Source code for astrobase.astrotess

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Luke Bouma ( - 09/2018

Contains various tools for analyzing TESS light curves.



import logging
from astrobase import log_sub, log_fmt, log_date_fmt

DEBUG = False
    level = logging.DEBUG
    level = logging.INFO
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)



import pickle
import os.path
import gzip
import sys
import glob

import numpy as np
from import fits as pyfits


[docs]def normalized_flux_to_mag(lcdict, columns=('sap.sap_flux', 'sap.sap_flux_err', 'sap.sap_bkg', 'sap.sap_bkg_err', 'pdc.pdcsap_flux', 'pdc.pdcsap_flux_err')): '''This converts the normalized fluxes in the TESS lcdicts to TESS mags. Uses the object's TESS mag stored in lcdict['objectinfo']['tessmag']:: mag - object_tess_mag = -2.5 log (flux/median_flux) Parameters ---------- lcdict : lcdict An `lcdict` produced by `read_tess_fitslc` or `consolidate_tess_fitslc`. This must have normalized fluxes in its measurement columns (use the `normalize` kwarg for these functions). columns : sequence of str The column keys of the normalized flux and background measurements in the `lcdict` to operate on and convert to magnitudes in TESS band (T). Returns ------- lcdict The returned `lcdict` will contain extra columns corresponding to magnitudes for each input normalized flux/background column. ''' tess_mag = lcdict['objectinfo']['tessmag'] for key in columns: k1, k2 = key.split('.') if 'err' not in k2: lcdict[k1][k2.replace('flux','mag')] = ( tess_mag - 2.5*np.log10(lcdict[k1][k2]) ) else: lcdict[k1][k2.replace('flux','mag')] = ( - 2.5*np.log10(1.0 - lcdict[k1][k2]) ) return lcdict
######################################################### ## LCDICT MAKING FUNCTIONS FOR TESS HLSP LC.FITS FILES ## ######################################################### # these appear to be similar to Kepler LCs, so we'll copy over stuff from # # this is the list of keys to pull out of the top header of the FITS LCTOPKEYS = [ 'DATE-OBS', 'DATE-END', 'PROCVER', 'ORIGIN', 'DATA_REL', 'TIMVERSN', 'OBJECT', 'TICID', 'SECTOR', 'CAMERA', 'CCD', 'PXTABLE', 'RADESYS', 'RA_OBJ', 'DEC_OBJ', 'EQUINOX', 'PMRA', 'PMDEC', 'PMTOTAL', 'TESSMAG', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'MH', 'RADIUS', 'TICVER', 'CRMITEN', 'CRBLKSZ', 'CRSPOC', ] # this is the list of keys to pull out of the light curve header LCHEADERKEYS = [ 'EXPOSURE', 'TIMEREF', 'TASSIGN', 'TIMESYS', 'BJDREFI', 'BJDREFF', 'TELAPSE', 'LIVETIME', 'INT_TIME', 'NUM_FRM', 'TIMEDEL', 'BACKAPP', 'DEADAPP', 'VIGNAPP', 'GAINA', 'GAINB', 'GAINC', 'GAIND', 'READNOIA', 'READNOIB', 'READNOIC', 'READNOID', 'CDPP0_5', 'CDPP1_0', 'CDPP2_0', 'PDCVAR', 'PDCMETHD', 'CROWDSAP', 'FLFRCSAP', 'NSPSDDET', 'NSPSDCOR' ] # this is the list of keys to pull out of the light curve FITS table LCDATAKEYS = [ 'TIME', 'TIMECORR', 'CADENCENO', 'QUALITY', 'PSF_CENTR1','PSF_CENTR1_ERR','PSF_CENTR2','PSF_CENTR2_ERR', 'MOM_CENTR1','MOM_CENTR1_ERR','MOM_CENTR2','MOM_CENTR2_ERR', 'POS_CORR1','POS_CORR2' ] # this is the list of columns to use for fluxes, backgrounds, errors LCSAPKEYS = ['SAP_FLUX','SAP_FLUX_ERR','SAP_BKG','SAP_BKG_ERR'] LCPDCKEYS = ['PDCSAP_FLUX','PDCSAP_FLUX_ERR'] # this is the list of keys to pull out of the aperture part of the light curve # we also pull out the whole pixel mask, which looks something like: # # array([[65, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 65, 65], # [69, 69, 69, 69, 65, 65, 65, 65, 69, 69, 65], # [65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 69, 65], # [65, 65, 65, 65, 75, 75, 65, 65, 65, 69, 65], # [65, 65, 65, 75, 75, 75, 75, 65, 65, 65, 65], # [65, 65, 65, 75, 75, 75, 75, 65, 65, 69, 65], # [65, 65, 65, 65, 75, 75, 65, 65, 65, 69, 65], # [65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 69, 65], # [69, 69, 69, 65, 69, 65, 65, 65, 69, 69, 65], # [65, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 65, 69, 69, 65, 65], # [65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65]], dtype=int32) # # FIXME: figure out what these values mean (probably flux-collected = 75 / # flux-available = 69 / flux-in-stamp = 65). we use CDELT1 and CDELT2 below to # get the pixel scale in arcsec/px LCAPERTUREKEYS = ['NPIXSAP','NPIXMISS', 'CDELT1','CDELT2']
[docs]def read_tess_fitslc(lcfits, headerkeys=LCHEADERKEYS, datakeys=LCDATAKEYS, sapkeys=LCSAPKEYS, pdckeys=LCPDCKEYS, topkeys=LCTOPKEYS, apkeys=LCAPERTUREKEYS, normalize=False, appendto=None, filterqualityflags=False, nanfilter=None, timestoignore=None): '''This extracts the light curve from a single TESS .lc.fits file. This works on the light curves available at MAST. TODO: look at: for details on the column descriptions and to fill in any other info we need. Parameters ---------- lcfits : str The filename of a MAST Kepler/K2 light curve FITS file. headerkeys : list A list of FITS header keys that will be extracted from the FITS light curve file. These describe the observations. The default value for this is given in `LCHEADERKEYS` above. datakeys : list A list of FITS column names that correspond to the auxiliary measurements in the light curve. The default is `LCDATAKEYS` above. sapkeys : list A list of FITS column names that correspond to the SAP flux measurements in the light curve. The default is `LCSAPKEYS` above. pdckeys : list A list of FITS column names that correspond to the PDC flux measurements in the light curve. The default is `LCPDCKEYS` above. topkeys : list A list of FITS header keys that describe the object in the light curve. The default is `LCTOPKEYS` above. apkeys : list A list of FITS header keys that describe the flux measurement apertures used by the TESS pipeline. The default is `LCAPERTUREKEYS` above. normalize : bool If True, then the light curve's SAP_FLUX and PDCSAP_FLUX measurements will be normalized to 1.0 by dividing out the median flux for the component light curve. appendto : lcdict or None If appendto is an `lcdict`, will append measurements of this `lcdict` to that `lcdict`. This is used for consolidating light curves for the same object across different files (sectors/cameras/CCDs?). The appending does not care about the time order. To consolidate light curves in time order, use `consolidate_tess_fitslc` below. filterqualityflags : bool If True, will remove any measurements that have non-zero quality flags present. This usually indicates an issue with the instrument or spacecraft. nanfilter : {'sap','pdc','sap,pdc'} or None Indicates the flux measurement type(s) to apply the filtering to. timestoignore : list of tuples or None This is of the form:: [(time1_start, time1_end), (time2_start, time2_end), ...] and indicates the start and end times to mask out of the final lcdict. Use this to remove anything that wasn't caught by the quality flags. Returns ------- lcdict Returns an `lcdict` (this is useable by most astrobase functions for LC processing). ''' # read the fits file hdulist = lchdr, lcdata = hdulist[1].header, hdulist[1].data lctophdr, lcaperturehdr, lcaperturedata = (hdulist[0].header, hdulist[2].header, hdulist[2].data) hdulist.close() hdrinfo = {} # now get the values we want from the header for key in headerkeys: if key in lchdr and lchdr[key] is not None: hdrinfo[key.lower()] = lchdr[key] else: hdrinfo[key.lower()] = None # get the number of detections ndet = lchdr['NAXIS2'] # get the info from the topheader for key in topkeys: if key in lctophdr and lctophdr[key] is not None: hdrinfo[key.lower()] = lctophdr[key] else: hdrinfo[key.lower()] = None # get the info from the lcaperturehdr for key in lcaperturehdr: if key in lcaperturehdr and lcaperturehdr[key] is not None: hdrinfo[key.lower()] = lcaperturehdr[key] else: hdrinfo[key.lower()] = None # if we're appending to another lcdict if appendto and isinstance(appendto, dict): lcdict = appendto # update lcinfo lcdict['lcinfo']['timesys'].append(hdrinfo['timesys']) lcdict['lcinfo']['bjdoffset'].append( hdrinfo['bjdrefi'] + hdrinfo['bjdreff'] ) lcdict['lcinfo']['lcaperture'].append(lcaperturedata) lcdict['lcinfo']['aperpix_used'].append(hdrinfo['npixsap']) lcdict['lcinfo']['aperpix_unused'].append(hdrinfo['npixmiss']) lcdict['lcinfo']['pixarcsec'].append( (np.abs(hdrinfo['cdelt1']) + np.abs(hdrinfo['cdelt2']))*3600.0/2.0 ) lcdict['lcinfo']['ndet'].append(ndet) lcdict['lcinfo']['exptime'].append(hdrinfo['exposure']) lcdict['lcinfo']['sector'].append(hdrinfo['sector']) lcdict['lcinfo']['camera'].append(hdrinfo['camera']) lcdict['lcinfo']['ccd'].append(hdrinfo['ccd']) lcdict['lcinfo']['date_obs_start'].append(hdrinfo['date-obs']) lcdict['lcinfo']['date_obs_end'].append(hdrinfo['date-end']) lcdict['lcinfo']['pixel_table_id'].append(hdrinfo['pxtable']) lcdict['lcinfo']['origin'].append(hdrinfo['origin']) lcdict['lcinfo']['datarelease'].append(hdrinfo['data_rel']) lcdict['lcinfo']['procversion'].append(hdrinfo['procver']) lcdict['lcinfo']['tic_version'].append(hdrinfo['ticver']) lcdict['lcinfo']['cr_mitigation'].append(hdrinfo['crmiten']) lcdict['lcinfo']['cr_blocksize'].append(hdrinfo['crblksz']) lcdict['lcinfo']['cr_spocclean'].append(hdrinfo['crspoc']) # update the varinfo for this light curve lcdict['varinfo']['cdpp0_5'].append(hdrinfo['cdpp0_5']) lcdict['varinfo']['cdpp1_0'].append(hdrinfo['cdpp1_0']) lcdict['varinfo']['cdpp2_0'].append(hdrinfo['cdpp2_0']) lcdict['varinfo']['pdcvar'].append(hdrinfo['pdcvar']) lcdict['varinfo']['pdcmethod'].append(hdrinfo['pdcmethd']) lcdict['varinfo']['target_flux_total_flux_ratio_in_aper'].append( hdrinfo['crowdsap'] ) lcdict['varinfo']['target_flux_fraction_in_aper'].append( hdrinfo['flfrcsap'] ) # update the light curve columns now for key in datakeys: if key.lower() in lcdict: lcdict[key.lower()] = ( np.concatenate((lcdict[key.lower()], lcdata[key])) ) for key in sapkeys: if key.lower() in lcdict['sap']: sapflux_median = np.nanmedian(lcdata['SAP_FLUX']) # normalize the current flux measurements if needed if normalize and key == 'SAP_FLUX': thislcdata = lcdata[key] / sapflux_median elif normalize and key == 'SAP_FLUX_ERR': thislcdata = lcdata[key] / sapflux_median elif normalize and key == 'SAP_BKG': thislcdata = lcdata[key] / sapflux_median elif normalize and key == 'SAP_BKG_ERR': thislcdata = lcdata[key] / sapflux_median else: thislcdata = lcdata[key] lcdict['sap'][key.lower()] = ( np.concatenate((lcdict['sap'][key.lower()], thislcdata)) ) for key in pdckeys: if key.lower() in lcdict['pdc']: pdcsap_flux_median = np.nanmedian(lcdata['PDCSAP_FLUX']) # normalize the current flux measurements if needed if normalize and key == 'PDCSAP_FLUX': thislcdata = lcdata[key] / pdcsap_flux_median elif normalize and key == 'PDCSAP_FLUX_ERR': thislcdata = lcdata[key] / pdcsap_flux_median else: thislcdata = lcdata[key] lcdict['pdc'][key.lower()] = ( np.concatenate((lcdict['pdc'][key.lower()], thislcdata)) ) # append some of the light curve information into existing numpy arrays # so we can sort on them later lcdict['exptime'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['exptime'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['exposure'], dtype=np.float64)) ) lcdict['sector'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['sector'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['sector'], dtype=np.int64)) ) lcdict['camera'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['camera'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['camera'], dtype=np.int64)) ) lcdict['ccd'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['ccd'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['ccd'], dtype=np.int64)) ) lcdict['pixel_table_id'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['pixel_table_id'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['pxtable'], dtype=np.int64)) ) lcdict['origin'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['origin'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['origin'], dtype='U100')) ) lcdict['date_obs_start'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['date_obs_start'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['date-obs'], dtype='U100')) ) lcdict['date_obs_end'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['date_obs_end'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['date-end'], dtype='U100')) ) lcdict['procversion'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['procversion'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['procver'], dtype='U255')) ) lcdict['datarelease'] = np.concatenate( (lcdict['datarelease'], np.full_like(lcdata['TIME'], hdrinfo['data_rel'], dtype=np.int64)) ) # otherwise, this is a new lcdict else: # form the lcdict # the metadata is one-elem arrays because we might add on to them later lcdict = { 'objectid':hdrinfo['object'], 'lcinfo':{ 'timesys':[hdrinfo['timesys']], 'bjdoffset':[hdrinfo['bjdrefi'] + hdrinfo['bjdreff']], 'exptime':[hdrinfo['exposure']], 'lcaperture':[lcaperturedata], 'aperpix_used':[hdrinfo['npixsap']], 'aperpix_unused':[hdrinfo['npixmiss']], 'pixarcsec':[(np.abs(hdrinfo['cdelt1']) + np.abs(hdrinfo['cdelt2']))*3600.0/2.0], 'ndet':[ndet], 'origin':[hdrinfo['origin']], 'procversion':[hdrinfo['procver']], 'datarelease':[hdrinfo['data_rel']], 'sector':[hdrinfo['sector']], 'camera':[hdrinfo['camera']], 'ccd':[hdrinfo['ccd']], 'pixel_table_id':[hdrinfo['pxtable']], 'date_obs_start':[hdrinfo['date-obs']], 'date_obs_end':[hdrinfo['date-end']], 'tic_version':[hdrinfo['ticver']], 'cr_mitigation':[hdrinfo['crmiten']], 'cr_blocksize':[hdrinfo['crblksz']], 'cr_spocclean':[hdrinfo['crspoc']], }, 'objectinfo':{ 'objectid':hdrinfo['object'], 'ticid':hdrinfo['ticid'], 'tessmag':hdrinfo['tessmag'], 'ra':hdrinfo['ra_obj'], 'decl':hdrinfo['dec_obj'], 'pmra':hdrinfo['pmra'], 'pmdecl':hdrinfo['pmdec'], 'pmtotal':hdrinfo['pmtotal'], 'star_teff':hdrinfo['teff'], 'star_logg':hdrinfo['logg'], 'star_mh':hdrinfo['mh'], 'star_radius':hdrinfo['radius'], 'observatory':'TESS', 'telescope':'TESS photometer', }, 'varinfo':{ 'cdpp0_5':[hdrinfo['cdpp0_5']], 'cdpp1_0':[hdrinfo['cdpp1_0']], 'cdpp2_0':[hdrinfo['cdpp2_0']], 'pdcvar':[hdrinfo['pdcvar']], 'pdcmethod':[hdrinfo['pdcmethd']], 'target_flux_total_flux_ratio_in_aper':[hdrinfo['crowdsap']], 'target_flux_fraction_in_aper':[hdrinfo['flfrcsap']], }, 'sap':{}, 'pdc':{}, } # get the LC columns for key in datakeys: lcdict[key.lower()] = lcdata[key] for key in sapkeys: lcdict['sap'][key.lower()] = lcdata[key] for key in pdckeys: lcdict['pdc'][key.lower()] = lcdata[key] # turn some of the light curve information into numpy arrays so we can # sort on them later lcdict['exptime'] = np.full_like(lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['exptime'][0], dtype=np.float64) lcdict['sector'] = np.full_like(lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['sector'][0], dtype=np.int64) lcdict['camera'] = np.full_like(lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['camera'][0], dtype=np.int64) lcdict['ccd'] = np.full_like(lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['ccd'][0], dtype=np.int64) lcdict['pixel_table_id'] = np.full_like( lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['pixel_table_id'][0], dtype=np.int64, ) lcdict['origin'] = np.full_like( lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['origin'][0], dtype='U100', ) lcdict['date_obs_start'] = np.full_like( lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['date_obs_start'][0], dtype='U100', ) lcdict['date_obs_end'] = np.full_like( lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['date_obs_end'][0], dtype='U100', ) lcdict['procversion'] = np.full_like( lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['procversion'][0], dtype='U255', ) lcdict['datarelease'] = np.full_like( lcdict['time'], lcdict['lcinfo']['datarelease'][0], dtype=np.int64, ) # normalize the SAP and PDCSAP fluxes, errs, and backgrounds if needed if normalize: sapflux_median = np.nanmedian(lcdict['sap']['sap_flux']) pdcsap_flux_median = np.nanmedian(lcdict['pdc']['pdcsap_flux']) lcdict['sap']['sap_flux'] = ( lcdict['sap']['sap_flux'] / sapflux_median ) lcdict['sap']['sap_flux_err'] = ( lcdict['sap']['sap_flux_err'] / sapflux_median ) lcdict['sap']['sap_bkg'] = ( lcdict['sap']['sap_bkg'] / sapflux_median ) lcdict['sap']['sap_bkg_err'] = ( lcdict['sap']['sap_bkg_err'] / sapflux_median ) lcdict['pdc']['pdcsap_flux'] = ( lcdict['pdc']['pdcsap_flux'] / pdcsap_flux_median ) lcdict['pdc']['pdcsap_flux_err'] = ( lcdict['pdc']['pdcsap_flux_err'] / pdcsap_flux_median ) ## END OF LIGHT CURVE CONSTRUCTION ## # update the lcdict columns with the actual columns lcdict['columns'] = ( [x.lower() for x in datakeys] + ['sap.%s' % x.lower() for x in sapkeys] + ['pdc.%s' % x.lower() for x in pdckeys] + ['exptime','sector','camera','ccd', 'pixel_table_id', 'origin', 'date_obs_start', 'date_obs_end', 'procversion', 'datarelease'] ) # update the ndet key in the objectinfo with the sum of all observations lcdict['objectinfo']['ndet'] = sum(lcdict['lcinfo']['ndet']) # filter the LC dict if requested if (filterqualityflags is not False or nanfilter is not None or timestoignore is not None): lcdict = filter_tess_lcdict(lcdict, filterqualityflags, nanfilter=nanfilter, timestoignore=timestoignore) # return the lcdict at the end return lcdict
[docs]def consolidate_tess_fitslc(lclist, normalize=True, filterqualityflags=False, nanfilter=None, timestoignore=None, headerkeys=LCHEADERKEYS, datakeys=LCDATAKEYS, sapkeys=LCSAPKEYS, pdckeys=LCPDCKEYS, topkeys=LCTOPKEYS, apkeys=LCAPERTUREKEYS): '''This consolidates a list of LCs for a single TIC object. NOTE: if light curve time arrays contain nans, these and their associated measurements will be sorted to the end of the final combined arrays. Parameters ---------- lclist : list of str, or str `lclist` is either a list of actual light curve files or a string that is valid for glob.glob to search for and generate a light curve list based on the file glob. This is useful for consolidating LC FITS files across different TESS sectors for a single TIC ID using a glob like `*<TICID>*_lc.fits`. normalize : bool If True, then the light curve's SAP_FLUX and PDCSAP_FLUX measurements will be normalized to 1.0 by dividing out the median flux for the component light curve. filterqualityflags : bool If True, will remove any measurements that have non-zero quality flags present. This usually indicates an issue with the instrument or spacecraft. nanfilter : {'sap','pdc','sap,pdc'} or None Indicates the flux measurement type(s) to apply the filtering to. timestoignore : list of tuples or None This is of the form:: [(time1_start, time1_end), (time2_start, time2_end), ...] and indicates the start and end times to mask out of the final lcdict. Use this to remove anything that wasn't caught by the quality flags. headerkeys : list A list of FITS header keys that will be extracted from the FITS light curve file. These describe the observations. The default value for this is given in `LCHEADERKEYS` above. datakeys : list A list of FITS column names that correspond to the auxiliary measurements in the light curve. The default is `LCDATAKEYS` above. sapkeys : list A list of FITS column names that correspond to the SAP flux measurements in the light curve. The default is `LCSAPKEYS` above. pdckeys : list A list of FITS column names that correspond to the PDC flux measurements in the light curve. The default is `LCPDCKEYS` above. topkeys : list A list of FITS header keys that describe the object in the light curve. The default is `LCTOPKEYS` above. apkeys : list A list of FITS header keys that describe the flux measurement apertures used by the TESS pipeline. The default is `LCAPERTUREKEYS` above. Returns ------- lcdict Returns an `lcdict` (this is useable by most astrobase functions for LC processing). ''' # if the lclist is a string, assume that we're passing in a fileglob if isinstance(lclist, str): matching = glob.glob(lclist, recursive=True) LOGINFO('found %s LCs: %r' % (len(matching), matching)) if len(matching) == 0: LOGERROR('could not find any TESS LC files matching glob: %s' % lclist) return None # if the lclist is an actual list of LCs, then use it directly else: matching = lclist # get the first file consolidated = read_tess_fitslc(matching[0], normalize=normalize, headerkeys=LCHEADERKEYS, datakeys=LCDATAKEYS, sapkeys=LCSAPKEYS, pdckeys=LCPDCKEYS, topkeys=LCTOPKEYS, apkeys=LCAPERTUREKEYS) # get the rest of the files if len(matching) > 1: for lcf in matching[1:]: consolidated = read_tess_fitslc(lcf, appendto=consolidated, normalize=normalize, headerkeys=LCHEADERKEYS, datakeys=LCDATAKEYS, sapkeys=LCSAPKEYS, pdckeys=LCPDCKEYS, topkeys=LCTOPKEYS, apkeys=LCAPERTUREKEYS) # get the sort indices. we use time for the columns and sectors for the # bits in lcinfo and varinfo LOGINFO('sorting by time...') # NOTE: nans in time will be sorted to the end of the array finiteind = np.isfinite(consolidated['time']) if np.sum(finiteind) < consolidated['time'].size: LOGWARNING('some time values are nan! ' 'measurements at these times will be ' 'sorted to the end of the column arrays.') # get the time sort index column_sort_ind = np.argsort(consolidated['time']) # sort the columns by time for col in consolidated['columns']: if '.' in col: key, subkey = col.split('.') consolidated[key][subkey] = ( consolidated[key][subkey][column_sort_ind] ) else: consolidated[col] = consolidated[col][column_sort_ind] info_sort_ind = np.argsort(consolidated['lcinfo']['sector']) # sort the keys in lcinfo for key in consolidated['lcinfo']: consolidated['lcinfo'][key] = ( np.array(consolidated['lcinfo'][key])[info_sort_ind].tolist() ) # sort the keys in varinfo for key in consolidated['varinfo']: consolidated['varinfo'][key] = ( np.array(consolidated['varinfo'][key])[info_sort_ind].tolist() ) # filter the LC dict if requested # we do this at the end if (filterqualityflags is not False or nanfilter is not None or timestoignore is not None): consolidated = filter_tess_lcdict(consolidated, filterqualityflags, nanfilter=nanfilter, timestoignore=timestoignore) return consolidated
################## ## INPUT/OUTPUT ## ##################
[docs]def tess_lcdict_to_pkl(lcdict, outfile=None): '''This writes the `lcdict` to a Python pickle. Parameters ---------- lcdict : lcdict This is the input `lcdict` to write to a pickle. outfile : str or None If this is None, the object's Kepler ID/EPIC ID will determined from the `lcdict` and used to form the filename of the output pickle file. If this is a `str`, the provided filename will be used. Returns ------- str The absolute path to the written pickle file. ''' if not outfile: outfile = '%s-tesslc.pkl' % lcdict['objectid'].replace(' ','') # we're using pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL here, this will make Py3 pickles # unreadable for Python 2.7 with open(outfile,'wb') as outfd: pickle.dump(lcdict, outfd, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return os.path.abspath(outfile)
[docs]def read_tess_pklc(picklefile): '''This turns the pickled lightcurve file back into an `lcdict`. Parameters ---------- picklefile : str The path to a previously written Kepler LC picklefile generated by `tess_lcdict_to_pkl` above. Returns ------- lcdict Returns an `lcdict` (this is useable by most astrobase functions for LC processing). ''' if picklefile.endswith('.gz'): infd =, 'rb') else: infd = open(picklefile, 'rb') try: with infd: lcdict = pickle.load(infd) except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(picklefile,'rb') as infd: lcdict = pickle.load(infd, encoding='latin1') LOGWARNING('pickle %s was probably from Python 2 ' 'and failed to load without using "latin1" encoding. ' 'This is probably a numpy issue: ' '' % picklefile) return lcdict
################################ ## TESS LIGHTCURVE PROCESSING ## ################################
[docs]def filter_tess_lcdict(lcdict, filterqualityflags=True, nanfilter='sap,pdc,time', timestoignore=None, quiet=False): '''This filters the provided TESS `lcdict`, removing nans and bad observations. By default, this function removes points in the TESS LC that have ANY quality flags set. Parameters ---------- lcdict : lcdict An `lcdict` produced by `consolidate_tess_fitslc` or `read_tess_fitslc`. filterflags : bool If True, will remove any measurements that have non-zero quality flags present. This usually indicates an issue with the instrument or spacecraft. nanfilter : {'sap','pdc','sap,pdc'} Indicates the flux measurement type(s) to apply the filtering to. timestoignore : list of tuples or None This is of the form:: [(time1_start, time1_end), (time2_start, time2_end), ...] and indicates the start and end times to mask out of the final lcdict. Use this to remove anything that wasn't caught by the quality flags. Returns ------- lcdict Returns an `lcdict` (this is useable by most astrobase functions for LC processing). The `lcdict` is filtered IN PLACE! ''' cols = lcdict['columns'] # filter all bad LC points as noted by quality flags if filterqualityflags: nbefore = lcdict['time'].size filterind = lcdict['quality'] == 0 for col in cols: if '.' in col: key, subkey = col.split('.') lcdict[key][subkey] = lcdict[key][subkey][filterind] else: lcdict[col] = lcdict[col][filterind] nafter = lcdict['time'].size if not quiet: LOGINFO('applied quality flag filter, ' 'ndet before = %s, ndet after = %s' % (nbefore, nafter)) if nanfilter and nanfilter == 'sap,pdc,time': notnanind = ( np.isfinite(lcdict['sap']['sap_flux']) & np.isfinite(lcdict['sap']['sap_flux_err']) & np.isfinite(lcdict['pdc']['pdcsap_flux']) & np.isfinite(lcdict['pdc']['pdcsap_flux_err']) & np.isfinite(lcdict['time']) ) elif nanfilter and nanfilter == 'sap,time': notnanind = ( np.isfinite(lcdict['sap']['sap_flux']) & np.isfinite(lcdict['sap']['sap_flux_err']) & np.isfinite(lcdict['time']) ) elif nanfilter and nanfilter == 'pdc,time': notnanind = ( np.isfinite(lcdict['pdc']['pdcsap_flux']) & np.isfinite(lcdict['pdc']['pdcsap_flux_err']) & np.isfinite(lcdict['time']) ) elif nanfilter is None: pass else: raise NotImplementedError # remove nans from all columns if nanfilter: nbefore = lcdict['time'].size for col in cols: if '.' in col: key, subkey = col.split('.') lcdict[key][subkey] = lcdict[key][subkey][notnanind] else: lcdict[col] = lcdict[col][notnanind] nafter = lcdict['time'].size if not quiet: LOGINFO('removed nans, ndet before = %s, ndet after = %s' % (nbefore, nafter)) # exclude all times in timestoignore if (timestoignore and isinstance(timestoignore, list) and len(timestoignore) > 0): exclind = np.full_like(lcdict['time'],True).astype(bool) nbefore = exclind.size # get all the masks for ignoretime in timestoignore: time0, time1 = ignoretime[0], ignoretime[1] thismask = ~((lcdict['time'] >= time0) & (lcdict['time'] <= time1)) exclind = exclind & thismask # apply the masks for col in cols: if '.' in col: key, subkey = col.split('.') lcdict[key][subkey] = lcdict[key][subkey][exclind] else: lcdict[col] = lcdict[col][exclind] nafter = lcdict['time'].size if not quiet: LOGINFO('removed timestoignore, ndet before = %s, ndet after = %s' % (nbefore, nafter)) return lcdict