectinfo, dict) and
        ('objectid' in objectinfo or 'hatid' in objectinfo) and
        'ra' in objectinfo and 'decl' in objectinfo and
        objectinfo['ra'] and objectinfo['decl']):

        if 'objectid' not in objectinfo:
            objectid = objectinfo['hatid']
            objectid = objectinfo['objectid']

        if verbose:
            LOGINFO('adding in object information and '
                    'finder chart for %s at RA: %.3f, DEC: %.3f' %
                    (objectid, objectinfo['ra'], objectinfo['decl']))

        # calculate colors
        if ('bmag' in objectinfo and 'vmag' in objectinfo and
            'jmag' in objectinfo and 'kmag' in objectinfo and
            'sdssi' in objectinfo and
            objectinfo['bmag'] and objectinfo['vmag'] and
            objectinfo['jmag'] and objectinfo['kmag'] and
            bvcolor = objectinfo['bmag'] - objectinfo['vmag']
            jkcolor = objectinfo['jmag'] - objectinfo['kmag']
            ijcolor = objectinfo['sdssi'] - objectinfo['jmag']
            bvcolor = None
            jkcolor = None
            ijcolor = None

        if ('teff' in objectinfo and 'gmag' in objectinfo and
            objectinfo['teff'] and objectinfo['gmag']):
            # Gaia data input
            teff_val = objectinfo['teff']
            gmag = objectinfo['gmag']

        # bump the ylim of the LSP plot so that the overplotted finder and
        # objectinfo can fit in this axes plot
        lspylim = axes.get_ylim()
        axes.set_ylim(lspylim[0], lspylim[1]+0.75*(lspylim[1]-lspylim[0]))

        # get the stamp
            dss, dssheader = skyview_stamp(objectinfo['ra'],
            stamp = dss

            # inset plot it on the current axes
            inset = inset_axes(axes, width="40%", height="40%", loc=1)
            inset.imshow(stamp, cmap=findercmap, origin='lower')

            # grid lines pointing to the center of the frame
            if not circleoverlay:
                # DSS is ~1 arcsecond per pixel
                radius_px = circleoverlay
                circle2 = plt.Circle((150, 150), radius_px,
                                     color='orange', fill=False)

        except OSError:

            LOGERROR('downloaded FITS appears to be corrupt, retrying...')

            dss, dssheader = skyview_stamp(objectinfo['ra'],
            stamp = dss

            # inset plot it on the current axes
            inset = inset_axes(axes, width="40%", height="40%", loc=1)
            inset.imshow(stamp, cmap=findercmap, origin='lower')

            # grid lines pointing to the center of the frame

        except Exception:
            LOGEXCEPTION('could not fetch a DSS stamp for this '
                         'object %s using coords (%.3f,%.3f)' %
                         (objectid, objectinfo['ra'], objectinfo['decl']))

        # annotate with objectinfo
            '%s' % objectid,

            'RA = %.3f, DEC = %.3f' % (objectinfo['ra'], objectinfo['decl']),

        if bvcolor:
                      '$B - V$ = %.3f, $V$ = %.3f' % (bvcolor,
        elif 'vmag' in objectinfo and objectinfo['vmag']:
                      '$V$ = %.3f' % (objectinfo['vmag'],),

        if ijcolor:
                      '$i - J$ = %.3f, $J$ = %.3f' % (ijcolor,
        elif 'jmag' in objectinfo and objectinfo['jmag']:
                      '$J$ = %.3f' % (objectinfo['jmag'],),

        if jkcolor:
                      '$J - K$ = %.3f, $K$ = %.3f' % (jkcolor,
        elif 'kmag' in objectinfo and objectinfo['kmag']:
                      '$K$ = %.3f' % (objectinfo['kmag'],),

        if 'sdssr' in objectinfo and objectinfo['sdssr']:
            axes.text(0.05,0.75,'SDSS $r$ = %.3f' % objectinfo['sdssr'],

        if ('teff' in objectinfo and 'gmag' in objectinfo and
            objectinfo['teff'] and objectinfo['gmag']):

            # gaia data available
                          r'$G$ = %.1f, $T_\mathrm{eff}$ = %d' % (
                              gmag, int(teff_val)),
            except Exception:
                          'G and Teff failed',

        # add in proper motion stuff if available in objectinfo
        if ('pmra' in objectinfo and objectinfo['pmra'] and
            'pmdecl' in objectinfo and objectinfo['pmdecl']):

                pm = total_proper_motion(objectinfo['pmra'],
            except Exception:
                pm = npnan

            axes.text(0.05,0.67,r'$\mu$ = %.2f mas yr$^{-1}$' % pm,

            if 'jmag' in objectinfo and objectinfo['jmag'] and npisfinite(pm):
                rpm = reduced_proper_motion(objectinfo['jmag'], pm)
                rpm = npnan

            axes.text(0.05,0.63,'$H_J$ = %.2f' % rpm,

def _make_magseries_plot(axes,
    '''Makes the mag-series plot tile for `checkplot_png` and

    axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes object
        The Axes object where the generated plot will go.

    stimes,smags,serrs : np.array
        The mag/flux time-series arrays along with associated errors. These
        should all have been run through nan-stripping and sigma-clipping

    magsarefluxes : bool
        If True, indicates the input time-series is fluxes and not mags so the
        plot y-axis direction and range can be set appropriately.

    ms : float
        The `markersize` kwarg to use when making the mag-series plot.


    Does not return anything, works on the input Axes object directly.


    scaledplottime = stimes - npmin(stimes)

              ms=ms, ls='None',mew=0,

    # flip y axis for mags
    if not magsarefluxes:
        plot_ylim = axes.get_ylim()
        axes.set_ylim((plot_ylim[1], plot_ylim[0]))

    # set the x axis limit

    # make a grid

    # make the x and y axis labels
    plot_xlabel = 'JD - %.3f' % npmin(stimes)
    if magsarefluxes:
        plot_ylabel = 'flux'
        plot_ylabel = 'magnitude'


    # fix the yaxis ticks (turns off offset and uses the full
    # value of the yaxis tick)

def _make_phased_magseries_plot(axes,
                                stimes, smags, serrs,
                                varperiod, varepoch,
                                phasewrap, phasesort,
                                phasebin, minbinelems,
    '''Makes the phased magseries plot tile for the `checkplot_png` and
    `twolsp_checkplot_png` functions.


    axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes object
        The Axes object where the generated plot will be written.

    periodind : int
        The index of the current best period being processed in the lspinfo

    stimes,smags,serrs : np.array
        The mag/flux time-series arrays along with associated errors. These
        should all have been run through nan-stripping and sigma-clipping

    varperiod : float or None
        The period to use for this phased light curve plot tile.

    varepoch : 'min' or float or list of lists or None
        The epoch to use for this phased light curve plot tile.

        - If this is a float, will use the provided value directly.

        - If this is 'min', will automatically figure out the time-of-minimum of
          the phased light curve by fitting a spline or Savitsky-Golay smoothing
          curve to it.

        - If it is "t_fluxpercentile_N", for N an integer, it will be phased to
          that time at the specified percentile of the flux.

        - If this is None, will use the mimimum value of `stimes` as the epoch
          of the phased light curve plot.

        - If this is a list of lists, will use the provided value of
          `lspmethodind` to look up the current period-finder method and the
          provided value of `periodind` to look up the epoch associated with
          that method and the current period. This is mostly only useful when
          `twolspmode` is True.

    phasewrap : bool
        If this is True, the phased time-series will be wrapped around
        phase 0.0.

    phasesort : bool
        If True, will sort the phased light curve in order of increasing phase.

    phasebin: float
        The bin size to use to group together measurements closer than this
        amount in phase. This is in units of phase. If this is a float, a
        phase-binned version of the phased light curve will be overplotted on
        top of the regular phased light curve.

    minbinelems : int
        The minimum number of elements required per phase bin to include it in
        the phased LC plot.

    plotxlim : sequence of two floats or None
        The x-range (min, max) of the phased light curve plot. If None, will be
        determined automatically.

    lspmethod : str
        One of the three-letter keys corresponding to period-finder method names
        in the `astrobase.plotbase.METHODSHORTLABELS` dict. Used to set the plot
        title correctly.

    lspmethodind : int
        If `twolspmode` is set, this will be used to look up the correct epoch
        associated with the current period-finder method and period.

    xliminsetmode : bool
        If this is True, the generated phased light curve plot will use the
        values of `plotxlim` as the main plot x-axis limits (i.e. zoomed-in if
        `plotxlim` is a range smaller than the full phase range), and will show
        the full phased light curve plot as an smaller inset. Useful for
        planetary transit light curves.

    twolspmode : bool
        If this is True, will use the `lspmethodind` and `periodind` to look up
        the correct values of epoch, etc. in the provided `varepoch` list of
        lists for plotting purposes.

    magsarefluxes : bool
        If True, indicates the input time-series is fluxes and not mags so the
        plot y-axis direction and range can be set appropriately.

    verbose : bool
        If True, indicates progress.

    phasems : float
        The marker size to use for the main phased light curve plot symbols.

    phasebinms : float
        The marker size to use for the binned phased light curve plot symbols.

    xticksize,yticksize : int or None
        Fontsize for x and y ticklabels

    titlefontsize: str or float
        Fontsize for the panel title. Default: 'medium'

    lowerleftstr : str or None
        Optional text to overplot in lower left of plot

    lowerleftfontsize : int or str or None
        Font size of optional text to overplot in lower left of plot

    trimylim : bool
        Default False. If True, sets the y limits on the phase-folded light
        curves as
            [median - 1.2*(median-5th percentile),
             median + 1.2*(95th percentile-median)]
        which can help clip flares or other outliers.


    Does not return anything, works on the input Axes object directly.


    plotvarepoch = None

    # figure out the epoch, if it's None, use the min of the time
    if varepoch is None:
        plotvarepoch = npmin(stimes)

    # if the varepoch is 'min', then fit a spline to the light curve
    # phased using the min of the time, find the fit mag minimum and use
    # the time for that as the varepoch
    elif isinstance(varepoch, str) and varepoch == 'min':

            spfit = spline_fit_magseries(stimes,
            plotvarepoch = spfit['fitinfo']['fitepoch']
            if len(plotvarepoch) != 1:
                plotvarepoch = varepoch[0]

        except Exception:

            LOGERROR('spline fit failed, trying SavGol fit')

            sgfit = savgol_fit_magseries(stimes,
            plotvarepoch = sgfit['fitinfo']['fitepoch']
            if len(plotvarepoch) != 1:
                plotvarepoch = plotvarepoch[0]


            if plotvarepoch is None:

                LOGERROR('could not find a min epoch time, '
                         'using min(times) as the epoch for '
                         'the phase-folded LC')

                plotvarepoch = npmin(stimes)

    elif isinstance(varepoch, str) and 't_fluxpercentile' in varepoch:

        # assume format of "percentile_N"
        percentile_int = int(varepoch.split('_')[-1])

        nearest_index = (
                nppercentile(smags, percentile_int, interpolation='nearest')

        plotvarepoch = stimes[nearest_index]

    elif isinstance(varepoch, list):


            if twolspmode:

                thisvarepochlist = varepoch[lspmethodind]
                plotvarepoch = thisvarepochlist[periodind]

                plotvarepoch = varepoch[periodind]

        except Exception:
                "varepoch provided in list form either doesn't match "
                "the length of nbestperiods from the period-finder "
                "result, or something else went wrong. using min(times) "
                "as the epoch instead"
            plotvarepoch = npmin(stimes)

    # the final case is to use the provided varepoch directly
        plotvarepoch = varepoch

    if verbose:
        LOGINFO('plotting phased LC with period %.6f, epoch %.5f' %
                (varperiod, plotvarepoch))

    # phase the magseries
    phasedlc = phase_magseries(stimes,
    plotphase = phasedlc['phase']
    plotmags = phasedlc['mags']

    # if we're supposed to bin the phases, do so
    if phasebin:

        binphasedlc = phase_bin_magseries(plotphase,
        binplotphase = binphasedlc['binnedphases']
        binplotmags = binphasedlc['binnedmags']

    # finally, make the phased LC plot
              ms=phasems, ls='None',mew=0,

    # overlay the binned phased LC plot if we're making one
    if phasebin:
                  ms=phasebinms, ls='None',mew=0,

    # trim outliers on y axis
    if trimylim:
        median = npnanmedian(plotmags)
        lo = npnanpercentile(plotmags, 5)
        hi = npnanpercentile(plotmags, 95)
        prefactor = 1.2
        ylim = (median - prefactor*(median-lo),
                median + prefactor*(hi-median))

    # flip y axis for mags
    if not magsarefluxes:
        plot_ylim = axes.get_ylim()
        axes.set_ylim((plot_ylim[1], plot_ylim[0]))

    # set the x axis limit
    if not plotxlim:

    # make a grid
    if makegrid:

    # make the x and y axis labels
    plot_xlabel = 'phase'
    if magsarefluxes:
        plot_ylabel = 'flux'
        plot_ylabel = 'magnitude'


    # fix the yaxis ticks (turns off offset and uses the full
    # value of the yaxis tick)

    if isinstance(xticksize, (int, float)):
    if isinstance(yticksize, (int, float)):

    # make the plot title
    if periodind == 0:
        plottitle = '%s best period: %.6f d - epoch: %.5f' % (
    elif periodind == 1 and not twolspmode:
        plottitle = '%s best period x 0.5: %.6f d - epoch: %.5f' % (
    elif periodind == 2 and not twolspmode:
        plottitle = '%s best period x 2: %.6f d - epoch: %.5f' % (
    elif periodind > 2 and not twolspmode:
        plottitle = '%s peak %s: %.6f d - epoch: %.5f' % (
    elif periodind > 0:
        plottitle = '%s peak %s: %.6f d - epoch: %.5f' % (

    axes.set_title(plottitle, fontsize=titlefontsize)

    if isinstance(lowerleftstr, str):
            0.02, 0.02, lowerleftstr, fontsize=lowerleftfontsize,

    # if we're making an inset plot showing the full range
    if (plotxlim and isinstance(plotxlim, (list,tuple)) and
        len(plotxlim) == 2 and xliminsetmode is True):

        # bump the ylim of the plot so that the inset can fit in this axes plot
        axesylim = axes.get_ylim()

        if magsarefluxes:
                          axesylim[1] + 0.5*npabs(axesylim[1]-axesylim[0]))
                          axesylim[1] - 0.5*npabs(axesylim[1]-axesylim[0]))

        # put the inset axes in
        inset = inset_axes(axes, width="40%", height="40%", loc=1)

        # make the scatter plot for the phased LC plot
                   ms=2.0, ls='None',mew=0,

        # overlay the binned phased LC plot if we're making one
        if phasebin:
                       ms=4.0, ls='None',mew=0,

        # show the full phase coverage
        if phasewrap:

        # flip y axis for mags
        if not magsarefluxes:
            inset_ylim = inset.get_ylim()
            inset.set_ylim((inset_ylim[1], inset_ylim[0]))

        # set the plot title
        inset.text(0.5,0.1,'full phased light curve',
        # don't show axes labels or ticks


[docs]def checkplot_png(lspinfo, times, mags, errs, varepoch='min', magsarefluxes=False, objectinfo=None, findercmap='gray_r', finderconvolve=None, findercachedir='~/.astrobase/stamp-cache', normto='globalmedian', normmingap=4.0, sigclip=4.0, phasewrap=True, phasesort=True, phasebin=0.002, minbinelems=7, plotxlim=(-0.8,0.8), xliminsetmode=False, bestperiodhighlight=None, circleoverlay=False, plotdpi=100, outfile=None, xticksize=None, yticksize=None, verbose=True): '''This makes a checkplot PNG using the output from a period-finder routine. A checkplot is a 3 x 3 grid of plots like so:: [periodogram + objectinfo] [ unphased LC ] [period 1 phased LC] [ period 1 phased LC /2 ] [period 1 phased LC x2] [period 2 phased LC] [ period 3 phased LC ] [period 4 phased LC ] [period 5 phased LC] This is used to sanity check the five best periods obtained from a period-finder function in `astrobase.periodbase` or from your own period-finder routines if their results can be turned into a dict with the format shown below. Parameters ---------- lspinfo : dict or str If this is a dict, it must be a dict produced by an `astrobase.periodbase` period-finder function or a dict from your own period-finder function or routine that is of the form below with at least these keys:: {'periods': np.array of all periods searched by the period-finder, 'lspvals': np.array of periodogram power value for each period, 'bestperiod': a float value that is the period with the highest peak in the periodogram, i.e. the most-likely actual period, 'method': a three-letter code naming the period-finder used; must be one of the keys in the `astrobase.periodbase.METHODLABELS` dict, 'nbestperiods': a list of the periods corresponding to periodogram peaks (`nbestlspvals` below) to annotate on the periodogram plot so they can be called out visually, 'nbestlspvals': a list of the power values associated with periodogram peaks to annotate on the periodogram plot so they can be called out visually; should be the same length as `nbestperiods` above} `nbestperiods` and `nbestlspvals` must have at least 5 elements each, e.g. describing the five 'best' (highest power) peaks in the periodogram. If lspinfo is a str, then it must be a path to a pickle file (ending with the extension '.pkl' or '.pkl.gz') that contains a dict of the form described above. times,mags,errs : np.array The mag/flux time-series arrays to process along with associated errors. varepoch : 'min' or float or None or list of lists This sets the time of minimum light finding strategy for the checkplot:: the epoch used for all phased If `varepoch` is None -> light curve plots will be `min(times)`. If `varepoch='min'` -> automatic epoch finding for all periods using light curve fits. If varepoch is a single float -> this epoch will be used for all phased light curve plots If varepoch is a list of floats each epoch will be applied to with length = `len(nbestperiods)+2` -> the phased light curve for each from period-finder results period specifically If you use a list for varepoch, it must be of length `len(lspinfo['nbestperiods']) + 2`, because we insert half and twice the period into the best periods list to make those phased LC plots. magsarefluxes : bool If True, indicates the input time-series is fluxes and not mags so the plot y-axis direction and range can be set appropriately. objectinfo : dict or None If provided, this is a dict containing information on the object whose light curve is being processed. This function will then be able to look up and download a finder chart for this object and write that to the output checkplot PNG image.The `objectinfo` dict must be of the form and contain at least the keys described below:: {'objectid': the name of the object, 'ra': the right ascension of the object in decimal degrees, 'decl': the declination of the object in decimal degrees, 'ndet': the number of observations of this object} You can also provide magnitudes and proper motions of the object using the following keys and the appropriate values in the `objectinfo` dict. These will be used to calculate colors, total and reduced proper motion, etc. and display these in the output checkplot PNG. - SDSS mag keys: 'sdssu', 'sdssg', 'sdssr', 'sdssi', 'sdssz' - 2MASS mag keys: 'jmag', 'hmag', 'kmag' - Cousins mag keys: 'bmag', 'vmag' - GAIA specific keys: 'gmag', 'teff' - proper motion keys: 'pmra', 'pmdecl' findercmap : str or object The Colormap object to use for the finder chart image. finderconvolve : astropy.convolution.Kernel object or None If not None, the Kernel object to use for convolving the finder image. findercachedir : str The directory where the FITS finder images are downloaded and cached. normto : {'globalmedian', 'zero'} or a float This sets the normalization target:: 'globalmedian' -> norms each mag to global median of the LC column 'zero' -> norms each mag to zero a float -> norms each mag to this specified float value. normmingap : float This defines how much the difference between consecutive measurements is allowed to be to consider them as parts of different timegroups. By default it is set to 4.0 days. sigclip : float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series. If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an 'asymmetric' sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, `sigclip=[10., 3.]`, will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of "dimming" and "brightening" is set by *physics* (not the magnitude system), which is why the `magsarefluxes` kwarg must be correctly set. If `sigclip` is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output. phasewrap : bool If this is True, the phased time-series will be wrapped around phase 0.0. phasesort : bool If this is True, the phased time-series will be sorted in phase. phasebin : float or None If this is provided, indicates the bin size to use to group together measurements closer than this amount in phase. This is in units of phase. The binned phased light curve will be overplotted on top of the phased light curve. Useful for when one has many measurement points and needs to pick out a small trend in an otherwise noisy phased light curve. minbinelems : int The minimum number of elements in each phase bin. plotxlim : sequence of two floats or None The x-axis limits to use when making the phased light curve plot. By default, this is (-0.8, 0.8), which places phase 0.0 at the center of the plot and covers approximately two cycles in phase to make any trends clear. xliminsetmode : bool If this is True, the generated phased light curve plot will use the values of `plotxlim` as the main plot x-axis limits (i.e. zoomed-in if `plotxlim` is a range smaller than the full phase range), and will show the full phased light curve plot as an smaller inset. Useful for planetary transit light curves. bestperiodhighlight : str or None If not None, this is a str with a matplotlib color specification to use as the background color to highlight the phased light curve plot of the 'best' period and epoch combination. If None, no highlight will be applied. circleoverlay : False or float If float, give the radius in arcseconds of circle to overlay outfile : str or None The file name of the file to save the checkplot to. If this is None, will write to a file called 'checkplot.png' in the current working directory. plotdpi : int Sets the resolution in DPI for PNG plots (default = 100). verbose : bool If False, turns off many of the informational messages. Useful for when an external function is driving lots of `checkplot_png` calls. xticksize,yticksize : int or None Fontsize for x and y ticklabels Returns ------- str The file path to the generated checkplot PNG file. ''' if not outfile and isinstance(lspinfo,str): # generate the plot filename plotfpath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(lspinfo), 'checkplot-%s.png' % ( os.path.basename(lspinfo), ) ) elif outfile: plotfpath = outfile else: plotfpath = 'checkplot.png' # get the lspinfo from a pickle file transparently if isinstance(lspinfo,str) and os.path.exists(lspinfo): if verbose: LOGINFO('loading LSP info from pickle %s' % lspinfo) if '.gz' in lspinfo: with,'rb') as infd: lspinfo = pickle.load(infd) else: with open(lspinfo,'rb') as infd: lspinfo = pickle.load(infd) # get the things to plot out of the data if ('periods' in lspinfo and 'lspvals' in lspinfo and 'bestperiod' in lspinfo): bestperiod = lspinfo['bestperiod'] nbestperiods = lspinfo['nbestperiods'] lspmethod = lspinfo['method'] else: LOGERROR('could not understand lspinfo for this object, skipping...') return None if not npisfinite(bestperiod): LOGWARNING('no best period found for this object, skipping...') return None # initialize the plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,3) axes = npravel(axes) # this is a full page plot fig.set_size_inches(30,24) ####################### ## PLOT 1 is the LSP ## ####################### _make_periodogram(axes[0],lspinfo,objectinfo, findercmap, finderconvolve, verbose=verbose, findercachedir=findercachedir, circleoverlay=circleoverlay) ###################################### ## NOW MAKE THE PHASED LIGHT CURVES ## ###################################### stimes, smags, serrs = sigclip_magseries(times, mags, errs, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, sigclip=sigclip) # take care of the normalization if normto is not False: stimes, smags = normalize_magseries(stimes, smags, normto=normto, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, mingap=normmingap) # make sure we have some lightcurve points to plot after sigclip if len(stimes) >= 50: ############################## ## PLOT 2 is an unphased LC ## ############################## _make_magseries_plot(axes[1], stimes, smags, serrs, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes) ########################### ### NOW PLOT PHASED LCS ### ########################### # make the plot for each best period lspbestperiods = nbestperiods[::] lspperiodone = lspbestperiods[0] lspbestperiods.insert(1,lspperiodone*2.0) lspbestperiods.insert(1,lspperiodone*0.5) for periodind, varperiod in enumerate(lspbestperiods): # make sure the best period phased LC plot stands out if periodind == 0 and bestperiodhighlight: if MPLVERSION >= (2,0,0): axes[periodind+2].set_facecolor(bestperiodhighlight) else: axes[periodind+2].set_axis_bgcolor(bestperiodhighlight) _make_phased_magseries_plot(axes[periodind+2], periodind, stimes, smags, serrs, varperiod, varepoch, phasewrap, phasesort, phasebin, minbinelems, plotxlim, lspmethod, xliminsetmode=xliminsetmode, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, verbose=verbose, xticksize=xticksize, yticksize=yticksize) # end of plotting for each ax # save the plot to disk fig.set_tight_layout(True) if plotfpath.endswith('.png'): fig.savefig(plotfpath,dpi=plotdpi) else: fig.savefig(plotfpath) plt.close('all') if verbose: LOGINFO('checkplot done -> %s' % plotfpath) return plotfpath # otherwise, there's no valid data for this plot else: LOGWARNING('no good data') for periodind in range(5): axes[periodind+2].text( 0.5,0.5, ('no best aperture light curve available'), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axes[periodind+2].transAxes ) fig.set_tight_layout(True) if plotfpath.endswith('.png'): fig.savefig(plotfpath, dpi=plotdpi) else: fig.savefig(plotfpath) plt.close('all') if verbose: LOGINFO('checkplot done -> %s' % plotfpath) return plotfpath
[docs]def twolsp_checkplot_png(lspinfo1, lspinfo2, times, mags, errs, varepoch='min', magsarefluxes=False, objectinfo=None, findercmap='gray_r', finderconvolve=None, findercachedir='~/.astrobase/stamp-cache', normto='globalmedian', normmingap=4.0, sigclip=4.0, phasewrap=True, phasesort=True, phasebin=0.002, minbinelems=7, plotxlim=(-0.8,0.8), trimylim=False, unphasedms=2.0, phasems=2.0, phasebinms=4.0, xliminsetmode=False, bestperiodhighlight=None, circleoverlay=False, plotdpi=100, outfile=None, figsize=(30,24), returnfigure=False, xticksize=None, yticksize=None, verbose=True): '''This makes a checkplot using results from two independent period-finders. Adapted from Luke Bouma's implementation of a similar function in his work. This makes a special checkplot that uses two lspinfo dictionaries, from two independent period-finding methods. For EBs, it's probably best to use Stellingwerf PDM or Schwarzenberg-Czerny AoV as one of these, and the Box Least-squared Search method as the other one. The checkplot layout in this case is:: [ pgram1 + objectinfo ] [ pgram2 ] [ unphased LC ] [ pgram1 P1 phased LC ] [ pgram1 P2 phased LC ] [ pgram1 P3 phased LC ] [ pgram2 P1 phased LC ] [ pgram2 P2 phased LC ] [ pgram2 P3 phased LC ] where: - pgram1 is the plot for the periodogram in the lspinfo1 dict - pgram1 P1, P2, and P3 are the best three periods from lspinfo1 - pgram2 is the plot for the periodogram in the lspinfo2 dict - pgram2 P1, P2, and P3 are the best three periods from lspinfo2 Note that we take the output file name from lspinfo1 if lspinfo1 is a string filename pointing to a (gzipped) pickle containing the results dict from a period-finding routine similar to those in periodbase. Parameters ---------- lspinfo1,lspinfo2 : dict or str If this is a dict, it must be a dict produced by an `astrobase.periodbase` period-finder function or a dict from your own period-finder function or routine that is of the form below with at least these keys:: {'periods': np.array of all periods searched by the period-finder, 'lspvals': np.array of periodogram power value for each period, 'bestperiod': a float value that is the period with the highest peak in the periodogram, i.e. the most-likely actual period, 'method': a three-letter code naming the period-finder used; must be one of the keys in the `astrobase.periodbase.METHODLABELS` dict, 'nbestperiods': a list of the periods corresponding to periodogram peaks (`nbestlspvals` below) to annotate on the periodogram plot so they can be called out visually, 'nbestlspvals': a list of the power values associated with periodogram peaks to annotate on the periodogram plot so they can be called out visually; should be the same length as `nbestperiods` above} `nbestperiods` and `nbestlspvals` must have at least 3 elements each, e.g. describing the three 'best' (highest power) peaks in the periodogram. If lspinfo is a str, then it must be a path to a pickle file (ending with the extension '.pkl' or '.pkl.gz') that contains a dict of the form described above. times,mags,errs : np.array The mag/flux time-series arrays to process along with associated errors. varepoch : 'min' or float or None or list of lists This sets the time of minimum light finding strategy for the checkplot:: the epoch used for all phased If `varepoch` is None -> light curve plots will be `min(times)`. If `varepoch='min'` -> automatic epoch finding for all periods using light curve fits. If varepoch is a single float -> this epoch will be used for all phased light curve plots If varepoch is a list of floats each epoch will be applied to with length = `len(nbestperiods)` -> the phased light curve for each from period-finder results period specifically If you use a list for varepoch, it must be of length `len(lspinfo['nbestperiods'])`. magsarefluxes : bool If True, indicates the input time-series is fluxes and not mags so the plot y-axis direction and range can be set appropriately/ objectinfo : dict or None If provided, this is a dict containing information on the object whose light curve is being processed. This function will then be able to look up and download a finder chart for this object and write that to the output checkplot PNG image.The `objectinfo` dict must be of the form and contain at least the keys described below:: {'objectid': the name of the object, 'ra': the right ascension of the object in decimal degrees, 'decl': the declination of the object in decimal degrees, 'ndet': the number of observations of this object} You can also provide magnitudes and proper motions of the object using the following keys and the appropriate values in the `objectinfo` dict. These will be used to calculate colors, total and reduced proper motion, etc. and display these in the output checkplot PNG. - SDSS mag keys: 'sdssu', 'sdssg', 'sdssr', 'sdssi', 'sdssz' - 2MASS mag keys: 'jmag', 'hmag', 'kmag' - Cousins mag keys: 'bmag', 'vmag' - GAIA specific keys: 'gmag', 'teff' - proper motion keys: 'pmra', 'pmdecl' findercmap : str or object The Colormap object to use for the finder chart image. finderconvolve : astropy.convolution.Kernel object or None If not None, the Kernel object to use for convolving the finder image. findercachedir : str The directory where the FITS finder images are downloaded and cached. normto : {'globalmedian', 'zero'} or a float This sets the LC normalization target:: 'globalmedian' -> norms each mag to global median of the LC column 'zero' -> norms each mag to zero a float -> norms each mag to this specified float value. normmingap : float This defines how much the difference between consecutive measurements is allowed to be to consider them as parts of different timegroups. By default it is set to 4.0 days. sigclip : float or int or sequence of two floats/ints or None If a single float or int, a symmetric sigma-clip will be performed using the number provided as the sigma-multiplier to cut out from the input time-series. If a list of two ints/floats is provided, the function will perform an 'asymmetric' sigma-clip. The first element in this list is the sigma value to use for fainter flux/mag values; the second element in this list is the sigma value to use for brighter flux/mag values. For example, `sigclip=[10., 3.]`, will sigclip out greater than 10-sigma dimmings and greater than 3-sigma brightenings. Here the meaning of "dimming" and "brightening" is set by *physics* (not the magnitude system), which is why the `magsarefluxes` kwarg must be correctly set. If `sigclip` is None, no sigma-clipping will be performed, and the time-series (with non-finite elems removed) will be passed through to the output. phasewrap : bool If this is True, the phased time-series will be wrapped around phase 0.0. phasesort : bool If this is True, the phased time-series will be sorted in phase. phasebin : float or None If this is provided, indicates the bin size to use to group together measurements closer than this amount in phase. This is in units of phase. The binned phased light curve will be overplotted on top of the phased light curve. Useful for when one has many measurement points and needs to pick out a small trend in an otherwise noisy phased light curve. minbinelems : int The minimum number of elements in each phase bin. plotxlim : sequence of two floats or None The x-axis limits to use when making the phased light curve plot. By default, this is (-0.8, 0.8), which places phase 0.0 at the center of the plot and covers approximately two cycles in phase to make any trends clear. trimylim : bool Default False. If True, sets the y limits on the phase-folded light curves as [median - 1.2*(median-5th percentile), median + 1.2*(95th percentile-median)] which can help clip flares or other outliers. unphasedms : float The marker size to use for the main unphased light curve plot symbols. phasems : float The marker size to use for the main phased light curve plot symbols. phasebinms : float The marker size to use for the binned phased light curve plot symbols. xliminsetmode : bool If this is True, the generated phased light curve plot will use the values of `plotxlim` as the main plot x-axis limits (i.e. zoomed-in if `plotxlim` is a range smaller than the full phase range), and will show the full phased light curve plot as an smaller inset. Useful for planetary transit light curves. bestperiodhighlight : str or None If not None, this is a str with a matplotlib color specification to use as the background color to highlight the phased light curve plot of the 'best' period and epoch combination. If None, no highlight will be applied. circleoverlay : False or float If float, give the radius in arcseconds of circle to overlay plotdpi : int Sets the resolution in DPI for PNG plots (default = 100). outfile : str or None The file name of the file to save the checkplot to. If this is None, will write to a file called 'checkplot.png' in the current working directory. figsize : tuple of two int The output figure size in inches. returnfigure : bool If True, will return the figure directly as a ``matplotlib.Figure`` object. xticksize,yticksize : int or None Fontsize for x and y ticklabels verbose : bool If False, turns off many of the informational messages. Useful for when an external function is driving lots of `checkplot_png` calls. Returns ------- figure : str or matplotlib.Figure The file path to the generated checkplot PNG file if ``returnfigure`` is False. A ``matplotlib.Figure`` if ``returnfigure`` is True. ''' # generate the plot filename if not outfile and isinstance(lspinfo1,str): plotfpath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(lspinfo1), 'twolsp-checkplot-%s.png' % ( os.path.basename(lspinfo1), ) ) elif outfile: plotfpath = outfile else: plotfpath = 'twolsp-checkplot.png' # get the first LSP from a pickle file transparently if isinstance(lspinfo1,str) and os.path.exists(lspinfo1): if verbose: LOGINFO('loading LSP info from pickle %s' % lspinfo1) if '.gz' in lspinfo1: with,'rb') as infd: lspinfo1 = pickle.load(infd) else: with open(lspinfo1,'rb') as infd: lspinfo1 = pickle.load(infd) # get the second LSP from a pickle file transparently if isinstance(lspinfo2,str) and os.path.exists(lspinfo2): if verbose: LOGINFO('loading LSP info from pickle %s' % lspinfo2) if '.gz' in lspinfo2: with,'rb') as infd: lspinfo2 = pickle.load(infd) else: with open(lspinfo2,'rb') as infd: lspinfo2 = pickle.load(infd) # get the things to plot out of the data if ('periods' in lspinfo1 and 'periods' in lspinfo2 and 'lspvals' in lspinfo1 and 'lspvals' in lspinfo2 and 'bestperiod' in lspinfo1 and 'bestperiod' in lspinfo2): bestperiod1 = lspinfo1['bestperiod'] nbestperiods1 = lspinfo1['nbestperiods'] lspmethod1 = lspinfo1['method'] bestperiod2 = lspinfo2['bestperiod'] nbestperiods2 = lspinfo2['nbestperiods'] lspmethod2 = lspinfo2['method'] else: LOGERROR('could not understand lspinfo1 or lspinfo2 ' 'for this object, skipping...') return None if (not npisfinite(bestperiod1)) or (not npisfinite(bestperiod2)): LOGWARNING('no best period found for this object, skipping...') return None # initialize the plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,3) axes = npravel(axes) # this is a full page plot fig.set_size_inches(figsize) ###################################################################### ## PLOT 1 is the LSP from lspinfo1, including objectinfo and finder ## ###################################################################### _make_periodogram(axes[0], lspinfo1, objectinfo, findercmap, finderconvolve, verbose=verbose, findercachedir=findercachedir, circleoverlay=circleoverlay) ##################################### ## PLOT 2 is the LSP from lspinfo2 ## ##################################### _make_periodogram(axes[1], lspinfo2, None, findercmap, finderconvolve) ########################################## ## FIX UP THE MAGS AND REMOVE BAD STUFF ## ########################################## # sigclip first stimes, smags, serrs = sigclip_magseries(times, mags, errs, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, sigclip=sigclip) # take care of the normalization if normto is not False: stimes, smags = normalize_magseries(stimes, smags, normto=normto, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, mingap=normmingap) # make sure we have some lightcurve points to plot after sigclip if len(stimes) >= 50: ############################## ## PLOT 3 is an unphased LC ## ############################## _make_magseries_plot(axes[2], stimes, smags, serrs, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, ms=unphasedms) # make the plot for each best period lspbestperiods1 = nbestperiods1[::] lspbestperiods2 = nbestperiods2[::] ########################################################## ### NOW PLOT PHASED LCS FOR 3 BEST PERIODS IN LSPINFO1 ### ########################################################## for periodind, varperiod, plotaxes in zip([0,1,2], lspbestperiods1[:3], [axes[3], axes[4], axes[5]]): # make sure the best period phased LC plot stands out if periodind == 0 and bestperiodhighlight: if MPLVERSION >= (2,0,0): plotaxes.set_facecolor(bestperiodhighlight) else: plotaxes.set_axis_bgcolor(bestperiodhighlight) _make_phased_magseries_plot(plotaxes, periodind, stimes, smags, serrs, varperiod, varepoch, phasewrap, phasesort, phasebin, minbinelems, plotxlim, lspmethod1, lspmethodind=0, twolspmode=True, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, xliminsetmode=xliminsetmode, verbose=verbose, phasems=phasems, phasebinms=phasebinms, xticksize=xticksize, yticksize=yticksize, trimylim=trimylim) ########################################################## ### NOW PLOT PHASED LCS FOR 3 BEST PERIODS IN LSPINFO2 ### ########################################################## for periodind, varperiod, plotaxes in zip([0,1,2], lspbestperiods2[:3], [axes[6], axes[7], axes[8]]): # make sure the best period phased LC plot stands out if periodind == 0 and bestperiodhighlight: if MPLVERSION >= (2,0,0): plotaxes.set_facecolor(bestperiodhighlight) else: plotaxes.set_axis_bgcolor(bestperiodhighlight) _make_phased_magseries_plot(plotaxes, periodind, stimes, smags, serrs, varperiod, varepoch, phasewrap, phasesort, phasebin, minbinelems, plotxlim, lspmethod2, lspmethodind=1, twolspmode=True, magsarefluxes=magsarefluxes, xliminsetmode=xliminsetmode, verbose=verbose, phasems=phasems, phasebinms=phasebinms, xticksize=xticksize, yticksize=yticksize, trimylim=trimylim) # end of plotting for each ax # save the plot to disk fig.set_tight_layout(True) if not returnfigure: if plotfpath.endswith('.png'): fig.savefig(plotfpath,dpi=plotdpi) else: fig.savefig(plotfpath) plt.close() else: return fig if verbose: LOGINFO('checkplot done -> %s' % plotfpath) return plotfpath # otherwise, there's no valid data for this plot else: LOGWARNING('no good data') for periodind in range(5): axes[periodind+2].text( 0.5,0.5, ('no best aperture light curve available'), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axes[periodind+2].transAxes ) fig.set_tight_layout(True) if plotfpath.endswith('.png'): fig.savefig(plotfpath, dpi=plotdpi) else: fig.savefig(plotfpath) plt.close() if verbose: LOGINFO('checkplot done -> %s' % plotfpath) return plotfpath